Old Navy Names New Canine Mascot

Old Navy has found its latest spokesdog star in the form of a shaggy, free-spirited canine named Paco from Venice Beach, CA.

The two-year-old pup Paco was one of more than 120,000 entries submitted in Old Navy’s Canine Casting Call promotion this spring. Old Navy launched the contest April 24 through May 25 as part of its search to find a new spokesdog for its holiday advertising campaign (PROMO Xtra, May 3, 2006).

Consumers submitted their dog’s photo and personality profile online or by attending casting calls in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and New York City. A panel of celebrity judges narrowed the submissions down to six finalists for a public vote.

Hundreds of thousands of consumers cast their vote for six canine finalists between June 23 through July 7. Each vote triggered an instant-win game piece for a chance at a $10 Old Navy gift card. A total 1,665 cards were awarded.

Paco will replace Old Navy’s former mascot, Magic, who first appeared in company ads in a back-to-school campaign in July 1995. Paco’s owners, Olivia Wilde Ruspoli and Tao Ruspoli won a trip for two with their dog to Los Angeles for a photo shoot and $7,000 spending money. Consumers can read Paco’s profile online at OldNavy.com/magic.

“Paco perfectly captures the spirit and optimism of Old Navy,” the Web site says. “Nothing gets this dog down—except for the occasional yoga pose.”

Magic starred in more than 60 ads and became an icon for the brand. His last appearance was in the spring of 2001.

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