

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: A Squared Group for Gap

    2012 PRO Award Finalist: A Squared Group for Gap and the “Pico De Gap” experiential promotion.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: MSL New York for Procter & Gamble

    P&G brand Prilosec OTC and MSL New York tied heartburn prevention to football with an integrated campaign that asked fans to send in recipes and photos showng why they are “parking lot pros” at tailgate parties, supporting the effort with customized local NFL events and a contest judged by comedian Larry the Cable Guy.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: AMP Agency for Samsonite

    2012 PRO Award Finalist: AMP Agency for Samsonite and the “Samsonite Tough Tour” experiential promotion.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: The Integer Group for MillerCoors

    To Increase case sales of Coors, MillerCoors worked with the Integer Group to get a message out to Latinos of Mexican and Dominican heritage that the National Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 12, 2011 was a time for all Latino groups to “emboricuate” (refresh) their celebration.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: United States Tennis Association for USTA

    2012 PRO Award Finalist: United States Tennis Association for USTA and the “SmashZone Mobile Tour.”

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: MASS Hispanic for Kimberly-Clark

    The Latina mom is the healthcare gatekeeper of the family. Hispanic households have more children, and many parents are not compensated when out of work, so a child’s sick day can be very costly. Health concerns drive Latina moms to take proactive measures. But culturally they often prefer products with multiple uses. Mindful of cost, many Latinos are blowing their noses with handkerchiefs, napkins and even toilet paper and do not see the inherent value in tissue.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: George P. Johnson for Cisco

    Cisco’s 2011 Global Sales Experience conference put social, mobile and interactive tools into the hands of some 22,000 company sales staff from 95 countries. Attendees could manage their agenda via mobile apps, unlock badges for consuming content, attend virtual sessions and even take part in an educational role-playing game, “A Matter of Time”.

  • Ryan Partnership Knows the View from the Aisles

    In-store marketing has grown up into a more impactful, data-driven proposition: shopper marketing. And that means a greater involvement by promotional agencies in designing, activating and analyzing campaigns brands run inside retail outlets, says Karen Gebhart, senior vice president of Ryan Partnership, one of this year’s Top 10 in-store/shopper marketing specialist agencies.

  • 2012 PRO Award Finalist: Arnold Worldwide for Vertex Pharmaceuticals

    Four million people in the U.S. have hepatitis C and 3 million don’t know it. The unbranded hepatitis C awareness movement was created by Vertex Pharmaceuticals to help spread awareness and understanding of the disease, provide education and encourage individuals who may be at risk to get tested.

    New York City was selected as a target market because it is has the highest concentration of individuals infected with hepatitis C in the nation. Hispanics and African Americans were targeted because they have the highest prevalence numbers.

  • Mobile Looms Large as Facebook Fights Branding Medium Label

    There’s a lot more news in Facebook-land than just its recently announced financial performance. Nestled within the company’s very first earning report and related management call are a number of gems regarding how marketers can best make use of changes the social network is planning. Want a hint? Think mobile, and think it a lot.