Data & Analytics
Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Requirements: What Marketers Need to Do Now
How marketers can respond to the rollout of the next iOS 14 update, which implements its App Tracking Transparency (ATT).
Data & Analytics
Lessons Learned on Data Privacy From Pharmaceutical Marketers
As brands explore alternatives to third-party cookies, marketers can take a page from the pharmaceutical industry.
Four Tips for Delivering a Seamless Customer Experience for Online Shoppers
Tactics for converting omnichannel shoppers, from AI-based search to live chat to establishing a unified customer view.
French’s Taps Tom Colicchio to Get Consumers to Switch From Mayo to Mustard
A recent New York City pop-up from French’s mustard that complied with local dining restrictions and social distancing rules without compromising on design, engagement, creativity…or taste.
Demand Gen
Producing Live Events Post-COVID: Nine Resources for Event Marketers
Nine resources to help marketers implement effective, safe and productive live events going forward.
Lessons Learned From Burger King’s International Women’s Day Tweet
To avoid controversy associated with negative brand perception, brands can take a proactive approach and consider the following.
How Marketers Can Approach the Rise in Facebook Advertising Costs
How brands can develop benchmarks for metrics on Facebook as the cost of CPMs continue to rise.
Loyalty Marketing
Wisconsin Cheese Gets Personal With Virtual SXSW Sampling Event
When SXSW announced it would hold an all-digital festival for 2021, Wisconsin Cheese knew it couldn’t disappoint its fans. Check out its highly-interactive event.
Data & Analytics
McKinsey & Company Report: Omnichannel Is the Way Forward for B2B
If your B2B organization hasn’t hired “hybrid” sales reps yet, it probably will be doing so soon—or risk falling behind the competition.
Three LinkedIn Features for B2B Businesses
Check out these three useful marketing tools for B2B companies.