Big Martech Changes Help DXL Engage Shoppers
Better segmentation and an improved martech stack is helping Destination XL
boost engagement with retail customers in-store and online. -
5 Strategies for Better B2B Ecommerce
Today’s B2B ecommerce models go beyond automated ordering systems, putting more emphasis on relationships and less on transactions.
Data Driven ROI
4 Tips for Maximizing Trade Show Marketing With Digital
Here are four tips for a successful transition, from the moment you scan a live lead at a trade show to that lead’s conversion into a sales opportunity
What Your Customer Lifecycle Should Have in Common with the Four Seasons
Here’s what your company can learn from the Four Seasons when it comes to engagement throughout the customer lifecycle.
Can Your Customers Count On You in a Hurricane?
As a nation we’ve been fixated recently by several catastrophic hurricanes. For those at a distance it seems like an overwhelming human crisis. But it’s also a business crisis.
What the Federal Government Can Learn from B2B Marketing
To reach the right decision makers with the right message, politicians should to take a page out of the B2B marketing playbook. Here’s three strategies for them to consider.
Customers Should Be the Focus of Your B2B Story
Want to tell better B2B stories? Put your customer at the center of the tale.
Building a B2B Loyalty Program With B2C Tactics
There is no barrier keeping B2B loyalty programs from accessing the consumer marketers’ relationship-building resources.
The Mysteries of No Complaints and Customer Retention
A fundamental of customer retention is that it costs more to acquire a customer than to keep one. But sometimes, customers leave without warning. Why?
Data & Analytics
Maximizing Customer Retention: A Data Fitness Test
Properly assessed and skillfully deployed data can give marketers better visibility into past, present and future customer behavior with a reasonable sense of accuracy. But only by gauging the health of our data using a structured process do we have a chance of successfully harnessing this incomparable resource. All companies face four critical issues addressable […]