2652 results for: influencers

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The Bubble Is Bursting

We'd joke and say that you'd have to be Osama bin Laden to not know of the housing crisis stemming from a complete meltdown in our credit system, but then again, bin Laden probably knows more about it than we...

Women Don’t Just Buy Brands, They Join Them

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

From "cocooning" to "cashing out" to "down-aging," noted marketer and author Faith Popcorn's predictions about our changing society have been spot on. So what does the founder of marketing consultancy firm BrainReserve think about women and their brand-sense? Click here and find out.

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  • Engagement (692)
  • Digital (456)
  • Social (418)
  • Acquisition (390)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (362)
  • Engage & Convert (289)
  • Data Driven ROI (232)
  • Events (219)
  • Demand Gen (216)
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  • Promotion (173)
  • CRM (115)
  • Experiential (106)
  • Data (97)
  • Content Marketing (80)
  • Influencer Marketing (73)
  • Search (61)
  • B2B (59)
  • Database marketing (59)
  • Lead generation (46)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (1235)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (301)
  • Tony Campana (247)
  • Patty Odell (212)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (155)
  • Richard H. Levey (23)
  • Chief Marketer (23)
  • Brian Quinton (21)
  • Jasmine Brown (6)
  • Casey McClay (5)
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  • Posts (2217)
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