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Postal and e-mail addresses are available for 287,388 individuals in the construction industry who registered at This file includes builders, general contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers and developers.

SELECTIONS: Title/job function, number of employees, sales revenue, recency, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Wealth Window Power Spenders

These 2.9 million consumers reportedly are in the top 10% for discretionary income. Their average net worth is $2.5 million. Data is derived from more than 80 sources, including financial institutions.

SELECTIONS: Age, child’s age/gender, dwelling type, ethnicity, homeowners, home value, household income, length of residence, mail order buyers, marital status, occupation, telephone number, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2971

Hispanic Interests Network

The 433,143 listed here requested an online newsletter from a social networking Web site. E-mail addresses and telephone numbers are available.


PRICE: $95/M (base)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

RAM Personal Finance/Investment

A file of 212,694 small business and home office workers who indicated a propensity to invest in stocks, bonds and certificates of deposit. Direct mail and survey data are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Gender CreditLink credit scoring, adult’s/child’s age, income, length of residence, telephone number, credit card, lifestyle, mail order buyers, last-30-day new movers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (base)

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3768

American Thoracic Society

Some 20,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, nurses, respiratory therapists and other healthcare professionals are identified. More than half are U.S. members. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Area of interest, board certification, clinical practice, professional activities, state/SCF

PRICE: $275/M (U.S. members); $225/M (international members)

CONTACT: MGI Lists, 703-706-0390

PennWell Renewable Energy DB

PennWell Corp.’s Renewable Energy database names subscribers to such publications as Power Engineering, Power Engineering International, and Renewable Energy World, as well as those who have attended the Power-Gen Renewable Energy & Fuels conferences. There are 51,695 U.S. and some 40,000 Canadian and other international subscribers listed. Postal and matching e-mail addresses are available.

SELECTIONS: Job title, involvement, form of energy, number of employees, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M (U.S. subs); $280/M (Canadian/international subs)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

G. Anderson Homebase Buyers

This is a list of more than 106,000 entrepreneurs who purchased information last year on achieving financial independence. Telephone numbers are available. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: GT List Services, 845-918-1622

Astrology Fanatics

This new list group includes names from France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Counts range from 163,000 to 221,000. The minimum sale was $40. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, geographic

PRICE: $195/M to $250/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-207-0227

Innovative Direct Buying Club

These two files name 155,474 African Americans and 104,478 Hispanics who joined buyer clubs in the last 12 months. Each member has a credit card. The average sale was $84. Telemarketing, direct mail, DRTV and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Lifestyle, hotlines, age, gender, income, child’s age/age range, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4450

Buyers 360°

Names of coupon clippers and opportunity seekers are offered in the Buyers 360° list group. The one-month hotline counts are 246,319 and 171,480, respectively. Sources include direct mail, e-mail, Web sites, telemarketing and DRTV.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Credit card, travelers, magazine subscribers, news and financial subscribers, financial seminar attendees, homeowners, donors, investors, catalog/online/retail shoppers, ethnicity, credit score index, health/fitness, sports, pet owners, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (base)

CONTACT: Focus USA, 201-489-2525

Time-share Owners Direct

This list names 241,593 owners of time-shares at various resorts. The average individual on file is 59 years old and earns $67,000 a year. Public records are the source.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, household income, lifestyle, telephone number, last-12-month buyers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 770-474-0218

Electrical Solutions

This magazine’s lists offer the names of 48,364 subscribers and 46,083 e-mail addresses. Electrical Solutions is read by sellers and buyers of new, used and surplus electrical equipment, materials, services and supplies.

SELECTIONS: Electrical/utility contractor, telephone number, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $140/M (postal file) $325/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 201-529-2600

ASFS Sleep Disorder Prescription Users

America Shops for Savings’ file identifies 86,654 consumers who responded to outbound telemarketing surveys. Without being offered any incentives, these individuals provided information about themselves or family members who use prescription drugs for sleep disorders.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, telephone number, demographic, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $175/M

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Apartment Pre-Movers

Consumers who signed apartment leases are named on separate lists that specify move-in and move-out dates. The last-12-month counts are 275,000 and 220,000, respectively. This data from large apartment complexes is available for major markets nationwide, except California.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, hotlines, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M (move-in dates) $95/M (move-out dates)

CONTACT: Beach List Direct Inc., 615-356-1100

Investor’s Business Daily

Paid and trial subscribers’ e-mail addresses are available from Investor’s Business Daily. More than 120,000 addresses were combined from associated print and online publications. The source is direct to publisher (via traditional mail and e-mail).

SELECTIONS: Last one- and three-month hotlines, home address, business address,gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $300/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Lexis-Nexis Retail Executives

Lexis-Nexis offers a list of 32,206 retail executives at business and home addresses. Store managers, cashiers and sales clerks are among those named. Numerous sources include public records.

SELECTIONS: Title, number of employees, annual sales, telephone number, age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M (business address); $100/M (home address)

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 631-787-3029

Now America Mail Order Buyers

A list of nearly 22 million names. Data is derived from online and offline credit card transactions and lifestyle surveys.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, demographic, credit card, dollar amount of purchase, ethnicity, adult’s/child’s gender, household income, lifestyle, presence of children, language, regional, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: PK List Marketing Inc., 224-217-5063

National Catholic Education Association

This group’s list names 30,176 active members. Annual dues average $500. Members include directors, administrators and other education professionals.

SELECTIONS: Boards of education, elementary/secondary/seminary religious education, diocesan-level administrators, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Infocus Marketing Inc., 800-708-5478

Printery House Hispanic Buyers

Some 4,600 Hispanic buyers are on The Printery House catalog’s list. Customers purchased religious greeting cards and gifts such as stationery, jewelry, figurines and prints.

SELECTIONS: Spanish speaking, gender, $25-/$50-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Technology Transfer Tactics Newsletter

Postal and e-mail address master files offer more than 15,000 and 170,000 records, respectively. Both lists identify active subscribers, expires, trial subscribers, sample requesters and prospects from monthly e-mail newsletters like Technology Transfer Tactics and Intellectual Property Marketing Advisor.


PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1024


Youthful Innovations

Macromark Inc. has been named manager of the Youthful Innovations file. It lists 11,990 buyers who bought a skin-care product, including 2,654customers from last year. These individuals called a toll-free 800 number and spent $65 or more. Direct mail isthe source.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Fast Company

Fast Company magazine’s file of some 740,000 subscribers is now managed by Millard Group Inc. Business owners, managers and other executives are listed. Postal and e-mail addresses are available.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $155/M (base)

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Small Business Digest

Information Strategies Inc. recently tapped DirectInnovations Inc. as list manager for Small Business Digest. Postal addresses are available for 265,092 newsletter subscribers, as well as 116,104 e-mail addresses. About 81% of subscribers are business owners or company presidents.

SELECTIONS: Company size, gender, job function/title, telephone number, sales volume, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (postal); $175/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: DirectInnovations Inc., 404-402-2825


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NEW LISTS has lists of 502,827 postal and 602,827 e-mail addresses. Fans of college and professional teams are named.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, sports interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (postal); $150/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Certified Horsemanship Association

This file identifies 11,059 certified instructors and teaching facilities. CHA members receive a subscription to The Instructor, a quarterly journal. Eighty-four percent are women.


PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Allen Brothers Great Steakhouse Steaks

Allen Brothers Inc. is offering the names of 51,248 who made purchases from the Great Steakhouse Steaks catalog during the last 12 months. A typical customer is 45 years old and has a $250,000 annual household income. The average sale exceeds $250. Direct mail (70%) and the Internet (30%) are the sources. List rental reciprocity is required and no telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Purchase amount ranges, hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

Now America Travelers

More than 14.8 million travelers’ names are assembled here. Inquiries for telemarketing will be considered. The source is a lifestyle questionnaire.

SELECTIONS: Adventure/business/pleasure travel, age, credit card, demographics, ethnicity, adult’s/child’s gender, household income, lifestyle, mail order buyer, monthly hotline, presence of children, regional, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: PK List Marketing Inc., 224-217-5063

B2BBase Prospect-Plus

More than 6 million business-to-business buyers are identified on this cooperative database, including 3.8 million from the last 12 months. Sources include direct mail and Experian demographics. This data is available to non-merchandise/non-seminar mailers and non-publishers that can participate in this co-op for prospecting purposes.

SELECTIONS: Recency, frequency, dollar amount, product, number of employees, sales volume, year business started, SIC code, title/job function, gender, one per company, derogatory legal indicator, UCC data indicator, recent high credit, total combined trade line, state/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 518-225-0767

Woodwork Magazine

After being off the market for about a year, a list of 7,500 active subscribers to Woodwork magazine has been reintroduced. New Track Media is the list owner.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4104

VON E-mail and Postal Addresses

VON, a controlled circulation magazine for information technology professionals, has brought out a file of 24,746 subscribers’ postal and e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, title, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $300/M (postal);$400/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700, ext. 136 (postal); ext. 144 (e-mail)

Investor Update Newsletter

StreetAuthority LLC is offering a list of 42,652 subscribers to Investor Update Newsletter. This free title covers the stock market. Sources include Web site registration/co-registration, direct mail and space ads.


PRICE: $175/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Cellular Phone Owners

Nearly 865,000 owners of cell phones and other mobile devices are identified. Sources include online registrations, survey responses and lifestyle questionnaires.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, monthly hotline, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (postal); $100/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: eTargetMedia, 954-480-8470

Crazy FoxBusiness Opp Buyers

More than 4,150 Canadian consumers who responded to a work-at-home promotion in 2008’s fourth quarter are listed. The unit of sale was $50. The file is available for postal and telemarketing offers. An infomercial is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, province

PRICE: $125/M (postal); $250/M (telemarketing)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300


Aero Design & Manufacturing Co. recently released a file of catalog customers and inquirers. Some 33,335 buyers and 9,170 inquirers from the last 12 months are available, among other segments. The average sale was $140 for jackets, helmets, gloves and related products for motorcyclists.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, purchase amount ranges, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1012

State Children’s Charities Lists

Contributors who responded to appeals from organizations that support children are named on various files. A total of 391,689 donors from California and 101,602 from Massachusetts are listed. Separate files identify similar contributors in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. Sources include telemarketing, direct mail and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Age range, direct mail sold, ethnicity, gender, household income, telephone number, religion, SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Tax-Free Investment Seekers

More than 5 million names have been added to this database of investors, raising the count to 6.6 million. These individuals have put money in tax-free funds. Sources include face-to-face interviews and follow-up questionnaires, direct mail, and public records.

SELECTIONS: Last-six-month hotline, affluent lifestyle, adult’s/child’s age, donor, education, ethnicity, gender, home value, income, mail order buyer, marital status, occupation, telephone number, presence of children, real estate investor, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Tire Business Daily E-mail Newsletter

Crain Communications offers e-mail addresses of 10,136 subscribers to the Tire Business Daily e-newsletter. Independent tire dealers and company-owned outlets are among the subscribers.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type

PRICE: $350/M

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900


A list of more than 45,000 paid subscribers to Directorship magazine is available. Readers include corporate directors and chief executives.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $200/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2500

Ziff Davis Media/Entertainment Consumers

Postal and e-mail addresses for some 700,000 consumers are listed here. These individuals indicated an interest in such products as flat-screen TVs, sound systems, DVD players and game consoles. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, recency, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M (postal); $175/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200


Scuttlebutt magazine’s list of 361,373 names is now available. This title is targeted to boaters and watercraft enthusiasts in the Midwest. Roughly 80% are women. The file includes subscribers, requesters and prospects. Half of the magazine’s distribution is in Minnesota and Wisconsin.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

EMS Training DB/Real Estate and Construction

Names of 88,815 who work in real estate and construction have been gathered from the EMS Training database. Those listed include financial managers, company owners and presidents. Some of the highest counts are available for California, Maryland, Texas and Illinois. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Title/job function, max per company/site, telephone number, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1025

Help Me Stay Healthy/High Blood Pressure

Some 2 million individuals who requested online information about high blood pressure are named. Several other ailment-specific segments are offered as well. Health-related Web sites are the source.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, gender household income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: List Bargains, 914-617-8138

High-Tech Savvy and High Income Households

More than 7.6 million names of subscribers to high-tech publications comprise this file. Postal and e-mail addresses can be rented. These individuals typically have annual household income of at least $150,000.

