Chief Outsiders’ Survey of CMOs Reveals 2020 Digital Marketing Trends
Nearly half of CMOs surveyed say business and economic conditions in 2020 will have a negative impact on business performance, but 80 percent plan to increase digital advertising spend.
Google Chrome’s Phase Out of Third-Party Cookies: Implications for Marketers
What marketers need to know about Google Chrome’s privacy announcement.
Retail Ho Ho Holidays: 3 Tips for Improving Sales
Creating a retail holiday is an opportunity to inject growth into a brand, connect with customers
during otherwise stagnant seasons and make an entire array of interactions shoppable. -
Data Driven ROI
7 Digital Marketing Trends to Consider for 2020
What are biggest digital marketing trends for 2020? More—as in more influencer marketing,
more content, more video and more of what will get consumers engaged with your brand. -
Profiles & Campaigns
CMO Q&A: McAfee’s Cybersecurity Marketing Challenges
McAfee CMO Allison Cerra shares the challenges of promoting and staffing in the cybersecurity space.
Profiles & Campaigns
Justworks Refines Online Lead Nurturing With Testing
Testing creative and calls to action is helping Justworks improve
its online lead nurturing and conversion rates. -
The AI Paradox: Why More Automation Means We Need More Humanity
How does a brand reap the benefits of AI and marketing automation, and
become more “human” at the same time? The answer lies in organizational empathy. -
Evaluating Sports Sponsorship Impact: 3 Tips
Sports sponsorship packages are pan-digital, intending to display logos or
“@” mentions across many assets. In social media, the metrics can get fuzzy. -
Profiles & Campaigns
Q&A: PwC’s Path to Digital Transformation
Chief commercial officer Reggie Walker chats about how Big Four auditing firm PwC is connecting with a diverse global audience, and what’s next.
Facts & Figures
Easy Returns Process Crucial to Ecommerce Success: UPS
The ability to easily make returns plays a huge part in where online shoppers
decide to spend their ecommerce dollars, according to a new report from UPS.