Unsubscribe from Good Housekeeping … It Ain’t Easy.

Posted on by Patty Odell

It’s been a long slog.

I signed up to receive emails from Good Housekeeping. I found them fun and informative with lots of tips, tricks and inspiring ideas for home and health.

But, alas, as many of us, I was getting WAY too many emails and decided that Good Housekeeping was one that would have go. So began my quest around March 2013 to get unsubscribed.

goodhousekeeping200I went the traditional route, following the instructions at the bottom of the email: “If you wish to change your email preferences or opt-out of receiving future marketing communications from Good Housekeeping, please visit our Email Preference.” I clicked on the link and dutifully followed the instructions. No results. I tried again. No results.

In May 2013, I turned to email … multiple times. Again, no luck.

In January (now 2014) I went to Facebook. I posted a note that said” What does it take to be removed from the Good Housekeeping email list????? I’ve been asking since March!! and I just keep getting their emails. Sigh….”

On Jan. 10, I heard back. “Hi Patty – can you please email us as [email protected] and we’ll look into this for you.” I responded: “I appreciate your response to my Facebook posting. It’s nice to know someone is paying attention.” I know, a little snippy.

The emails stopped.

The publicity of posting a negative comment at the Good Housekeeping Facebook page with its 32,000 + likes is unfortunately what got the attention.  A lot of attention has been placed on monitoring social networks for just such comments, but let’s not forget about the other forms of communication that are just as important.


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