SELECTIONS: Gender, homeowner, household income, mail order buyer, marital status, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal): $100/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7056

Business Travelers From American Executive Network

Some 503,927 postal and 444,726 e-mail addresses of executives and other professionals are listed. Sources include direct mail, Web sites and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type, number of employees, gender, recency, SIC code, title/job function, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $175/M (postal); $250/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Sweet and Powerful Catalog

Matrix Group Ltd. has put together a list of 122,447 who ordered from the Sweet and Powerful catalog over the last 12 months. Products sold include women’s apparel and accessories for the youth and junior markets. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, gender, dollar amount of purchase, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4160

Now America Files

This new list group features segments targeting African Americans, Hispanics, families with children, mail order buyers, seniors and subscribers. Millions of names are available. Sources include credit card transactions and other survey data.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age/gender, child’s age range, demographic, ethnicity, credit card buyers, household income, lifestyle monthly hotline, number of children, regional, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M to $95/M

CONTACT: PK List Marketing Inc., 224-217-5063

Country/Western Wear Enthusiasts

Consumers who requested information about boots, hats, jeans, home d


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Laptops for Less

This list names 125,000 buyers of parts and accessories for laptop computers. Batteries and projector lamps were among the products sold. The unit of sale was $90. is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

QualityStocks for Women

E-mail addresses for 3.5 million subscribers to the QualityStocks for Women newsletter are listed. The file is updated daily.


PRICE: $50/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2400

Opportunity Seekers From Dow Theory Forecasts

This is one of several lists derived from the Dow Theory Forecasts newsletter subscriber file. It identifies 99,060 investors who reportedly are seeking a variety of opportunities. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $145/M (base)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

October Research Corp. Product Buyers

Names 38,540 subscribers to such newsletters as The Title Report, Valuation Review, Real Estate Technology News, and Mortgage Law Central. Readers are real estate and mortgage industry execs.


PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Horizon Gold Card Sub-Prime Applicants

The 441,565 listed here applied for an unsecured credit card with a $500 credit limit. Many paid a $30 acceptance fee. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: List Acquisition Inc., 877-575-2739

Faith-Base Sweepstakes File

A list of 350,000 religious individuals who entered sweepstakes has been culled from the Faith-Base database. Those on the file include donors, magazine subscribers and direct mail buyers in several categories.

SELECTIONS: Catholic, Jewish, other religion, political affiliation, change of address, demographic, ethnicity, gender, household income, lifestyle, mail order buyer, online activity, presence of children, recency, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Conscious Consumers Alternative Medicine Enthusiasts

Some 240,000 e-mail addresses of individuals with an interest in holistic alternatives to traditional medicines have been gathered from various publications. Singles, families with children and retirees are listed. Postal addresses and telephone numbers are available.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, household income, quarterly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: List Bargains, 914-617-8138

Datastream Group Lawyers at E-mail Address

This is a list of more than 220,000 lawyers’ e-mail addresses. Attorneys’ specialties range from administrative law to workers’ compensation. Directories and public records are among the sources.

SELECTIONS: Gender, primary/secondary specialty, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $325/M

CONTACT: Boutique List Services, 845-271-4080

Sacred Heart League Spanish Donors

Names of 55,886 Spanish-speaking Roman Catholics who contributed to the Sacred Heart League and Sacred Heart Southern Missions are on this file. Donors responded to appeals for church construction efforts. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $100/M (base)

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 631-787-3027

Derma Body Skin Care

This is a list of 5,626 men and women who bought skin-care products last September. The unit of sale was $60. Typical customers are age 40 or older. The source is the Web.


PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media Inc., 203-207-0227

Worldview Jackpot Participants

Opportunity seekers who completed a registration form and paid a $20 processing to participate in a lottery are identified. Nearly 65,000 names are available from 2008. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: List Authority, 201-666-0100

Irwin Natural Product Buyers

Nearly 13,000 who bought a dietary supplement to detoxify the body are identified. Customers called an 800 number in response to an infomercial. The average sale was $140 and purchases were made this past November. Postal addresses and telephone numbers are available.


PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

UCG Business Enhanced Master File

United Communications Group has 779,265 names on its file, including data overlaid from Dun & Bradstreet’s database. It lists professionals in various markets, including healthcare, finance and technology. It includes buyers of books, tapes, CDs, Web-based training and members of UCG-run organizations.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, sales volume, business/industry type, hotlines, job function/title, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1198

Legal Products Buyers

Legal professionals who bought periodicals, books and technology products to advance their careers are named on this file derived from the InfoBuyer cooperative database. This segment offers 883,384 postal addresses and 72,583 e-mail addresses. Direct mail and online customers are included.

SELECTIONS: Subject area, recency, address type, household income, age, gender

PRICE: $105/M (postal file); $250/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: MDR, 800-929-9278

American Society for Training and Development

E-mail addresses for 25,935 ASTD members are listed. Human resources and workplace training/development personnel belong to the organization. The file includes those who made inquiries about membership or training products and services, as well as recent former members. E-mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, job title, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $300/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2500

Postal addresses for 6,500 dieters are available from The site offers free software that allows people to see what they might look like if they shed a certain amount of weight.


PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Net60 LLC, 201-833-9003

Lifestyle Gamblers

More than 2.3 million casino gamblers are listed. The average age is 42 and typical annual income is $65,000. Sources include direct mail and survey data.

SELECTIONS: Age, credit card buyer, income, ethnicity, homeowner, occupation, mail order buyer, credit card buyer, length of residence, presence of children, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: Midwest Direct Marketing Inc., 913-686-2220

Online Transactional Buyers and Sellers Warehouse

The 750,343 named here bought ads on Web sites to buy or sell goods and services. Numerous category selections are offered, from antiques and collectibles to ticket purchasers.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: Infinite Media, 914-949-1547

National Bankcard Multicultural Applicants

Consumers who paid to receive a new Visa or MasterCard are on this 336,392-name list. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Ethnicity, language, age, child’s age and age range, income, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4440

Active Athletes at E-mail Address

More than 15.8 million e-mail addresses have been assembled from transaction data. This file targets men and women who bought sports equipment or apparel. The average sale was $50. The sources are direct mail and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Age, household income, lifestyle, marital status, presence of children, hotlines, sport, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: List Bargains, 914-617-8138

Thane Direct Product Buyers/Quebec

This file names 48,140 French-speaking consumers in Quebec who bought fitness, health, beauty and household products from Thane Direct. The unit of sale ranged from $100 to $260. DRTV is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, geography

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Catholic Donors From Vanyan Marketing

Better than 1.3 million Roman Catholic contributors are listed. Vanyan Marketing gathers demographic and psychographic information about respondents to nonprofit appeals. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Gender, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Consumer Text Messaging Master File

Cell-phone numbers are available for 24 million people who opted in to receive text messages. Sources include Web-site registrations; interests include movies and television, music, dining, entertainment, fashion and ringtones.

SELECTIONS: Age range, income, consumer interests, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Grant Funding Club Consultation Buyers

This file identifies individuals who paid $60 a month for consulting services. All sought help applying for grants to build a small business. A total of 281,307 buyers and 199,651 inquirers are listed. The Internet is the source.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: List Acquisition Inc., 877-575-2739

Listen Up TV Buyers

A list of 115,911 who bought a portable sound-amplification device last year. Typical customers are at least 50 years old. The unit of sale is $15. DRTV is the source.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media Inc., 203-207-0227


Ziff Davis Media picked Worldata to manage‘s e-mail file. Nearly 520,000 consumer and business buyers of computers and other electronic products are named. The audience is largely male (85%); average age is 49 and typical household income is $105,382 a year.

SELECTIONS: Age, number of employees, gender, income, recency, SIC code, job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Professional Safety Advisers Group

Direct Media Inc. was chosen to manage a 130,000-name master file for the Professional Safety Advisers Group. Segments are available which name those involved in construction, engineering, transportation and homeland security.

SELECTIONS: Gender, job function, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2450

American Academy of Neurology

Infocus Marketing Inc. is managing the American Academy of Neurology’s membership list. It names some 21,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals.

SELECTIONS: Member types, practice focus, designation, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $200/M

CONTACT: Infocus Marketing Inc., 800-708-5478

Military Vehicles

F&W Media’s Krause Publications division recently appointed MeritDirect manager of Military Vehicles magazine’s 16,083-name subscriber list. The sources are direct mail (60%), agents (25%), inserts (7%) and space advertising (8%).

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, renewal, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1090

Investor’s Business Daily

Lake Group Media Inc. now oversees a list of 762,408 Investor’s Business Daily subscribers. The median age is 51 and annual household income is just under $167,000. The source is direct to publisher, both direct mail and online.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business/home address, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $165/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2449

ASAE/Center for Association Leadership

MGI Lists is handling this combined members file from the American Society of Association Executives and the Center for Association Leadership. A total of 19,469 members are listed.

SELECTIONS: Industry code, job function, position type, organization revenue/scope, staff/membership size

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: MGI Lists, 800-899-4420


Guthy-Renker Inserts

Several new Guthy-Renker package and invoice insert efforts target beauty products customers. There are separate programs for first-time and continuity buyers. Up to eight ads will be accepted in the PIPs, but no more than three can mail with invoices. PIP insert dimensions range from 3-1/2 by 5 inches to 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. Size limits for ads placed with invoices are 3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches to 4-1/2 by 6-3/4 inches. Inquiries will be considered for inserts heavier than a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Sears Wish Book Blow-in/Bind-in

Singer Direct is offering blow-in and bind-in programs for Sears’ Wish Book catalog. Blow-ins will range from 3-1/2 by 4-1/2 inches to 6-1/2 by 6-1/2 inches. Bind-ins should be between 3-1/2 by 3-1/2 inches and 7-1/8 by 7-1/8 inches. Maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $40/M (blow-in)

CONTACT: Singer Direct, 212-209-1926

Premier Bankcard Statement Program

Infocore Inc. is heading up Premier Bankcard’s statement insert program. More than 20 million statements go out each year to bank customers. Inserts can range from 5-1/2 by 3 inches to 7 by 3-1/2 inches.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: Infocore Inc., 760-607-2500


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iPhone Life

The 104,352 consumers on this list from Smartphone magazine, ranging from students to traveling business executives, indicated an interest in iPhone and iPod technology and accessories.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, home/business address, income, recency, one per company, interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $170/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Optimum Diet and Health Buyers

A list of 185,321 dieters who bought a dietary supplement for weight loss. Most customers are women who logged on to a Web site to place orders. Postal addresses and telephone numbers are available.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: GT List Services, 845-918-1012

Real Estate Technology News

This master file of real estate and mortgage industry professionals from October Research Group names 6,158 paid subscribers to Real Estate Technology News, paid seminar attendees and other product buyers.


PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Contributors to Culture and Clubs

Vayan Marketing’s 294,684-name list identifies contributors to cultural events and clubs, symphonies, operas, ballets, museums and community theater groups. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Age, ethnicity, gender, homeowner/renter, hotlines, income, telephone numbers, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Fundraising and Grant Writing Book Buyers

There are 16,753 book buyers on this file from Jossey-Bass. All are at the managerial level or higher. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, max per company, topic, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $145/M

CONTACT: Infocore Inc., 760-607-2500

Sun Valley Nutraceuticals

Sun Valley Nutraceuticals is offering the names of 4,346 who spent about $100 for various dietary supplements in the third quarter. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

College Sports Fans and Season Ticket Holders

This is a file of 319,199 season ticket holders for college sports events. About 60% are men. Separate segments are available for baseball, football and hockey. Data was compiled from colleges.

