Improve Online Events By Tracking Attendee Behavior
Using modern webcast and virtual environment technology, you can track attendance, run surveys and and pose questions during the event to keep attendees engaged. But what if you could track their actual behavior?
Kellogg, Verizon use Gamification to Build Loyalty
Three ways gamification can benefit brands.
UGG VP Marketing on Tom Brady’s Impact on the Brand
Nancy Mamann, vice president of marketing, UGG Australia, talks about the impact quarterback Tom Brady’s participation has had on the brand.
One Hand Washes the Other
This is a nice story.
Two women, Lisa Nativo and Jaclyn Kolsby, worked for GT Events, a marketing and brand promotion agency located in Culver City, CA. The two women left the agency and opened a food truck called “Nonna’s Kitchenette,” serving gourmet Italian food.
Email, Search Help Drive Black Friday, Cyber Monday Spending
So, did you dash to the malls or to your laptop/tablet/phone on a tryptophan high last week? A lot of folks did, and their way was guided by search results and email deals.
Black Friday 2012 Sales Trend Round-Up
Black Friday sales were up, as consumers shopped both online and instore in droves. Here’s a round-up of the weekend’s stats and trends.
In Two Months, Walgreens Gets 28 Million Loyalty Members
Walgreens debuts its first loyalty program, Balance Rewards.
Arm & Hammer Reinforces Brand Value with Mobile Coupons
Arm & Hammer is using a mobile coupon as a way to gather customer intelligence from some retailers not willing to share that data.
The Look-at-Me Season
A lot of exhibitors bend over backwards to get the attention of attendees
2012 PRO Award Winner, Best Promotion: Grey Alliance for Canon USA
2012 PRO Award Finalist: Grey Alliance for Canon USA and its “Project Imagin8ion” user-generated photo contest.