Paula Bowen of Renton, WA, may have never heard the name “Miguel Tejada” until he replaced New York Yankees slugger Jason Giambi in the Century 21 Home Run Derby.
But the Orioles shortstop clubbed an event-record 27 homers in Houston Monday, topping a field of better-known stars and earning Bowen the grand prize of $250,000 toward the purchase of a home in the annual Century 21 Home Run Derby All-Star Sweepstakes.
Eight sweepstakes finalists randomly selected from entries received through Century 21’s Web site, in-office displays at participating Century 21 offices and mail-in entry forms, each were paired with a Major League Baseball All-Star player. Through three elimination rounds, the eight sluggers battled for the derby title.
Century 21 would not say how many total entries were received in the sweepstakes.
In other Century 21 news, the real estate company and (the Web site of Black Entertainment Television) have launched an online education campaign to increase home ownership among African-Americans. launched the Owning a Home Club sponsored by Century 21, with online information and resources for first-time homebuyers. Consumers go to to learn about mortgages, credit and real estate and to access home-affordability and true-cost calculators, online mortgage applications and other home-buying tools from Century 21.
Property listings on the site cover 17 markets including Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York and Washington, DC.