SELECTIONS: Sport, school

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800


MarketLab Inc.’s master file identifies medical and laboratory equipment buyers from the MarketLab and MarketLab Healthcare catalogs. The counts are 36,652 for the last 12 months and 21,511 for the past six months. Customers include laboratory directors and managers, technicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.


PRICE: $130/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031

Stringing Magazine

A total of 15,435 subscribers to Stringing, a magazine published by Interweave Press, are listed here. The file includes readers interested in jewelry-making as a hobby and for business purposes. Ninety percent of those on the file are women.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, ethnicity, home address, household income, number/presence of children, occupation, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Online Privileged Unsecured Credit Card Applicants

This is a file of consumers who applied for loans up to $1,000 or who responded to offers for a catalog credit line. Nearly 70,000 names are listed. Inquiries for telemarketing will be considered. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, gender, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Listdata Management Services Inc., 954-484-5478

Children’s Charity Power Donors

Some 188,955 who made pledges to children’s causes are listed. Donations ranged from $10 to more than $1,000. The main source is telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, telephone number, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Nurses’ Opt-in E-mail Addresses

A list of 886,000 nurses’ e-mail addresses. Most are registered nurses, but licensed practical nurses, assistants and other nurses are identified as well. State licenses and Web sites are the sources; lifestyle information has been added. A corresponding postal file is available.

SELECTIONS: Year of license/issue date, license type/specialties, ethnicity, homeowners, home value, magazine/book buyers, pets, children, telephone numbers, adult’s/child’s age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: SK&A Healthcare Information Solutions, 800-752-2620

Helping the Handicapped

Vayan Marketing’s list identifies 668,271 who made donations during the last 12 months to organizations that assist disabled persons. They responded to appeals for funding education facilities, tutors, rehabilitation centers, job training and programs that support the blind, deaf, autistic and paralyzed. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, gender, income, homeowners/renters, ethnicity, religion, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600


A file of 16,646 subscribers to Spin-Off magazine, published by Interweave Press. Readers (90% of them women)


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Forbes Wireless Insider

Worldata offers a list of 13,587 subscribers to Forbes’ weekly e-mail newsletter for investors interested in mobile computing and communications trends. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $155/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

E-Travel Around the World

The file names 6.6 million travelers who plan and book trips online. All paid with credit cards. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, air travel, domestic/foreign travel, family vacations, cruise, business, recreational vehicle, time-share, interests, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4447

Behaving Green

This list identifies 51.6 million consumers whose behavior reportedly indicates their environmental consciousness. Separate segments highlight distinctive environmental mindsets, from those who take responsible action to others who seem not to have any interest in the environment at all. Sources include market research, statistical modeling data, and direct mail lifestyle surveys. Most of those listed are homeowners age 45 or older who earn $75,000 or more annually.

SELECTIONS: Age, environmental contributors, home-owners, income, Internet buyers, mail order buyers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy, 212-381-1717

American Revolution Buffs

Some 44,700 History Channel Club paid members are identified here. They bought books, DVDs and collectibles related to the Revolutionary War and subscribe to The History Channel Magazine. An average buyer is a 60-year-old married man with annual household income of $95,400. The source is direct to publisher.

SELECTIONS: Gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1021

VARs and Resellers From Vertmarkets

VentureDirect Worldwide is offering a list of 30,063 value-added resellers and systems integrators on behalf of Vertmarkets Inc. The file identifies information technology professionals, particularly those involved with data collection and storage, wireless hardware and software, digital management and radio-frequency identification technology. Data is sourced from a Web site and includes the names of 16,624 subscribers to an e-mail newsletter and 12,951 e-mail addresses. Demographic data is gathered from search inquiries.


PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5186

Amacai Everyday Lifestyles

Amacai Information Corp.’s list identifies 1.9 million consumers reportedly interested in at least one of the following: electronics, video games, video recording, personal computers, photography, stereos and audio equipment. Among the sources are mail order transactions, survey responses, telephone directories and household census data.

SELECTIONS: Age, credit card, dwelling type, estimated home value, ethnicity, gender, homeowners/renters, household income, length of residence, mail order buyers, marital status, occupation, presence of children, telephone number, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: Aggressive List Management Inc., 217-787-2029

Planning to Move

This is a list of more than 1.2 million individuals and families who are planning to relocate to new residences. Online surveys are among the sources.

SELECTIONS: Age, demographic, gender, household income, home value, education, hotlines, recency, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 914-617-8138

America’s Interest Activity Responders

A master file of 7.3 million buyers from the last six months. Behavior and purchasing data is overlaid. Sources include telephone directories, census data, survey responses and credit card data.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, e-mail name/address, change in affluence, catalog buyers, household composition, clubs, hobbies, magazines, book readers, crafts, adult’s/child’s age, gender, ethnicity, homeowners, income, dwelling size/type, presence of child, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4618

Buyer Advantage Male Potency Users

Some 282,440 buyers of men’s sexual potency products are listed. Customers’ average age is 50. Sources include online registrations, sweepstakes and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, homeowners, income, multibuyers, lifestyle, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 201-489-2525

Addressing the World Int’l. Consumer Lifestyle

This master file from Infocore Inc. provides e-mail addresses for consumers in 50 nations. Counts range from 53,207 for Eastern Europe to 2.5 million for Western Europe. Segments for North America and the Far East are available. The list is updated daily.

SELECTIONS: Lifestyle, interest, job title, company, gender, telephone number

PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: Infocore Inc., 760-607-2500

Donors to Cancer Causes

A list of nearly 15,000 who contributed to various cancer-related causes by direct mail over the last 12 months. Donor names from the past 13 to 24 months are available. Contributions typically ranged from $15 to $25.

SELECTIONS: Gender, enhancements, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Mobile Source/AT&T Wireless Mobile Consumers

Kroll Direct Marketing Inc. has a database comprised of postal addresses and cell-phone numbers from text messages. More than 18.1 million records are available, including 4.7 million cell-phone numbers and 5.8 million landline telephone numbers. Those listed are AT&T Wireless customers who bought ringtones, cell-phone wallpaper or both. Some signed up to receive mobile phone alerts; others provided their phone numbers via online registrations. This file is available for appending and reverse phone-verification applications.

SELECTIONS: Demographic, gender, area code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (base)

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Independent Contractors Co-op DB

Identifies approximately 66,500 e-mail addresses of this co-op multichannel database’s members. Altogether more than 800,000 names from the Contractors Cooperative Trade Center are listed, among them electricians, plumbers and engineers. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, telephone number, gender, SIC code, business/home address, specialty, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (postal file); $275/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7019

Merchandise Syndication Group USA

This is a file of buyers from Merchandise Syndication Group USA. The monthly hotline count is 5,000. Customers bought general merchandise, collectibles, health/beauty items, and fitness and kitchen products. The average sale was $60. Sources include bank statement inserts (40%), DRTV (40%) and space advertising (20%).

SELECTIONS: Hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Regency Direct Mail Ltd., 604-853-3035

Banco Nuevo Spanish Credit Card Activations

A list of Spanish-speaking consumers who’ve activated new credit cards. The file, which was built from transaction data, includes nearly 20,000 names from July.


PRICE: $90/M (monthly hotline)

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 631-787-3027

MarketLab Healthcare Buyers

MeritDirect offers a list of buyers from the MarketLab Healthcare catalog. Customers include nurses and other medical professionals. Some 12,121 names from the last 12 months and 7,019 from the last six months are available. Among the items sold are products used in operating rooms, furniture and educational materials.


PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031

Easy Home Income Opportunity Buyers

This file identifies consumers who bought software to help them learn how to make money working at home. Counts for March through July range from 838 to 9,874. The initial unit of sale is $2 and users are billed $40 per month thereafter. Telephone numbers are available. The Internet is the source.


PRICE: $110/M (postal file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300


Infinite Media has a list of 944,989 consumers who downloaded various online products, including songs and ringtones.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, product, MP3-type device, age, gender, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Infinite Media, 914-949-1547

Video Professor Opt-in E-mail Product Buyers

List Services Corp. has a file of 350,000 consumers’ e-mail addresses. These individuals responded to offers from Video Professor, a marketer of computer software tutorials. The average sale was $40. DRTV and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, household income, gender, presence of children, lifestyle, state/SCF

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4495

Weider History Magazine Files

ALC Data Management was chosen to manage 15 lists


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Addiction Professional

Vendome Group has a postal list naming 22,846 subscribers to Addiction Professional magazine. There’s also a file of 4,485 e-mail addresses. Readers include clinicians and administrators involved in addiction treatment.

SELECTIONS: Telephone/fax numbers, business/industry type, occupation, job function, gender, one per site, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $175/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2449 (postal); 914-925-2426 (e-mail)


This is a list of 3.4 million women with children who made online and direct mail purchases averaging $50. It identifies customers who registered at Web sites and completed surveys. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, prenatal, adult’s/child’s age range, gender, income, Hispanic, affluent families, homeowner, home value, household income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 914-617-8138

LifestyleBase Business Responders

Postal and e-mail addresses are available for 1.4 million consumers who showed interest in opportunity-seeker and other business promotions. The source is a dating Web site that presented offers in various product categories. Most of those listed are between the ages of 25 and 55.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, alcohol consumption, body type, general business, home business, opportunity seekers, ethnicity, gender, income, language, mail order buyers, marital status, presence of children, religion, sexual orientation, smoker/nonsmoker, state/SCF/ZIP

Price: $60/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

Paper, Silver and Gold Wedding Anniversaries

A file of 1.5 million wedding anniversaries was added recently to the Custom Select list group. It includes a segment identifying 56,249 couples who’ve been married for 50 years. Data was compiled from county records and has been enhanced with product categories and other information. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, credit cardholders, Hispanic, Spanish speaking, homeowner/renter, income, magazine subscriber, mail order buyer, presence of children, enhancements, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080, ext. 16


IT Business Edge

NarrowCast Group chose Edith Roman Associates Inc. to manage IT Business Edge’s 145,074-name subscriber file. A corresponding list of 120,038 e-mail addresses will be handled by ePost Direct. Subscribers receive e-mail newsletters on information technology issues.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, report topics, industry, revenue, business/home address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $210/M (postal file); $325/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Edith Roman Associates Inc., 845-731-2684 (postal); ePost Direct, 845-731-3832 (e-mail)


Stratford Career Institute PIP

This program calls for as many as six ads to be hand-inserted in packages containing course books and program materials. Approximately 250,000 home-study students are scheduled to receive these packages over the next 12 months. The maximum ad size is 8-1/2 by 11 inches and weight cannot exceed a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3792


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Lend Me a Hand

More than 4.1 million consumers who applied for non-collateral loans and payday loans in the last 12 months are listed. Most are employed. The sources are the Internet and direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, income, presence of children, homeowner, ethnicity, length of residence, lifestyle, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Aggressive List Management Inc., 217-787-2029

Financial Professsionals From Hispanic Business

This file provides the e-mail addresses of 1,695 financial executives, among them CFOs, vice presidents and controllers.


PRICE: $1,600 (entire file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

High-Tech Group E-mail Master File

Source Interlink Media’s list offers e-mail addresses of subscribers to Shutterbug, Home Theater and Stereophile magazines. The combined count is 24,879.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, source, paid, gender, interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 603-431-2873

Trendsations Overweight

Names 600,000 who sought information about dieting and weight loss. All registered online and responded to surveys.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, donors, magazine subscribers, book readers, cooking interest, exercise and fitness, healthy living, age, gender, household income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $146/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 203-746-6640


National Geographic Society

Direct Media International is managing the National Geographic Society’s file of international members and subscribers. More than half of the 560,424 members listed live in Europe. Business addresses comprise about 5% of the file.

