2652 results for: influencers

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Exploring your trade show options

Do big industry trade shows have a future? There are many reasons why B-to-B companies might be growing tired of their industry-specific trade shows: --Travel is both expensive and an increasingly huge hassle --It's hard to figure out if/how the ...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Social Media Marketing 2010

If you're in San Francisco on July 8th then Social Media Marketing 2010 is the event for you.

The Human Network

If you read last week's article, you were introduced to two very different startups in the performance marketing space. We nicknamed them brawn versus brains. The former didn't have the fancy...

Apple Age

For a big group of performance-marketers, a trip to the Moscone Center in San Francisco automatically conjures up associations related to April and ad:tech. For another group of patrons, the Moscone Center means something else...

Sales Forces Unite

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Last year, many businesses tightened budgets by reducing staff and people-related expenses like benefits, incentives and training. But now it's time to

Promo 100 Profile: CSE

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Sports marketing has come a long way from the days of being about who has the biggest sign. Today, sports marketing efforts created by CSE center around

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  • Engagement (692)
  • Digital (456)
  • Social (418)
  • Acquisition (390)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (362)
  • Engage & Convert (289)
  • Data Driven ROI (232)
  • Events (219)
  • Demand Gen (216)
  • Data & Analytics (204)
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  • Promotion (173)
  • CRM (115)
  • Experiential (106)
  • Data (97)
  • Content Marketing (80)
  • Influencer Marketing (73)
  • Search (61)
  • B2B (59)
  • Database marketing (59)
  • Lead generation (46)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (1235)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (301)
  • Tony Campana (247)
  • Patty Odell (212)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (155)
  • Richard H. Levey (23)
  • Chief Marketer (23)
  • Brian Quinton (21)
  • Jasmine Brown (6)
  • Casey McClay (5)
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  • Posts (2217)
  • E-Letters (370)
  • Blog (27)
  • Special Reports (16)
  • Sponsored Content (12)
  • Partner Content (9)
  • Webinars (1)
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