Using Customer Data to Improve Marketing ROI

The power of customer data is understood by all marketers. But even the most well-planned engagement strategies can be undercut by incomplete, inconsistent, fragmented and inaccurate customer data.

Companies with a strong data management strategy can gain a 360-view of their customer base, boost revenue and conversion rates and optimize sales across multiple channels.

Join us on Thursday, April 7 at 2 pm ET for a free webinar, “Improve Marketing Results With Great Customer Data,” to learn how marketers are fueling their analytics and application strategies.

Experts offering examples, best practices and insights on customer data management strategies will include John Donlon, research director, marketing operations, SiriusDecisions; Kim Salem-Jackson, senior VP, worldwide field marketing, Informatica; and Jakki Geiger, senior director, information quality solutions marketing, Informatica.

In the past, marketers struggled with having no control over their systems, as IT owned and managed all infrastructure centrally. On-premise and homegrown systems dominated the martech landscape, and functional data existed in silos. Choosing and purchasing new software was a cumbersome process.

Today, the challenges are a little different. Platform choices abound and data creation is unmetered, as marketers have numerous sources to gather customer information. Marketers now have the flexibility to acquire their own software, and processes within organizations.

Register now for this free webinar to learn how you can unify your data strategy.