SELECTIONS: Business/home address, gender, country, geographic, post code

PRICE: $300/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3809

Realtor Magazine

The National Association of Realtors tapped MeritDirect to oversee a list of more than 1.2 million members and recipients of Realtor Magazine. Most are independent contractors.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, company size, number of employees, broker-owner, sales agents, age ranges, gender, income, business/home address, number of years as member, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1198

Vicon Publishing

Vicon Publishing chose Edith Roman Associates Inc. to manage the subscriber lists for Controlled Environments, Lab Manager and Forensic magazines. Roman’s affiliate ePost Direct will handle the corresponding e-mail lists. The combined master file offers 62,170 postal and 27,445 e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Gender, SIC code, job function/title, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M to $400/M

CONTACT: Edith Roman Associates Inc., 845-731-2682 (postal); ePost Direct, 845-731-3844 (e-mail)

Ignatius Press

Trinity Direct LLC now manages three lists for Ignatius Press. The largest names 150,168 book buyers. The Homiletic & Pastoral Review and Catholic World Report files name 9,653 and 10,699 subscribers, respectively. Clergy and institutions cannot be omitted. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $125/M (book buyers); $115/M (subscribers)

CONTACT: Trinity Direct LLC, 973-283-3600


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Military Issue

Sky Media LLC is offering a customer list from its Military Issue collectibles catalog. It includes the names of 21,476 buyers and 4,000 catalog requesters from the last 12 months. The typical unit of sale was $75.

SELECTIONS: $25-, $50-, $75- and $100-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

The file names Minnesotans and others who registered at this Web site for mothers. Site content runs the gamut from pregnancy and child care to careers, fashion and health issues. The count is 23,335, including 1,810 men.


PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Aggressive List Management Inc., 217-787-2029

Edu-Channel HS Graduates

E-mail addresses for 1 million grads can be found here. Individuals registered at education and career Web sites; each noted specific interests in college, trade certification or career. Sources include Web sites and surveys. A corresponding postal file has nearly 1.4 records. Cell-phone numbers are available for text messaging.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, campus/online preference, current school year, grade point average, financial aid, scholarship, special talents, dwelling type, household income, parent’s name, ethnicity, marital status, gender, foreign language, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Super Floral Retailing

Florists’ Review Enterprises Inc.’s list identifies 13,229 who subscribe to Super Floral Retailing, a monthly magazine covering supermarkets, high-volume florists and mass marketers. No exchanges are allowed.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1034

Global Marketing Partners

Names approximately 100,000 consumers who joined clubs in the last 12 months. Those listed paid about $40 for membership in the National Health Discount Shield, Values 4 Less or ID Sentinel Alert clubs; most enrolled in two clubs. Telephone numbers are available. The sources are DRTV, telemarketing, direct mail and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4450

The 6 million listed here use Inc.’s online business directory. The file names business owners and professionals who searched the site for information on a variety of topics


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This master file names subscribers to various newsletters offered at More than 133,000 postal and nearly 478,000 e-mail addresses are listed.

SELECTIONS: Gender, job title, industry, newsletter type, multichannel, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M (postal file); $250/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

The Collagen Store

Some 43,000 who spent $40 for beauty products from February through April 2008 are named; most are age 40 and older. The sources are direct mail and The

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M (base)

CONTACT: Impulse Media Inc., 203-207-0227

The Wholesaler

TMB Publishing Inc. has a list of 31,341 subscribers to The Wholesaler, a magazine for distributors and wholesalers of plumbing, heating and air-conditioning supplies and equipment. A separate file offers 12,267 e-mail addresses. Subs include manufacturers and sales reps.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, engaged in plumbing/heating, job title, type of firm, products sold/distributed, showroom location, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

Nuts for Needleworking

A list of women who knit, embroider and do other kinds of needlework. A total of 493,373 names are on the file, including 165,442 from the last 12 months. These hobbyists range from novices to advanced needlecrafters. Data is derived from online purchases and surveys.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, occupation, lifestyle, telephone number, subscription type, ethnicity, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Beach List Direct, 312-957-7310

House of Louis XV Jewelry Buyers

Some 20,000 who made a purchase during the last 12 months are listed. The average order for gemstones and custom pieces was $200. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, state

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: J.S. Direct Address Ltd., 604-987-1282

Carney Plastics Collectibles Case Buyers

Carney Plastics Inc. has a list of 11,293 who bought display cases for collectibles such as model cars, sports memorabilia and dolls. More than 7,200 e-mail addresses are available as well. The unit of sale was $80. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, home/business address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (postal file); $225/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Home Business Grant Applicants

Owners of home-based businesses seeking federal government and private grants are identified. The file names 4,593 entrepreneurs who paid $60 in April for a service that provides assistance in completing grant applications. The Internet is the source.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: List Acquisition Inc., 877-575-2739

Lodestone Solutions Physicians

Approximately 517,000 business e-mail addresses for doctors are available. The list includes selections for more than 350 medical specialties. The source is a health-plan management company. Data can be rented or licensed annually.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, average salary, specialty, group practice size, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $400/M

CONTACT: AllMedia Inc., 469-467-9100

Access Intelligence has e-mail addresses for 58,312 subscribers to print and e-mail newsletters available from Among the subs are corporate executives and managers in the telecom and interactive communications industries.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $310/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Investing Minds

This file identifies 770,300 small business owners and executives who have investments in mutual funds, stocks and bonds, individual retirement accounts or life insurance. The median age of those listed is 55 and annual income is $68,659. Sources include directories, SEC filings, the Better Business Bureau, new business registrations and multiple direct mail surveys.

SELECTIONS: Investment type, age, income, ethnicity, religion, credit card, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: The Services Group, 630-495-5478

Altair Automobile Purchase Model

Altair Data Resources Inc. built this 1 million-record file with response data from automobile dealership mailings and information from a consumer database. Those listed met dealers’ minimum financing requirements.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M to $200/M (depending on quantity)

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3792

Faith Base Book Buyers

This is a list of 1.4 million religious individuals who bought books by mail. Subject matter included religion, astrology, the military, food, romance and fiction. Direct mail is the source; additional data is overlaid.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, mail order buyers, recency, multibuyers, age, income, ethnicity, religion, lifestyle, category, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Executive Decision Magazine E-mail

United Publishing and Media LLC has a file of 22,201 Executive Decision magazine subscribers’ e-mail addresses. Readers include presidents and CEOs (8,981), vice presidents and senior VPs (9,076), directors and other corporate officials.

SELECTIONS: Age, size of company, income, job title, one per company, SIC code, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $300/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2500

Naturally Organic

Some 1.2 million who indicated an interest in the environment, natural remedies and organic products are listed. More than 45% are organic gardeners and 25% reportedly exercise regularly. The sources are magazine subscriptions and lifestyle questionnaires.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, adult’s/child’s age, bank cardholders, dwelling type, gender, homeowners/renters, income, length of residence, marital status, Nielsen codes, telephone number, presence of children, Prizm codes, organic gardeners, vegetarian meals, natural/herbal remedies, environmental/wildlife donors, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: NCRI List Management, 201-541-9500

Phc News

TBM Publishing Inc. is offering a list of 46,968 subscribers to Phc News, a magazine for plumbing and hydronic contractors. More than 11,800 e-mail addresses are available. Executives, foremen, estimators, salesmen and engineers are among this magazine’s audience.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, job title, type of contracting/construction, annual sales volume, number of trucks, recommend/approve, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

Diet Solutions Buyers

A file of 5,224 consumers who bought dietary supplements in the first quarter. About 80% are women, most age 40 or older. These individuals placed a $55 order by telephone in response to radio advertising.

SELECTIONS: Gender, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media Inc., 203-207-0227

Tamayo Miyares & Sherman

This multicultural DM agency is offering new list segments that identify Hispanic Catholics, homeowners and small business owners/operators. Counts range from 724,000 to more than 11.8 million. The source is a direct mail master file enhanced with overlaid data.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Monthly hotline, adult’s/child’s age and gender, marital status, mail order buyer, language preference, credit card, length of residence, household income, lifestyle, country of origin, telephone number, size of company, number of employees, recency, title, year started, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M to $190/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-743-2600

AmMed Direct Diabetes Care

This master file identifies 628,684 who responded to an offer from AmMed Direct over the last 12 months to receive free products for diabetics. Eighty percent are women. They received a meal-planning guide, dessert cookbook, personal logbook and a copy of the Diabetes Directions newsletter. Direct mail and DRTV are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, age 65-plus, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

NewTier College Football

Nearly 400,000 college football fans are listed. They registered online and downloaded software from NewTier Communications which enabled them to track their favorite football teams’ progress. A segment with 128,934 names from the last 12 months is available.

SELECTIONS: Age range, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (base)

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Hollywood Profiles

Postal addresses are available for 329,643 paid, registered members of the Hollywood Profiles Web site, which offers information about opportunities for television and movie extras, casting calls and auditions.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5170

Forensics Laboratory Equipment

Forensics Laboratory Equipment is a new magazine supplement from Advantage Business Media’s Science Group. Its list names 6,038 subscribers and e-mail addresses are available for 2,844. Readers include scientists, chemists, technicians and laboratory managers.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, sales volume, job title, areas of work, number of employees, equipment used, SIC code,state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M (postal file); $410/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Magazine Me

Names of 14 million subscribers to one or more magazines are listed. The file consists of subscriber data and other self-reported information from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, occupation, lifestyle, telephone number, magazine type, ethnicity, gender, income, state/SCF/ZIP

RICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Beach List Direct, 615-356-1100

Home Business Pack Opportunity Seekers

A list of consumers who spent $50 to receive information about a home-based business opportunity. Some 218,915 buyers are named, including 25,076 from the first quarter. Postal addresses and telephone numbers are available. Sources include radio, DRTV and the Web site


PRICE: $100/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

HRDQ Buyers

This is a 24,824-name master file from HRDQ, a firm that provides employee training products and services. Buyers and inquirers are listed. The sources are HRDQ’s catalog and Web site.


PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-968-1712


This list offers more than 16.7 million individuals’ mobile phone numbers. Those named opted in via e-mail and cell phone to receive text messages. Matching postal addresses are available.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age/age range, adult’s/child’s gender, ethnicity, homeowner, household income, lifestyle, marital status, number/presence of children, language, political party, interests, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $195/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Interactive, 402-537-7946

Today’s College Students at E-mail Address

A list of 180,000 students’ e-mail addresses. The sources are Web site registrations and e-mail response data. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, gender, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 203-746-6640

Vytality Inc. Buyers

Approximately 3,500 consumers who bought sexual potency products in the first quarter are identified. Eighty-five percent are men, typically age 40 or older. The unit of sale was $70. Radio and DRTV are the sources.


PRICE: $110/M (base)

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-207-0227

In the Market Online Consumers Ready to Buy

E-mail addresses of more than 9.8 million women and 7.9 million men are on this database of Internet buyers and others who registered at Web sites to search for information. Additional data is overlaid.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, publication subscriber/reader, household language, real estate data, mortgage type, demographic, adult’s/child’s age, gender, presence of children, income range, credit card, donors, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Traveling Business Executives

Nearly 1.2 million business execs who work at firms with 10 or fewer employees are listed. The median age and yearly income of those named is 56 and $75,693. Sources include directories, SEC filings, the Better Business Bureau, new business registrations and multiple direct mail surveys.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, ethnicity, religion, credit card, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: The Services Group, 630-495-5478


Center for Business Intelligence

Advanstar Communications Inc. appointed MeritDirect to manage three files for the Center for Business Intelligence, a conference company it recently acquired. Postal lists of 363,472 U.S. and 63,782 Canadian attendees and prospects include data from the pharmaceutical, telecommunications, transportation and managed healthcare markets. More than 140,000 e-mail addresses are available on a separate file. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, telephone number, gender, SIC code, job function/title, max per company, province, FSA, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M to $495/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1090

The Scientist

Lake Group Media Inc. was named list manager for The Scientist, a magazine read by life-science professionals. Separate segments offer postal addresses for 43,984 U.S. and 10,849 international subscribers, as well as 115,754 e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, degree, job function/title, area of work, organization type, country, region, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $185/M to $395/M (depending on file)

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Lady Grace

Belardi/Ostroy has been tapped to manage the Lady Grace catalog’s customer file. It names 106,342 buyers overall and 67,369 from the last 12 months. The average sale was $55 for women’s intimate apparel and lingerie.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy, 212-381-1741

TouchStone Catalog

Management of the TouchStone Catalog list has moved to Direct Media Inc. The file identifies 62,530 who bought home furnishings during the last 12 months. A typical customer is at least 45 years old and earns $75,000 or better annually. The unit of sale was $120.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), last purchase amount, multibuyers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2445


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Some 200,000 postal addresses and 100,000 e-mail addresses were gathered from an online form at Those who register at this Web site receive investment information via e-mail.


