2448 results for: influencer marketing

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64% of Advertisers Expect to Increase Paid Social Media Advertising Budgets in 2013

Social media marketing can be broken down into two simple segments: free and paid. According to research commissioned by Vizu, a Nielsen company, and conducted by Digiday, paid social media advertising is a widely utilized channel and is expected to claim a bigger share of budgets in 2013. Free vs. paid The study found that…

A Look Into the Crystal Ball: What’s in Store for Online Advertising in 2013

By Jeremy Bloom, Co-Founder of Integrate Content consumption is happening everywhere on an ever-increasing number of devices: e-readers, game consoles, smartphones, ultrabooks, smart TVs, tablets, ad infinitum. In no industry is this trend more apparent than in digital marketing, where platforms rise and fall like kingdoms in the Fertile Crescent. 2013 will be a year…

Local-Commerce Profile: Q&A With Koopedia

We’re continuing our series of profiles of local-commerce companies by featuring Koopedia. The purpose of these Q&A interviews is to give merchants, marketers and others in the industry a look at what some companies out there are doing. These profiles are also meant to offer different takes on the future of the local-commerce industry. Koopedia…

How Marketers Can Master the ‘Know, Like, Trust’ Factor to Grow Your Online Audience

Here’s the cold reality: “No matter how strong a writer you are, you won’t grow the vibrant audience that supports your business until you fit one more piece into place.” That one piece is the “know, like, trust” factor. Lucky for you, Georgina El Morshdy, a copywriter and content marketing consultant, shares some helpful tips:…

5 Things Marketers Should Know About Generating Leads on Google+

Google+ boasted an audience of 29 million unique visitors in the U.S. in November, according to comScore. This puts Google’s social network behind Facebook (150 million), LinkedIn (41 million) and Twitter (40 million), but ahead of Pinterest and Instagram (25 million each). This is a solid position for Google+, one that’s even better when you…

Online Marketing Trends for 2013: Mobile, Attribution Modeling and Inbound Marketing

“Online marketing in 2012 could be summed up in a few words: mobile, big brands and Google updates,” writes Joanna Lord, vice president of growth marketing at SEOmoz. So what will be in store for online marketing in 2013? Lord shares 10 predictions, among which are: increased “second screen” (i.e., mobile) value, an evolution in…

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