TEAM Coalition and NFL Promote Fan Responsibility

TEAM Coalition, in conjunction with the NFL, is sponsoring a contest that dangles tickets to the Super Bowl as an incentive to drink responsibly and appoint a designated driver.

Contestants get a chance to be a season-long designated driver for each of the NFL teams. Fans can enter the contest, “Responsibility Has Its Rewards,” on the TEAM Coalition Web site at

At the end of the season, one designated driver from each team will be chosen to represent the home stadium. Drivers for the 2004 Super Bowl teams each win two tickets to the game in Houston, roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodations. One other driver will get a trip to the Pro Bowl.

TEAM Coalition is an alliance of professional sports, entertainment facilities, stadium service partners, the beer industry, broadcasters, and governmental traffic safety experts working together to promote responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at sports facilities.

TEAM Coalition handles the promotion in house. Television and radio PSAs support.