PRICE: $140/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Campus Safety

Bobit Business Media is offering a list of 951 subscribers to Campus Safety, a controlled-circulation magazine. Recipients include campus police, security directors, information technology professionals and administrators responsible for safety at educational and healthcare institutions.

SELECTIONS: Gender, type of institution, job function, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $500 (entire file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

All Star Home Security

Consumers who responded to an offer for a home security alarm are named. The average monthly hotline count is 3,150. Those listed filled out an online form at


PRICE: $100/M (monthly hotline)

CONTACT: Net60 LLC, 201-833-9003

Habitat List Group

Among the seven lists available is a master file with 22 million consumer names. Others identify seniors, golfers, magazine subscribers, credit card buyers, new movers and those with new phone connections. These names are available for postal and telemarketing offers. Sources include surveys, Web site co-registrations, telemarketing and direct mail data, all overlaid with transaction information and birth dates.

SELECTIONS: Age, household income, marital status, gender, cell-phone user/types, direct mail, entertainment, electric/gas users, ethnicity, presence of children, residential status/home value, sports, travel, quarterly hotline, mail order buyers,state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $125/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

This is a list of 1.2 million information technology professionals’ e-mail addresses. Sources include e-mail newsletter signups and Web site registrations.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, recency, SIC code, job title/function, IT interests, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Moorehouse Intent: Home Equity Loan

Nearly 6 million consumers at home addresses and about 1 million at home-office addresses are listed. These men and women reportedly indicated an interest in obtaining a home equity loan. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, income, ethnicity, child’s age range, religion, language, real estate data, net worth, credit card user, credit card type, occupation, telephone number, lifestyle, purchase behavior, state/county/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (home addresses); $100/M (home-office addresses)

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4108 Members at Postal Address

ACA/Cheap Trips has a list of 84,728 members from the last 24 months. Members paid $40 to $200 by credit card for travel-related services and benefits. Seventy percent paid the full amount for lifetime memberships. The sources are the Internet and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3792

Video Age Catalog

Some 100,000 adult video purchasers are identified, including 40,000 first quarter buyers. A typical customer is a 43-year-old married man with a $50,000 annual income. The average sale was $57.

SELECTIONS: Gender, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

VFW Nonmember Donor Cat and Dog Owners

A list of pet owners who contributed to the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization but are not members. A total of 272,900 cat owners and 377,009 dog owners are listed. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, dollar amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4641

MarketShare Diet, Health and Fitness

This is a list of people who’re interested in diet, health and fitness. Names come from the MarketShare consumer database, which identifies subscribers, catalog/continuity buyers, and includes data from nonprofit organizations.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, donors, dollar amount, credit card buyers, homeowner, income, marital status, telephone number, length of residence, lifestyle, hotlines, gender, multibuyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M (base)

CONTACT: Dunn Data Co., 845-278-1339

Monday New Business Spanish-Speaking

Names of half a million Spanish-speaking business owners can be found here. Postal addresses and telephone numbers are available. Those identified responded to Spanish-language direct mail offers. Additional data was overlaid to verify that these individuals speak Spanish.

SELECTIONS: SIC code, number of employees, sales volume, gender, monthly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $200/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 203-746-6640

Betty Crocker Recipe Buyers

Approximately 45,800 cooks who bought recipe software are listed. Sources include telephone, Web site and retail transactions generated by space advertising, radio and DRTV.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Infocore Inc., 760-607-2500

Commitment to the Cause

This is a list of nearly 1 million who contributed to various causes. Numerous donor categories are offered. Many of the individuals named made two or more donations in recent months. Some 25% are over age 50 and 30% are under 30.

SELECTIONS: Age, ailment, education, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, hotlines, income, marital status, multiple causes, occupation, pet owner, telephone number, political affiliation, presence of children, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Feeling Lucky America

Data cards for several files are available for the Feeling Lucky America list group. Among them are files identifying DVD/video buyers (with 2.9 million names), children’s products buyers (with 2.1 million) and donors (2.6 million).

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, gender, income, homeowner, presence of children, presence of credit card, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Management Plus Division/Focus USA, 603-673-3473

Catalog Buying Donors

About 332,500 are listed, sourced from a 2-million-name database that’s been matched with catalog and Internet buyer information from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, age, income, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, marital status, catalog/Internet/retail buyers, product category, purchase amount (ranges), state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Beach List Direct, 615-356-1100

Real Estate Investment Survey Responders

This list identifies people who answered survey questions about current and future investment interests. There are more than 1.1 million names from the last 24 months and 580,323 from the last 12 months. All indicated an interest to invest in a down real estate market. The sole source is direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, age, income, homeowner, marital status, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (last-24-month names)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300 E-mail

This is a list of 300,000 sports fans’ e-mail addresses. Those named here registered at The Sporting News’ Web site to receive newsletters, participate in fantasy games or access paid online content. The unit of sale ranged from $20 to $150.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Forever Young

More than 1.7 million who spent an average of $20 for books, jewelry and general merchandise during the last six months are listed. A typical customer is 45 years old and earns $35,000 annually. About 20% are multibuyers.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, gender, income, length of residence, homeowner, Hispanic, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3785



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Financial Media Group Inc. has a list of 78,843 investors’ e-mail addresses. The file combines registration data from and, which offer financial news and social networking features. Data gathered from the registration process includes investment interests, education and net worth.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2400

Black Forest Decor
A list of 23,445 catalog buyers and 29,055 inquirers, all from the last 12 months, is available from Black Forest Decor LLC. Among the products sold are home furnishings targeted to outdoors and wildlife enthusiasts. An average order was about $200.

SELECTIONS: Purchase amount (ranges), hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy, 212-381-1719
More than 550,000 provided information about themselves when they registered at this Web site. Giveaways and cash incentives were offered. The typical age of those listed is 39 and their annual income is about $43,000.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, income, telephone number,e-mail address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Management Plus Division, Focus USA,603-673-3473

Nutrition Action Healthletter
Political Database
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has overlaid voter registration data on a file of 685,900 subscribers to the Nutrition Action Healthletter. Separate segments identify Democratic, Republican and independent voters at home addresses. Those listed range in age from 35 to 55 and have annual household income of $50,000 or higher. Seventy percent are married and 79% own homes. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Political party/independents, hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4633

Celebrate Express
Celebrate Express Inc. has released a corporate master file, an enhanced database, a list of costume buyers and an Alexa list-exchange file. The master file names 843,031 customers from the last 12 months who bought party supplies and costumes. Additional selects specifying last and cumulative purchases are on the enhanced file. Customers typically are 25 to 45 years old with household income of more than $100,000 a year. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Age, income, child’s age range/gender, last/cumulative purchase amount, homeowner/renter, holiday buyers, Alexa enhancements, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3792

My Access to Credit
Consumers with credit cards who applied for additional lines of credit are named. Several million records are on file. A weekly hotline offers 28,500 postal and e-mail addresses of those requesting secured, unsecured, stored value and other types of credit. An average applicant is 30 years old and earns $32,500 a year.

SELECTIONS: Homeowner/renter, income, adult’s/child’s age, marital status, mail order buyer, gender, length of residence, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155

EDC Online Business
Opportunity Seekers
A total of 626,982 buyers and inquirers from the last 12 months are identified. Those listed registered at, which offers software, marketing support and other resources for entrepreneurs interested in Web-based business opportunities. The unit of sale ranged from $400 to $2,500.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Healthwise Ailment Responders
A file of mail order buyers who responded to various offers and identified household members’ ailments. More than 1.8 million names are listed. Some of the largest segments are available for those suffering from heartburn, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, ailment, gender, income, education, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4187

Micro Business and Small Business Network
Home and business addresses are included in this 3.3 million-name consumer/business database. Sources include business and credit filings, government records and various directories.

SELECTIONS: Age, date of birth, homeowner/renter, estimated home value, education, income, marital status, length of residence, investors, annual sales volume, SIC code, telephone number, owners of multiple small/micro businesses, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $240/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500


Misys Healthcare
Medical Statement Program
Misys Healthcare Systems has begun a billing statement insert program. Some 60 million invoices are mailed to patients with health insurance on behalf of doctors, hospitals and home-care providers. Inserts must range from 3 by 6 inches to 3-3/4 by 8-1/2 inches. The maximum weight is .20 ounce. Z-fold inserts will not be accepted.

PRICE: $60/M

CONTACT: American List Counsel Inc., 914-524-5254

Columbia House Admail PIP
This program targets Columbia House’s best Canadian customers. Some 500,000 packages are shipped. The maximum size for inserts is 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. The weight limit is about a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $51/M

CONTACT: Cornerstone Group of Companies, 416-932-9555


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OK! Magazine

Eight segments from OK! magazine’s circulation file are available from Northern & Shell North America Ltd. One is a list of 234,771 fitness enthusiasts who read the celebrity magazine. Some of the others identify cultural and art enthusiasts, travelers, donors and mail order buyers.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income ranges, recency, source, change of address, interest/lifestyle, homeowners, mail responder, book buyers, crafts/hobbies, gardening, investors, food and wine, sports enthusiasts, upscale buyers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Photographers From

Imageculture Inc. is offering a 10,135-name file of registrants. Site visitors include people searching for photographers as well as college students and retirees seeking to generate income from photography.

SELECTIONS: Company, e-mail address, gender, telephone number, state/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5110

Faith Base

The names of some 2.4 million Jewish and Roman Catholic donors can be found on this list. Contributions were made to children’s, health, veteran’s, political, environmental and cultural causes. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, mail order buyers, recency, age, income, ethnicity, category, presence of children, travelers, credit card, grandparents, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct, 973-283-3600

Private Practice Section/APTA

This list identifies 4,127 members of the American Physical Therapy Association’s private practice section, among them owners, partners and managers of physical therapy businesses. The largest counts are available for California and New York, followed by Pennsylvania, Florida and Washington. Public records and the Internet are the sources.


PRICE: $450 (entire file)

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-968-1712

Buyer Advantage Paycheck Quick Cash Advance

More than 4.2 million consumers who used paychecks as collateral for short-term loans are named here. All responded to online offers.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, credit card, no credit history, prepaid phone cards, pre-approved credit catalog buyers, telephone number, monthly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 603-635-1842

Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Centers

This database includes clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation centers that provide counseling, treatment and other services for alcoholics and drug addicts. Some 17,325 programs and facilities are listed along with 15,542 contact names. Those responsible for developing and administering programs, job training and vocational rehab services are noted. Sources include business credit filings, industry and telephone directors and government records.

