Swiffer Kicks off YouTube Video Contest

Procter & Gamble’s Swiffer brand has partnered with Warner Music Group to roll out its first music video contest.

People can submit music videos of a minute or less featuring either a Swiffer Duster, Swiffer Wet Jet mop, Swiffer Sweeper or a Swiffer Sweeper Vac to http://www.Youtube.com/swifferbreakup through Jan. 30. Each video must include one of 15 Warner Music Group “break up” songs offered on the site showing how people have broken up with their old cleaning methods and have fallen for a Swiffer product.

One grand-prize winner gets $15,000; five runners-up each receive $1,000. Lesser prizes include Swiffer products and music downloads.

A team of cleaning advisors and music professionals will pick the best 10 videos, which will be posted on YouTube. Visitors can vote for the winner between Feb. 4 to 19. The top picks will be revealed on Feb. 20.

As an incentive for entering, people can download 10 “break up” songs from http://www.Swiffer.com. The company is also giving away a “break up” song each week to the first 1,000 entrants through Feb. 20 at http://www.amplified.com/swifferbreakup-weeklysong.

Swiffer seems to have a following on YouTube. Before the contest launched, the video-sharing site had more than 600 videos that feature a Swiffer product, Glenn Williams, a Procter & Gamble spokesperson, said.

“This program will be a great way to keep Swiffer culturally relevant while providing a fun way for consumers to interact with the brand,” he said in a statement.

Banner ads and PR support the promotion. MSL Entertainment handles the contest for Swiffer.

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