3 Reasons Why YOU Should Enter the 2016 PRO Awards

Posted on by Patty Odell

The 2016 PRO Awards are in its 26th year honoring excellence in promotion marketing, that’s everything from events to

PRO Award Winners
2015 PRO Award winners celebrating a Gold PRO Award

digital to sweepstakes to sampling to influencers and everything in between. Over the years, the campaigns have been truly astounding in their creativity, marketing strategies and results. That’s promotion marketers for ya—all sizzle! This year will be no exception.

You’ve done the hard work, now it’s time to show it off. Here are 3 reasons why YOU should enter the PRO Awards.

  1. Recognition: First and foremost, you and your team should be widely recognized for your hard work. You put in the time, the sweat, the worry and it paid off. A PRO Award takes a prominent place in your resume, a glowing achievement that is sure to boost your career aspirations.
  1. New Business: There is no better way to prove to prospective—and existing—clients that your team is the one for the job than to show off a PRO Award. Each winning entry is stamped with approval by the dozens of brand marketers and agency professionals who judge the campaigns each year. Each judge reviews your campaign objectives, solutions, experience and each and every piece of creative you submit. All that adds up to tangible credibility.
  1. Media coverage/Bragging Rights: Winning PRO Award campaigns—Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze—are all featured in a Special Print Edition of Chief Marketer, as well as online at Chiefmarketer.com. We’re proud too of the work you’ve done and we boast about it on all our social media channels including Twitter and Facebook. And, if you’re one of our 2017 PROMO Top Shops—our annual listing of the Top 100 U.S. promotion marketing agencies—you get an added bonus. A special icon appears next to your online/print listing identifying your agency as a PRO Award winner. Now that’s a great way to catch the eye of companies looking for strategic partners that excel in their core services.

So go for it. Show us your stuff and take home a 2016 PRO Award this June at PROMONext: Leaders in Promotional Marketing Conference & The PRO Awards Gala, June 14 at 3 West in NYC.


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