SELECTIONS: Telephone number, category, facility size, gender, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (base)

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Active Dieting and Weight-Loss Subscribers

Postal and e-mail addresses of more than 8.2 million consumers (82% of them women) are available here. Those listed indicated an interest to learn about dieting, health, fitness and weight loss. Sources include online registration and survey responses.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, household income, marital status, monthly hotline, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (postal file); $100/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: eTargetMedia, 954-480-8470

Foreclosure World Members

The Real Estate Investing Institute has a 145,985-name list of those who responded to offers made by its Foreclosure World real estate listings service. Nearly 23,000 buyers are identified; they paid $383 to access a database of foreclosed properties. The Internet and direct mail are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (responders); $110/M (buyers)

CONTACT: Geon Media Group, 801-619-7800


Eventful Inc. has eight new e-mail lists, including a master file with nearly 2.5 million names. Data comes from, which posts information about concerts, sports, singles functions, political rallies, etc. Separate files for singles and those interested in music, travel, sports or politics are available.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, age, gender, household income, lifestyle, music category, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Auto Loans on the Net

A list of more than 100,000 who sought automobile loans. These men (60% of the file) and women filled out online loan applications. Nearly all reportedly received approval.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: List Place Inc., 704-672-3174


National Association of Counties

Adrea Rubin Management Inc. was appointed list manager for the National Association of Counties. The group’s file identifies 60,000 officials from more than 2,300 counties nationwide. Sources include directories, attendee rosters and other direct response data.

SELECTIONS: Job title, attendees, population figures, steering committee, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3792

Fast Fortune Money Plan Buyers

List Services Corp. now manages this master file naming more than 250,000 opportunity seekers who bought a business plan. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4450

Pet-Friendly Donors

The LH Management Division of Leon Henry Inc. is overseeing a list of contributors to animal shelters and zoos. Names of some 630,000 annual donors are on file. Sources include public records, telemarketing and other compiled data.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, age, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, income, mail order buyer, marital status, presence of children, length of residence, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

Barrie Pace

Direct Media Inc. was named list manager for Barrie Pace Inc. More than 146,000 buyers are on file, including 78,361 from the last 12 months. A typical customer ranges in age from 40 to 65 and earns $125,000 or better annually. The unit of sale for women’s apparel and accessories runs $300 and up.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), product, size, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2445

Sundance Catalog

Belardi/Ostroy is the Sundance catalog’s new list manager. Nearly 320,000 buyers from the last 12 months are identified. An average sale for this apparel and home furnishings marketer was $185.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), average/last purchase, product, demographic/Alexa/Z-24 enhancements, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M (base)

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy, 212-381-1724

QuickBooks Buyers

MeritDirect recently began managing Solution Publishing’s list of QuickBooks accounting software buyers. The file is comprised of nearly 65,000 postal addresses and more than 16,000 e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, gender, number of employees, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031

Aggregates Manager

Randall-Reilly Publishing Co. tapped Information Refinery Inc. to manage its list of 21,445 Aggregates Manager subscribers. Among this magazine’s readers are engineering consultants and those employed at hauling firms.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, job title, area of responsibility, budget code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

Astral Direct

Millard Group Inc. was chosen to oversee three catalog files for Astral Direct. Counts for last-12-month buyers run approximately 60,000 for general merchandise cataloger Linda Anderson, 40,000 for The Music Stand and 7,500 for the Characters cartoon-apparel book.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), largest/last purchase, single buyers/multibuyers, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M (base)

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 914-697-5824


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SOHO Buyers Marketplace

Those named on this file used credit cards to make purchases at a national retail chain store. The count for the last 12 months is 516,245. Customers work in small or home offices; about 75% are women. The average sale was $65.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, job title, SIC code, company size, sales volume, year started, phone number, ethnicity, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4440

Get Healthy and Fit

Some 22,629 buyers of nutritional supplements, exercise equipment, books and health/fitness newsletters are listed; many suffer from back or neck pain. The unit of sale was $100. A 2,500-name Canadian segment is offered as well. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $100/M (U.S. buyers); $110/M (Canadian buyers)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Republican Party Donors

A list of e-mail addresses for 324,786 Republicans who made online contributions to conservative political and philanthropic causes. Donations ranged from $5 to $100. Data was assembled from hundreds of sources, including public records, consumer surveys and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Last-six-month hotline, age, date of birth, dwelling type, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, income range, household income, length of residence, marital status, one per site, presence of children, language, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (base)

CONTACT: ABC Direct Marketing Services Inc., 212-327-3315

Eerdmans Publishing

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. offers a list of 9,253 who bought religious books during the last 24 months. Customers include Christian bookstores, consumers, professors and churches. Sales were generated by catalog. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Christian bookstores, state

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Bush Company Inc., 949-752-4210

Cellular Store

This is a list of 194,822 retail stores nationwide (such as Wireless Toyz) that offer cell phone equipment and services. Names of independent resellers and stores operated by cell phone service providers are included. Among the sources are directories, public records and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Cellular provider, store name, store type, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $260/M

CONTACT:, 203-978-1961


Rocky Mountain PBS



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National Arbor Day Foundation Give-a-Tree Donors

This is a list of those who bought greeting cards and had trees planted in national forests in honor of card recipients. More than 67,000 contributors who gave $15 to $100 in the last 12 months are named.

SELECTIONS: Gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4634

Harlequin Canada Paid Debtors

A file of continuity club members who paid overdue invoices after receiving letters requesting payment. These 4,764 customers spent an average of $60 for romance novels. More than a third live in Ontario. The main source (90%) is direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, FSA, province

PRICE: $90/M (Canadian)

CONTACT: Cornerstone Group of Companies, 416-932-9555

Automobile DNA Owner Consumer

More than 20 million postal addresses and 9.5 million e-mail addresses are listed here. Sources include response data from print and online surveys of new car buyers, and follow-up polls of consumers who brought vehicles to dealerships for service. The largest counts are available for Chevrolet, followed by Ford, BMW and Honda. Daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly hotlines are offered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, phone numbers, vehicle make/model, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (postal or e-mail file)

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

More than 500,000 postal addresses and 400,000 phone numbers for consumers in the United Kingdom are on this master file. These individuals used to identify competitive quotes for a broad range of financial products. The site offers information about bank accounts, loans, credit cards and other services.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, date of birth, landline/mobile phone numbers, investment, pension, life insurance, mortgages,loans, home insurance,recency, geographic

PRICE: $250/M (approximate equivalent)

CONTACT: Howse Jackson Marketing Ltd., 01296-468558


MCM Electronics Catalog

Direct Media Inc. has been tapped to manage MCM Electronics’ list of 418,826 catalog buyers. The unit of sale was $125 for computer hardware and related products.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotlines, business/home address, company size, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3851

Mosaico Book Club/Circulo de Lectores

Specialists Marketing Services Inc. recently assumed management of two Spanish-language book club files for Doubleday Entertainment. Mosaico has 264,753 members and Circulo de Lectores 37,140. Roughly 25% of those listed are men. The sources are direct mail (65%), print ads and the Internet.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Dollar, paid, gender, product book buyers, credit plus, adult’s/child’s age, presence of children, change of address, Internet, hotlines, paid premium, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Purity Products

Lake Group Media Inc. is managing Purity Products’ list of 832,517 buyers from the last 24 months. The average order was $100 for vitamins and other dietary supplements.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, purchase amount (ranges), multibuyers, gender,state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

Starcrest Products of California Inc.

Adrea Rubin Management Inc. is overseeing three catalog files for Starcrest Products of California Inc. More than 1.4 million buyers from the last 12 months are named on the flagship Starcrest file. The Signatures and Handsome Rewards titles offer the names of 377,537 and 231,372, respectively, from the last 12 months. A typical order ran $50.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, lifetime purchase amount (ranges), new to file, multibuyers, cash/credit card, product, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3785 (Starcrest); 646-487-3783 (Signatures/Handsome Rewards)

WoodenBoat and Professional BoatBuilder

WoodenBoat Publications Inc. chose Estee Marketing Group Inc. to manage the WoodenBoat and Professional BoatBuilder magazine files, which identify 38,313 and 15,663 subscribers, respectively. List reciprocity is required.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Job title, number of employees, industry, renewals, materials used, last-six-month hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (WoodenBoat); $135/M (Professional BoatBuilder)

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080


USA Today Billing Statement Program

Some 50,000 billing statements go out monthly to USA Today subscribers. The program calls for one or two inserts to be included with each statement. Inserts must be between 5-1/2 by 3 inches to 8-1/2 by 6 inches. The maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4104


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Meritline Technology Buyers

Media supply company Meritline has a list of 317,786 customers from the last 12 months. A typical sale was $72 for ink and toner, computer hardware, cell phone accessories and other products. is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business/home address, product, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-6644

IDVille Catalog Buyers

Baudville Inc. is offering its IDVille catalog’s 40,043-name list, which includes 30,384 customers from the last 12 months. Among the products sold are photo identification systems, ID cards and ID badge holders. Eighty percent of the orders came from businesses and government, 20% from schools.

SELECTIONS: Last-six-month hotline, number of employees, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031

Travel and Leisure Family Club

This file from American Express Publishing identifies 70,497 who paid an average of $139 to join a club that offers travel, entertainment, shopping and concierge services. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business address, source, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Agency88 Hollywood Hopefuls

Those seeking work as actors, models and singers are listed. The 7,116 on the file bought casting kits and paid a minimum of $35 a month for talent agency fees. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Geon Media Group, 801-619-7800


A database of people who registered at Web sites to receive information on lotteries, horoscopes and psychic predictions. About 1.5 million are listed, including 750,000 from the last 12 months. Postal and e-mail addresses are available.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, phone numbers, age, income, credit card, interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Lighthouse List Co., 800-684-2180

Wii and DS Newsletter Subs

CNET Networks Inc. offers this file of computer game players who subscribed to newsletters from Some 326,477 postal addresses and 363,015 e-mail addresses can be rented. Three-quarters of those listed are men earning an average of $64,100 a year.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, home/business address, income, recency, interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (postal file); $110/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Contractor Power Hotline

Capital Wave Group LLC has issued this postal list of 56,673 who registered at, a search engine/directory for building and construction contractors.

SELECTIONS: Phone numbers, business type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 201-529-2600

Luxury Skin Care

More than 90,000 buyers’ names from the last 12 months are on Luxury Skin Care Inc.’s file. Orders came from space advertising and the Web.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Pioneer Pacific List Marketing Inc., 818-783-7500


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Louisiana Cookin’

Kreidet Enterprises Ltd. is offering this magazine’s list of 12,000 active subscribers. Readers’ average yearly household income is $75,000. Three-quarters of those on the file are between the ages of 35 and 64. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4623

Wild Car Buffs

Rare car collectors and members of auto clubs, as well as others with similar interests, are listed on Wild Car Enthusiasts


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J.H. Breakell and Co.

The 8,854 named here bought jewelry and fashion accessories during the last 12 months. A typical customer is a 48-year-old woman who paid about $150 for gold and silver necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other products. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $115/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2361

Affluent Professional Couples

This is a list of nearly 853,000 who made $350 direct mailpurchases. Enhanced lifestyle data has been overlaid.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age and gender, presence of children, income, ethnicity, religion, donor type, foreign/domestic travel, health/fitness, subscribers, high tech, sports interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: List Experts Inc., 727-669-2500

Urban Nutrition

Men and women identified on Urban Nutrition’s virility and potency product buyers file spent approximately $100 over several months. The last-12-month count is 54,326; some are continuity buyers. Customers’ average age is 45 and average annual household income is $79,000. About 65% of those listed are men. The Internet and space ads are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6331

Livestock Producers

Names of 563,025 agricultural and livestock equipment buyers, mail order customers living in rural areas and small business owners are listed. Sources include licenses, directories and public records.

SELECTIONS: Livestock type, head count, phone numbers, state/county/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Rental and Staging Systems

NewBay Media LLC is offering a file of 3,481 Rental and Staging Systems magazine subscribers’ e-mail addresses. Staging company executives, management and technical staff, show producers, and event/meeting planners are listed. The Internet is the source.


