
  • Groupon Opens a Concept Store in Hong Kong

    As part of its efforts to expand beyond daily deals, Groupon has opened its first concept store in Hong Kong. The store will be located in Soundwill Plaza in Causeway Bay’s shopping area. Customers will be able to redeem lifestyle products and test them in a physical setting. Danny Yeung, chief executive and founder of […]

  • Facebook and Yahoo Working Together on a Search Partnership?

    According to The Sunday Telegraph, unnamed sources are saying that Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg have been discussing how the two companies can work together on a search engine. However, Kara Swisher at AllThingsD said her sources say the two companies are not talking about a search partnership, and that Microsoft […]

  • Groupon Makes Always-on Offers Searchable

    Groupon is unveiling a new deal structure and is redesigning its home page to enable consumers to search for offers that won’t disappear. The daily-deals giant was the master of serendipity, but it’s now focusing on being a better place for consumers to shop for things they’re already looking for. In New York and Chicago, […]

  • How to Tell When It’s Time to Get a Mobile Website

    Mobile is all the rage, but how can a company tell if it’s the right time for a mobile website? Though a company’s website might show up OK on a smartphone, a lack of conversions and a high bounce rate may occur if the site lacks functionalities or has features that just don’t work as […]

  • How to Use Pinterest to Generate Leads: 7 Things Marketers Need to Remember

    Contrary to popular belief, Pinterest isn’t just a negligible leisure site where women ogle photos of wedding dresses and food. Not convinced? Check out these statistics: Pinterest boasted 25.3 million unique visitors in September, making it the 50th biggest site in the U.S. (comScore) Pinterest was the fourth-biggest source of referral traffic in August, accounting […]

  • Lead Generation’s Sad Holiday Season: What Marketers Can Do Until the New Year

    The holiday season is such a wonderful time of year

  • Google Is Close to Bringing Its Maps App to Apple’s iOS

    Google has distributed a test version of its new iOS-friendly mapping app to select individuals outside of the company, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. The app will use Google’s own data and will include turn-by-turn navigation, which wasn’t included in the previous Apple version of Google’s Maps app, thanks to the […]

  • How to Prepare Your Email Campaign for Black Friday

    Black Friday is just a week away, and with retail spending expected to rise this year, it’s crucial to make sure your email campaign is optimized to bring in more sales and better engagement. For starters, make sure you know what you’re offering. This requires an understanding of your budget and expected return. Knowing this […]

  • Why Facebook Decreased Page Reach by More Than 40%

    Yes, Facebook has reined back page reach. Since August, there has been a sharp drop in reach across pages of all sizes. According to research from We Are Social and Socialbakers, the average post’s organic reach has dipped by more than 40 percent since the end of August, and there are no signs of the […]

  • 5 Legal Concerns All Lead-Generation Marketers Must Know About

    Strategies, tactics and budgets often lay claim to a lot of marketers’ attention. But all that could mean nothing if a law or regulation is violated and dire consequences are handed down by the powers that be. So to help marketers navigate their pursuit of leads in a way that complies with the rules of […]