4474 results for: loyalty

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Flying the Coup

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Want to pull people into your store? Try coupons. Maybe you'd like to reactivate old customers or encourage sampling? Same advice. But that doesn't mean

The Comeback Kid

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Grocery shoppers have a new mindset: They're siphoning money away from milk and eggs and putting it in the gas tank. Some are listening to consumerists

Shelf Help

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Borders wants to sell you a book online at last. That's right. The chain hadn't sold books on the Web until it relaunched its site (www.borders.com) in

Stacking Up

When it comes to shoppers returning to the same store time and time again, Wal-Mart is a dominant force across all retail categories. But the discount

M-Commerce is Here, Get Used To It

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Launching a mobile channel by the end of the week is most certainly not a matter of life or death. But, said speakers at the recent Internet Retailer Conference and Expo, it is something worth trying

Cannes Day #5

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

A couple notes about Cannes. It is, for one week in June, the place where you bump into some of the most creative people in the world. People who think independently, take contrarian viewpoints, and create change

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  • Engagement (1239)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (536)
  • Data Driven ROI (531)
  • Acquisition (441)
  • Engage & Convert (293)
  • Digital (285)
  • Events (285)
  • Loyalty Marketing (269)
  • Social (257)
  • Data & Analytics (178)
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  • Promotion (765)
  • CRM (339)
  • Experiential (198)
  • Games (119)
  • Sweepstakes (119)
  • Database marketing (87)
  • Data (74)
  • Content Marketing (45)
  • Search (41)
  • Loyalty Marketing (32)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (2657)
  • Tony Campana (781)
  • Patty Odell (258)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (161)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (105)
  • Richard H. Levey (31)
  • Brian Quinton (30)
  • Chief Marketer (25)
  • Tim Parry (12)
  • David Hurwitz (11)
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  • Posts (3469)
  • E-Letters (899)
  • Blog (56)
  • Special Reports (33)
  • Sponsored Content (7)
  • Partner Content (5)
  • Webinars (5)
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