PRICE: $350/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

AbsoluteROI Sweepstakes and Contest Participants

More than 27.5 million are identified on this file derived from the Absolute Infinite Response database. Those listed entered sweepstakes and travel contests. Web site sources include, and

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, telephone numbers, age, gender, travel sweeps, shopping portals, discount coupons, freebies, interest category, date of birth, household income, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $86/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, 203-746-6640


Nielsen Subscribers at Home

Millard-Mokrynski Group Inc. now manages Nielsen Business Media’s subscriber database. Some 821,564 readers of such magazines as Billboard, Film Journal, American Artist and Ross Reports are listed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, demographic, gender, multibuyers, phone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Millard-Mokrynski Group Inc., 914-697-5830


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Gevalia SOHO Continuity Buyers

Approximately 1.3 million businesspeople who responded to a trial delivery offer for coffee and a free coffeemaker are listed; more than 70% became regular continuity buyers. The introductory price ranged from $10 to $35 and the overall average sale was $250.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, age, gender, income, job function/title, sales volume, business, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1200

This Web site is offering e-mail addresses of 119,892 engineers from all disciplines. compiles wage and compensation data from technology companies. Those listed registered there for access to information.

SELECTIONS: Engineering discipline, job level, company size, security clearance, industry, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: ePostDirect, 845-731-3828

Velocity List Group

Data from multiple direct mail sources was combined with Experian’s Gold File to create several Velocity list segments, including a master file of 5.9 million mail order buyers from the last 90 days. Some of the other lists identify families with children, donors and credit cardholders.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, Prizm clusters, demographics, lifestyle, adult’s/child’s age, length of residence, dwelling type, occupation, marital status, education, ethnicity, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (base)

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Beauty Riot Kids

Some 14,000 girls under age 18 are listed, with only their parents’ addresses given. Data is gathered from registrations at, a Web site that features information about celebrities’ makeup and hairstyles.

SELECTIONS: Household income, age, birth date, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Catamount Group, 203-778-4110

African-American Republicans and Conservatives

Names of 105,600 Republican Party members and contributors to conservative political causes are available here. Most are married churchgoers with children. Their median age is 36 and their annual income about $34,000. Sources include direct mail and online surveys, DRTV, retail, online and other mail order transactions.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, homeowners, children, sweepstakes entrants, magazine subscribers, last-12-month mail order buyers, bank cardholders, Internet connected, mail order buyer category, music interest, travelers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 201-489-2525

Pure Collection

Pure Collection Ltd.’s list identifies 4,263 who made a purchase in the past 12 months. Three-quarters are women with annual household income of about $150,000. The average catalog sale was $248 for sweaters, scarves and other products made from cashmere.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Millard-Mokrynski Group, 603-924-9262

Big Boy Toy Owners

A list of 51,283 sport utility vehicle owners who reportedly are available for postal and telemarketing offers. Data is from multiple public sources. It’s been overlaid with lifestyle and other information derived from statistical models. Also included is data collected from Web site co-registration, vehicle warranties, service center records and auto associations. Seventy-eight percent of those named here are men.

SELECTIONS: Business owner, ethnicity, gender

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

A Helping Hand

This donor list is comprised of various contribution categories. It names more than 1.1 million who gave to health, environmental, humanitarian, children’s, political, religious and animal-related causes. Monthly hotline counts range from 10,000 to 14,000. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Donor type, income, age, presence of children, mail order buyers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: List Experts Inc., 727-669-2500

Catholic Devotional Card Buyers

E-mail addresses for 6,874 Roman Catholics who bought spiritual greeting cards and similar religious products are listed here. Three-quarters are women and 90% are age 60 and older. A corresponding postal file has been on the market for some time.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct LLC, 973-283-3600

ZoomInfo Canadian Executives

Zoom Information Inc. has a list naming more than 1 million Canadian executives. Postal and telemarketing segments are offered. Board members, chairmen, presidents, vice presidents, directors, managers, consultants and other corporate-level executives from practically every industry in Canada are identified. Data is gathered by Internet search engine ZoomInfo.

SELECTIONS: SIC code, job title/function, business/industry, sales volume, recency, one name per site, domain, province

PRICE: $120/M (postal file); $145/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Walter Karl Midwest, 847-273-5702

A to Z Licensed Professionals

Postal and e-mail addresses are available for more than 1.3 million professionals. Eighty percent of those listed are at home addresses. Segments are offered for occupations ranging from attorney to X-ray technician. Sources include state licensing records from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Profession, quarterly hotline, adult’s/child’s age and gender, presence of children, business/home address, cable TV subscribers, cell-phone users, donor categories, dwelling type, ethnicity, state/city/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (postal file); $180/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Beach List Direct, 615-356-1100

Limited Too

Tween Brands Inc. is offering a list of buyers of Limited Too brand apparel for girls ages 7 to 14. Some 3.4 million customers from the last 12 months and 6.3 million from the last 24 months are named. Women placed 85% of these orders, which averaged $65 each. The sources are retail (75%) and direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, dollar amount spent (ranges), multibuyers, product type, store type, credit/cash transaction, phone orders, retail/Internet buyers, last purchase date, adult’s/child’s age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100 (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: List Services Corp., 203-791-4175

IT Decision Makers from Tippit

E-mail addresses for 50,236 information technology professionals are available from Tippit Inc. These CIOs, CTOs, IT security officers, directors and managers subscribe to online publications.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $225/M

CONTACT: Teramedia Corp., 407-420-1108

Unity Magazine

Approximately 19,850 subscribers to this religious publication are listed. Three-quarters are women, generally age 50 and older. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Rickard List Marketing, 631-249-8710


Oakstone Publishing

Lake Group Media Inc. was tapped to manage Oakstone Publishing’s lists of medical and human resources personnel, with 178,871 and 34,023 names, respectively. Each file includes buyers and subscribers. Oakstone sells newsletters, books, posters and booklets. The direct response-generated unit of sale ranged from $300 to $1,800.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Product buyers, gender, business/home address, specialty, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $145/M to $150/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2449

American Media Health and Fitness Magazines

Statlistics now oversees more than a dozen of American Media Inc.’s magazine subscriber files. Among them are Natural Health (with 275,865 subs), Muscle and Fitness (246,252), Flex (30,998) and celebrity magazines like the National Enquirer.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, income, gender, credit cardholder, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Clement Communications

MeritDirect is managing several files for publisher Clement Communications Inc. Counts range from 55,443 for a master file to 5,485 for a list of Canadian newsletter subscribers. Other lists identify subscribers and buyers of communications and safety products for management and human resources executives.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, telephone numbers, business address, gender, province, postal code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M to $125/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031


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Wild at Work

Human resources and benefits directors who registered at are on postal and e-mail lists with 25,236 and 7,982 entries, respectively. The Web site promotes newsletters to employees of registered companies. The newsletters feature travel, entertainment and other offers.

SELECTIONS: Business address, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $275/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-6644

Time Inc. Catalog Buyers

Time Inc. has two new master files of women’s and children’s catalog customers. The women’s segment is larger, with more than 2.2 million listed. The 1.9 million-name children’s list includes individuals who have kids or who’ve purchased kids’ products. Time’s subscriber and buyer information has been enhanced with Z-24 catalog and other Experian data to create both files. Numerous hotlines are offered, some with product purchase categories.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, demographics, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Politically Active Hispanic Responders

More than 3.8 million Hispanic voters and political donors are named on this file. Separate segments identify Democrats, Republicans and registered independents. The list consists of merged deduplicated data sourced from direct mail surveys and membership rosters.

SELECTIONS: Democrats/Liberals, Republicans/Conservatives, undeclared, party unknown, gender, marital status, age, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Sound Beach Marketing Partners LLC, 203-698-0708

Gourmet Cuisine and Fine Wines

Mail order buyers of food, wine and tabletop items are listed. The 30-day hotline count is 353,460. Women made 60% of these purchases.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, dwelling type, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030

Simply Home

Cutting Edge Media is offering this magazine’s list of 13,366 subscribers. Readers are women who run home-based businesses or work from home. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Totalbase Contributors and Donors Enhanced

More than 2.2 million names are on this master file. Those listed were qualified by matching against multisource data. Sources include direct response lists, warranty cards, credit bureau information, product registrations, catalogs and surveys.

SELECTIONS: Mail order buyers, hotlines, lifestyle, adult’s/child’s age, household income, ethnicity, religion, credit card, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

GLP RV Owners

This list of 2.8 million recreational vehicle owners includes those who have motor homes, campers or similar vehicles that can be towed. Among the sources are direct mail and Internet surveys, dealer groups and warranty companies.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, vehicle year, motorized or towable, state/ SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: McCarthy Media Group Inc., 608-837-4343

Wilderness Society

Equifax data enhancements have been added to the Wilderness Society’s file. A total of 143,387 members, donors and subscribers are listed. The unit of sale ranges from $10 to $250. List exchanges are available. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, dollar amount, adult’s/child’s age, ethnicity, gender, income, homeowner, length of residence, marital status, presence of children, product interest category, credit card, vehicle type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: True North List Marketing LLC, 203-459-4348

Telecom Executives

Zoom Information Inc. recently released a list of 146,053 telecommunications professionals. Data is sourced from ZoomInfo, a business-information search engine used by recruiters, sales and marketing professionals. Telephone numbers are available.

SELECTIONS: Job title/function, business/industry, sales volume, recency, one per site, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Midwest, 847-273-5703

Business Legal Services Seekers

Some 245,658 people who sought information about business legal services at are listed. The file features segments with 198,537 e-mail addresses and 180,547 telephone numbers.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, ethnicity, gender, job function/title, number of employees, sales volume, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $165/M

CONTACT: Teramedia Corp., 407-420-1108

Gun Owners by Retailbase

Nearly 1.2 million firearms owners are identified on this file derived from the Retailbase database. These buyers typically are politically conservative, according to the data card. Retail point of purchase is the source.

SELECTIONS: Demographic, lifestyle, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Catamount Group, 203-778-4110


MasterFiles’ New Movers,New Homeowners

The List Place Inc. now oversees MasterFiles’ new movers and new homeowners lists. The new movers file includes 9 million who relocated in the last 12 months. Some 39 million are named on the homeowners segment. Sources include public records and telcos.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Telephone numbers, lender, mortgage amount, date of sale/price, dwelling type, number of bathrooms/bedrooms, square footage, year built, swimming pool, gender, age, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (new movers); $80/M (new homeowners)

CONTACT: List Place Inc., 704-672-3174

Things Remembered

Focus USA is managing a combined list of consumer and business-to-business buyers for personalized gifts marketer Things Remembered. More than 2.5 million customers from the last 12 months are named on the file. The average unit of sale was $50, including direct mail, retail and Internet buyers.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount spent (ranges), hotlines, gender, special occasion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 603-673-3473

Alpha Software

MeritDirect was tapped as Alpha Software Inc.’s list manager. Alpha has a file naming 246,792 buyers of Windows-compatible database software. The unit of sale was $79; most orders were prepaid with a credit card or check. More than three-quarters of these customers are men. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone number, business/home address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031


NewsMax Media PIP

The publisher of NewsMax magazine and recently started a package insert program. Some 115,000 shipments go out annually to subs who receive premiums such as books and videos. Inquiries for inserts heavier than a quarter-ounce will be considered.

PRICE: $60/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456


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Two new files of consumer electronics buyers are available from Inc. Approximately 200,000 postal and 100,000 e-mail addresses are listed. Products purchased include computer hardware and software, camcorders, cell phones and televisions. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Job title/function, gender, age, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Oxmoor House Lifestyle Book Buyers

This list names 53,671 who bought a new self-help book series during the last six months. Most of them (83%) are women. The primary source is direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, category, age, gender, paid/multi-paid, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Atlantic’s Donors at Change of Address

Some 224,562 new movers who made donations are listed here. Segments with last 30-, 60- and 90-day names are available. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (base)

CONTACT: Atlantic List Co., 703-528-7482

Heart Healthy Living

Meredith Corp. is offering a list of 52,000 subscribers to Heart Healthy Living. This new magazine focuses on promoting cardiac health through cholesterol, blood pressure and stress management.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, change of address, enhancements, gender, paid, renewals, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2785


Fawcette Technical Publications

MeritDirect recently began managing 14 postal and e-mail lists for Fawcette Technical Publications. Counts range from 41,944 for the Registered IT/Developer Pros e-mail file to 380,410 for the FTP IT Professionals list.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Annual sales volume, business/industry type, job title, number of employees, operating system, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $225/M to $300/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1198

Sedona Labs

Sedona Labs tapped Macromark Inc. to oversee two files. Sedona Labs and Nutri Health Products Buyers names 217,990 customers, and Sedona Labs NH Responders identifies 34,185 prospects.


