Mobile CX: How Burger King, Chipotle & More Are Getting It Right
A good mobile CX strategy is crucial. After all, it takes 12 good brand experiences
to make up for one bad one. Here’s four brands getting it right. -
Profiles & Campaigns
AI Helps KPMG Realign Digital Marketing Focus
A digital-first focus using AI to pinpoint prospects that are in-market
is helping transform KPMG’s B2B marketing strategy. -
Data Driven ROI
In the Age of AI, CMOs Still Need to Take Risks
AI is changing the rules , but CMOs should still have the courage
to take risks (like Cheetos jewelry) in a data-driven world. -
Digital Experience: What Martech Path Is Right For You
What makes more sense, to invest in a digital experience martech
solution from a vendor, or assemble one on your own? -
Marketing Benefits of AI and Machine Learning
Advances in machine learning and AI are revolutionizing all aspects of business
and industry, but most marketers have only scratched the surface. -
Direct Marketing | Print
Click to Call: Why Businesses are Moving Away from the Dial Tone
What tech do you need to consider to talk more quickly with your target customers online?
Data & Analytics
High Measurement Maturity Marketers Reap Way More Benefits than their Peers
These leaders earn approximately $4 for every dollar they spend on marketing
measurement, generate nearly 3 percent more leads and other benefits. -
AI Could Drive Double Digit Marketing Growth
Less than one in five B2B firms are using AI, but the majority of those already
on the AI train are forecasting a double-digit lift in the next two years. -
Five Ways to Use Text Analysis
Text analysis helping transform digital marketing strategies.
Here’s five ways it can help your team. -
Facts & Figures
Scalability Outweighs Martech Functionality for Retailers: Forrester
Scalability is the most important criteria for retailers when considering
martech investments, according to a new report from Forrester.