Yahoo will put a giant snow globe in Times Square this Friday to help holiday shoppers.
The snow globe houses “Comparison Shopping Santa,” who shows consumers how to compare goods and prices online (and poses for photos with visitors). Wi-Fi Internet kiosks let visitors shop online in the globe. The globe is open Nov. 26-27 only.
“This event emphasizes the fun, ease and ultimate convenience of online shopping, whether people start shopping now or wait until the last minute,” said Yahoo Shopping VP-General Manager Rob Solomon in a statement. Sunnyvale, CA-based Yahoo handles marketing in-house; Absolute Hollywood, Los Angeles, created the snow globe venue.
An online Wish and Win sweepstakes touts Yahoo’s “Save and Share” service that lets consumers create a wish list of goods they find online, then mail it to family or friends.
The sweeps will award five grand-prize wish list packages: Playful (plasma TV and hot tub); Fun-Loving (Rollerblades, snorkeling gear, trampoline); Contemporary (Blackberry, iPod, diamond earrings); Trendy (satellite radio, Segway, yoga kit); and Adventurous (ATV, skis, camping gear).
Winners also can opt for $10,000 cash instead. The sweepstakes runs through Dec. 24.