Direct Mail
Pull Double Digit Response Rates and Close Sales Quickly
Want a big response and quick sales from your next direct marketing effort? Then take your direct mail program to the extreme. When you take things to the extreme many people will love it and a few will hate it. But you won’t be ignored. What do I mean by extreme? Keep reading.
The Blind Leading the Blind
OK, I’LL ADMIT IT: I’M A postal nut. The first thing I do every day to tap into the latest buzz is search the Web for postal news from around the world
More Postal Misery
How sad. AOL is asking e-mailers to pay a few pennies to guarantee delivery, and critics are griping. Oh, give it up. You don’t know what misery is. We’ll
Next Year’s Hit
IT’S NOT ALL BAD NEWS. Yes, mailers will be hit with a postage increase next year. But they may be able to save money by drop shipping and commingling.
Try This, Try That
AT A RECENT MARKETING conference, a case study was presented on the use of digital printing for a prominent nonprofit. The nonprofit experienced unbelievable
Pitney Bowes Buys Two Firms
Pitney Bowes Inc. has acquired Advertising Audit Service (AAS) and PMH Caramanning. AAS provides Web-based tools for customizing promotional mail and marketing collateral, and PMH Caramanning offers loyalty, incentive and certification solutions as well as collateral and reward fulfillment.
Homemade Measurements for Magazines
Buy Lisa Brodsky a celebratory beer the next time you see her. Brodsky was recently promoted to senior group marketing manager for Country Home and Traditional Home, two Meredith Corp. magazines. In making the announcement, Meredith highlighted her use of market research to demonstrate the value of buying space to its advertisers.
RR Donnelley Opens Mail Consolidation Facility
R.R. Donnelley & Sons. Co. has expanded its print logistics capabilities by opening a mail consolidation facility.
Auto Dealers Use Direct Mail as Movie Tie-In Driver
More than 6,000 auto dealers are expected to participate in a joint promotion with the upcoming Disney-Pixar film “Cars.” Under the terms of the campaign, participating dealers send out direct mail letters offering two free tickets to “Cars” to vehicle prospects who visit showrooms. The letters are customized with the dealer’s name and address on them.
Standard Mail Rates Could Rise by 9%
Standard mailers would have to fork over some 9% more in postage costs under the U.S. Postal Service’s just-announced rate case filing with the Postal Rate Commission. First class stamp prices would go up by 3 cents.