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A Recap of Groupon’s Rough 2012

Groupon’s troubles were well documented by the media in 2012, and logically so. The daily-deals giant’s surge to an IPO in November 2011 and its quick fall from grace, along with internal turmoil along the way, made for good drama

DM Confidential’s 10 Most Popular Posts of 2012 (and More)

With 2012’s hours numbered, we wanted to take a moment to look back at the most popular posts on DM Confidential in the past year. We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, our readers, for reading, sharing and commenting on our stories in 2012. There will be loads of juicy developments and…

What Marketers Need to Know about the CFPB Exam Procedures for Student Lenders

By Jonathan L. Pompan and Andrew D. Price, Venable LLP The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ("CFPB") has released procedures it will use in examining student lenders. The Student Lending Examination Procedures, available here, set forth the CFPB's examination objectives and provide an outline of the "modules" that examiners will use in six examination areas: (1)…

Infographic: 20 Memorable Marketing Moments From 2012

What better way to recap 2012 than with an infographic looking back at 20 of the biggest marketing stories of 2012? HubSpot is offering just. Here are some of the big moments of 2012, recapped by the infographic: –

11 Types of Marketing Emails That Should Look Good

The copy, call-to-actions, segmented lists and other factors are certainly worth paying close attention to when sending out email marketing messages, but marketers can’t forget about the visual appeal of those emails. Marketers may pay close attention to the aesthetics of their emails when they launch a campaign, but there are many other types of…

Starbucks Is Mobile Marketer of 2012, McDonald’s Is Mobile Advertiser of 2012

According to Mobile Marketer, Starbucks is the 2012 Mobile Marketer of the Year. “Instead of following in the steps of competitors, the coffee giant has implemented its own mobile-first strategy that is unlike any other and features the latest technology such as QR codes and augmented reality, as well as traditional channels including SMS, mobile…

Infographic: The State of Online Video in 2012

SundaySky, a company that helps businesses reach prospects and customers with video, offers an overview of the state of online video in 2012. The company used its own data and pulled stats from various sources, including comScore, eMarketer, Nielsen and Pew Internet, to create this infographic. Among the interesting findings are: –

Facebook Allows Advertisers to Customize Ad Headlines

Facebook is giving advertisers the ability to customize the headlines of their sidebar ads for their Facebook pages, apps and events via the API, Power Editor and self-serve ad tool. This ability to tailor headlines was previously available only to advertisers linking off of Facebook. All advertisers are now able to customize their headlines with…