2450 results for: influencer marketing

Search Results

Understanding How Macro and Micro Forces Influence Marketing

|  by Gavin Finn

B2C and B2B marketers must look at both the macro and micro forces that are shaping the behavior of their audiences along with the increasingly rapid pace of technological change to understand how to drive interesting and exciting discoveries and innovations in almost every personal, business, and public policy arena.

Chief Business Marketer 6/23/16

|  by Tony Campana

Chief Business Marketer Email Optimization | Forming a True Sales-Marketing Partnership | %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION: 1542351-View Web Version%% June 23, 2016 The Challenges of B2B Email Engagement Engaging increasingly mobile prospects is a major challenge for B2B email marketers, says Wilde's Nancy Harhut, who will be a featured speaker at B2B LeadsCon. More… SPONSORED BY: Get…

What Springsteen Knew About B2B Marketing Automation

|  by Ray Kemper

When Bruce Springsteen sang, “I just want someone to talk to – and a little of that human touch” he wasn’t talking about marketing automation, but he might as well have been.

Building a Strong Marketing Data Strategy

|  by Curtis Thornhill & Elizabeth Dobbin

Knowing the best way to classify and build a structure to successfully use data in marketing is essential. Where do you begin?

Chief Marketer-This Week 6-10-16

|  by Tony Campana

Chief Marketer This Week Email Optimization | Forming a True Sales-Marketing Partnership | %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION: 1542351-View Web Version%% June 10, 2016 Join us Tuesday, June 14, in NYC Next week, at PROMONext, Chief Marketer presents 5 top marketers from major brands. The speakers will share strategies, insights, case studies and results.  These high-energy, educational sessions…

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  • Engagement (664)
  • Digital (444)
  • Social (408)
  • Acquisition (384)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (362)
  • Engage & Convert (285)
  • Data Driven ROI (227)
  • Demand Gen (214)
  • Events (208)
  • Data & Analytics (200)
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  • Promotion (153)
  • CRM (112)
  • Data (96)
  • Experiential (95)
  • Content Marketing (80)
  • Influencer Marketing (73)
  • B2B (59)
  • Database marketing (59)
  • Search (54)
  • Lead generation (45)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (1109)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (297)
  • Tony Campana (247)
  • Patty Odell (206)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (152)
  • Richard H. Levey (23)
  • Chief Marketer (22)
  • Brian Quinton (19)
  • Jasmine Brown (6)
  • Casey McClay (5)
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  • Posts (2022)
  • E-Letters (370)
  • Blog (22)
  • Special Reports (14)
  • Sponsored Content (12)
  • Partner Content (9)
  • Webinars (1)
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