Maximizing Your Mobile Traffic — 3 Tips

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

By Bas Offers

Mobile Internet usage is on the rise, with more than 55% of Internet traffic coming from phones or tablets. The rise of mobile has had a profound impact on the way mobile content is presented, and how campaigns are designed. Have you already hopped on the mobile train? If not, here are a couple of tips on how to maximize monetization from your mobile traffic.

In contrast to desktop users, mobile Internet users are all about immediacy since they are more likely to look at content on-the-go. The attention span of mobile users therefore tends to be short and fragmented. This is why the most important thing when designing a mobile campaign is to think about offering immediate relevancy and bite-sized information. Engagement should be instant for mobile campaigns in order to capture and convert leads.

First, it’s important to check how wide your mobile audience is. If you distribute campaigns through publishers it’s important to check the percentage of mobile traffic, as some publishers might send desktop campaigns to mobile users. This may result in lower conversions for you, as desktop campaigns are often not displayed correctly on mobile phones. Understanding the percentage of your mobile target audience can also help you to decide what you’re going to do about mobile traffic.

Secondly, understand the mobile user. As mentioned above, mobile internet users search for services or products because they are often ready to buy instantly. That’s why mobile channels offer such a tremendous chance to interact with your customers at exactly the right moment, for example when they are in the vicinity, which is why geotargeting is an important tool in mobile marketing.

When it comes to targeting mobile users, it’s also important to look closely at their data as brands or advertisers might see different audiences across providers. Understanding this data is crucial in targeting the right audience.

Top 3 Tips to Optimize Mobile Forms

1. Responsive Design
Most content layout is now done with responsive design, meaning that the layout responds to the screen size it is presented on. This means content will automatically fit the device the user is accessing it from. Typically responsive design responds to four different screen sizes: wide desktop, normal desktop, tablet and mobile phone.

2. Mobile Flow
Since users are accessing forms on a much smaller screen than a desktop, the central message of the campaign needs to be short and concise, and include a strong call-to-action to grab the mobile user’s interest.

3.    User-friendliness
Consider spacing your questions out along the form, rather than showing lots of questions on the first page which might scare your leads away.  All the important information should be at the top of the screen since scrolling for miles reduces the willingness of mobile users to complete campaigns.

If you’re doing mobile email campaigns, make sure to only use single columns as it is easier to read on mobile devices. Links and buttons should be large and easy to click on a small mobile screen. It is also handy to use sliders or simple select tools rather than having the user type in words or numbers. The fewer clicks the user has to make, the better.

The easiest way to convert mobile leads is to include Click2Call, or to make the whole form a Click2Call form to increase click-through-rates and conversions. When implementing a Click2Call campaign, it is often good to give the user an option: Call now, or request a call by entering a form.

Lastly, speed is of utmost importance. Anything that takes too long to load reduces user interest.

This means only small images should be included since bigger-sized imaged will take too long to load and reduce overall speed. It is also a good idea to preload the whole campaign, rather than relying on loading every single step. About 50%, of mobile users actually rely on Wifi at home or in the office. This has a big impact on what you present and what loading times are for the user.

Bas Offers is co-founder of ReviMedia.       

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