4474 results for: loyalty

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Women Thriftier Shoppers Than Men?

A November consumer survey by Ipsos Public Affairs and SoundBite Communications reveals that almost 130 million Americans planned to rely on loyalty programs for rewards and discounts when shopping for gifts this past holiday season. Not surprisingly, ...

How the Call Center Killed My Cablevision Relationship

|  by Tim Parry

Sadly, the economy has forced me to drop something I have been extremely loyal to over the past eight years in this house: Cablevision, or more important, News12 Connecticut (Cablevision's local news station). Switching to AT&T's U-Verse triple-play ...

Miller High Life Offers Up Super Bowl Alternative

|  by Tim Parry

Grant Johnson mentioned Miller High Life's 1 Second Ad campaign last week. I'm just reinforcing that I like it... to a degree. I think I may have recently blasted Miller High Life's loyalty program recently, but I can't find the link. But the 1 ...

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  • Chief Marketer Staff (2657)
  • Tony Campana (781)
  • Patty Odell (258)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (161)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (105)
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