PRICE: $100 (buyers/base); $80/M (responders)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6331 Business Buyers

VentureDirect Worldwide now manages this master file for VertMarkets Inc. It offers 340,000 e-mail addresses of corporate executives, plant managers, engineers, purchasing directors and other professionals.

SELECTIONS: Industry, gender, job title, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5110

Bas Bleu Bookseller

Catalog bookseller Bas Bleu Inc. chose Mokrynskidirect as its list manager. The file lists 96,280 buyers from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, dollar amount spent (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Mokrynskidirect, 203-322-3610


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NASCAR/Racing Enthusiasts Network


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Numedeon Inc. offers a file of 1.9 million children ages 8 to 15 who registered at the educational Web site Some 360,000 e-mail addresses are available. Children under age 13 were required to obtain parental permission to use the site. Most of those listed are 12 years old or younger, and two-thirds are girls.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, psychographics, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2400

American Cell-ebration

This is a database of 12 million individuals with cell phones. Postal and e-mail addresses as well as cell phone and landline numbers are listed. The monthly hotline count runs about 1 million names. The sources are Web site registrations and online surveys.

SELECTIONS: Demographic, hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions Inc., 203-746-6640

Grand Magazine

Grand Media LLC has a list of 56,203 subscribers to Grand, a new title that targets grandparents. The magazine acquires subs through partnerships with such organizations as Generations United, National Senior Games Association, Foster Grandparents, Freedom Foundation, National Committee for Children’s Rights, KidsPeace and Kids First. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2761

Collections Etc. Enhanced Buyers

More than 2.6 million who made a purchase over the last 12 months are identified; 90% are women. The average sale for home and garden products and gifts was $50. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, dollar amount spent (ranges), cash/credit card, product, adult’s/child’s age, income, homeowner/renter, length of residence, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3783

Administrative Assistants

The Executive Data Bank list group has been expanded to include a file naming 545,308 administrative assistants. Other EDB lists are available for construction, financial, healthcare, retail and other professional categories. The sources are direct mail and controlled-circulation subscriptions.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, gender, headquarters/branch, home address, individual name, job title,max per company, multis, telephone numbers, SIC code, small office/home office, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2452


AHC Media Files

Edith Roman Associates Inc. was chosen to manage 17 lists for AHC Media LLC. Among them are a healthcare professionals master file and the Bioworld master file, with 60,603 and 16,970 names, respectively. Separate lists are available for alternative medicine practitioners, biotechnology, healthcare administrators and nurses. Those listed subscribe to various newsletters at a cost of $350 to $1,800. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Business address, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M to $275/M

CONTACT: Edith Roman Associates Inc., 845-731-2748

Shopping TVA Lists

Cornerstone Group of Companies now oversees several files for Shopping TVA, a French-language DRTV marketer in Quebec. Shopping TVA Body Conscious lists 32,897 who’ve bought fitness and nutrition products during the past 36 months. Additional files are available for cooking, fashion, home d


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Quality Control Professionals

OneSource Information Services Inc. is offering Quality Control Professionals, a list with 14,032 names. Sources include public records, directories and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Telephone numbers, monthly hotline, gender, branch/headquarters location, job title/function, market cap value, NAICS code, public/private/nonprofit, sales volume, total assets, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7078

Johnson Smith

A master file of 515,000 catalog buyers from the last 13 to 24 months is available from Johnson Smith Co. Customers made purchases from Things You Never Knew Existed, Betty’s Attic and The Lighter Side, among other catalogs. The unit of sale was $50.

SELECTIONS: Gender, dollar amount spent (ranges), cash/credit card, single buyers/multibuyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M (base)

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3783

PennWell’s Dental Database

PennWell Publishing Co.’s combined dental database lists 234,000 subscribers to such publications as Dental Economics, Woman Dentist Journal, and Dental CE Digest, among others. Postal and telemarketing segments are available. Dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, orthodontists and periodontists are identified.

SELECTIONS: Job function, primary practice/field, hours worked, number of dentists/hygienists, dentist type, graduation year, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $200/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Licensed Business Prof’ls. E-mail in the USA

This is a listing of 110,339 e-mail addresses across 17 occupations. Accountants, attorneys, dentists, doctors, electricians, surveyors and veterinarians are just some of those listed. Internet co-registration is the source.

SELECTIONS: Occupation

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-968-1712

Regal Gifts

Regal Gifts Corp. has files of 859,800 English and 189,344 French-speaking buyers. These lists had been unavailable since August 2005 while the company was being reorganized.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, age/income combined, single buyers, multibuyers, new to file, gender, FSA, province

PRICE: $100/M (Canadian)

CONTACT: Cornerstone Group of Companies, 416-932-9555

Federal and State Tax Liens/Warren Group

The Warren Group offers a database of 23,000 property owners with liens in Massachusetts and Connecticut. This data is derived from public records.

SELECTIONS: Dwelling type, homeowner, lien amount, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1024


SkinZinc Healthier Skin Products

The Preval Skin Care postal and telemarketing files have been combined and the list renamed SkinZinc Healthier Skin Products. More than 22,000 buyers are identified from 2006 and 38,855 from 2005. Impulse Media already had been overseeing the telemarketing file and recently assumed management of the postal portion.

SELECTIONS: Gender, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (third quarter buyers); $300/M (telemarketing)

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-825-4625


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More than 1.5 million individuals registered to use GlobalSpec’s search services are identified on the Engineering, Technical and Industrial Professionals master file. Postal and e-mail addresses are available. This is a list of engineers, managers, information technology and R&D professionals. There are U.S., Canadian and international segments.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone numbers, job function, industry, product, newsletter, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal file); $350/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5110

Animation World Network

AWN Inc. offers an opt-in e-mail list of animators, visual effects artists, interactive content developers, graphic designers and other production studio professionals. Nearly 100,000 e-mail addresses are on the file. The sources are Internet registrations and e-mail subscribers to such newsletters as Animation Flash, AWN Spotlight and VFX Newswire.


PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: Direct Effect Media Services Inc., 760-943-9103

OTC Live

OTC Live Inc. has a file of 206,184 investors’ e-mail addresses. The typical individual listed is 35 to 64 years old. Half of those named earn $75,000 or better annually, and 90% have bought stocks. The Internet is the source.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Florida Fishing and Boating Guide

Anglers are listed on the Florida Fishing and Boating Guide list. Individuals receive the guide in conjunction with fishing licenses. Some 1.5 million names are offered.

SELECTIONS: Saltwater/freshwater, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1021

Canusa Health Master File

Names of better than 25,000 subscribers to Oxygen Magazine, Maximum Fitness for Men and MuscleMag International can be found on this master file. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1342

European Travelers

This is an e-mail list of online subscribers to The Travel Insider who indicated their interest in European travel. A corresponding postal file has 201,934 addresses. Data was gathered during the subscription process without incentives.

SELECTIONS: Household income, homeowners, hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (postal or e-mail file)

CONTACT: Thomas Townsend & Kent, 312-266-6400

ARM Elite Professionals at Business Address

More than 4 million names are on this master file. The sources are professional registrations and government regulatory agencies.

SELECTIONS: Gender, professionals by type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-378

OneSource Files

OneSource Information Services Inc. is offering a group of business files, including a list of international business executives, a small business database and a list of information technology professionals, among others. The international file has 2.8 million names. Sources include public records, directories and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Telephone numbers, monthly hotline, gender, branch/headquarters location, number of employees, job title/function, market cap value, NAICS code, public/private/nonprofit, sales volume, total assets, country, postal code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7078

Rural America Consumers

Some 342,236 who made purchases in the last 12 months are listed. These online buyers responded to home maintenance offers for such products as Septic Remedy. Demographic and lifestyle data is overlaid.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Wildlife Enthusiasts

The names of approximately 946,000 buyers, donors and activists are on this last-six-month master file. Sources for the list include county and assessor records, telephone directories, catalogs, credit grantors, publishers and retailers.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline buyers/donors, presence of children, age 54 plus, homeowners, credit card users, Hispanic, African Americans, Asian, Catholic, Protestant, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Names in the News Inc., 415-989-3350

Pregnancy Magazine

A list of 22,175 female subscribers, 70% of whom are expecting their first child. The typical reader is 29 years old with an annual household income of $61,000.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, gender, source, paid, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2460

Bauer Publishing

Some 80,000 e-mail addresses of women’s magazine subscribers are identified on this master file. Subscribers to In Touch Weekly, Life & Style Weekly, Woman’s World, First for Women and Soaps in Depth are listed.

SELECTIONS: Recency, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Feel Great Health

The names of 57,808 direct mail and online buyers are available here. These middle-aged individuals spent an average of $34 for vitamins and other dietary supplements. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing Inc., 631-306-5251

Commercial Property DB/Warren Group

Names of about 212,000 commercial property owners are on this database encompassing all commercial, industrial and apartment properties in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Public records are the source.

SELECTIONS: Dwelling type, homeowner, assessed value, lender, mortgage amount, property type, sales price, year built, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1024


Advantage Business Media

Statlistics was tapped to manage 19 lists for Advantage Business Media. One of these, a master file with more than 1.2 million names, identifies people involved in laboratory services and life sciences software development, as well as engineers responsible for design, process and facilities management. Other properties include lists of subscribers to Bioscience Technology, Drug Discovery & Development, Laboratory Equipment, Scientific Computing, Surgical Products, Food Manufacturing, and Medical Design Technology magazines.

SELECTIONS: Job title, SIC codes, demographics, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $140/M to $180/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Hachette Filipacchi Media

RMI Direct Marketing now manages 20 lists for Hachette Filipacchi Media. Nearly 6 million subscribers’ names are available from 14 magazine titles, a Canadian master file and five other enhanced files. Among the lists are American Photo, Car and Driver, Cycle World, Road & Track, Boating, Elle, Metropolitan Home and Woman’s Day. New enhanced list segments and expanded modeling services are planned.

SELECTIONS (depending on file): Nielsen county, paid, home/business address, hotline, gender, province, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M to $100/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing, 203-825-4620

American Society of Association Executives

MGI Lists was chosen to manage the American Society of Association Executives’ 17,398-member list. Only business addresses are provided.

SELECTIONS: Company type, position type, job function, professional interest

PRICE: $240/M

CONTACT: MGI Lists, 800-899-4420

Money Making Opportunities

American Name Services is managing this magazine’s file. More than 700,000 subscribers’ names are listed, including 177,367 from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: American Name Services, 801-235-8061

Fitness Magazine

Meredith Corp. recently picked ALC Data Management to oversee Fitness magazine’s list of 947,382 subscribers. Eighty-two percent are women and 62% are under age 45. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, change of address, composite interest, source, enhanced, paid, Canadian, province, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2785

Olan Mills Portrait Studios

Olan Mills Inc. named Direct Partner Solutions Inc. to manage the Olan Mills Portrait Studios file. There are 4.5 million photograph buyers listed, including 950,000 from the last 12 months. A typical customer is a new mother, age 43, with annual income of $54,500. The average sale was $65. Retail point of purchase is the source.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, ethnicity, gender, income, multibuyers, payment type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (base)

CONTACT: Direct Partner Solutions Inc., 678-762-9869

American College of Physicians

The American College of Physicians appointed Medical Marketing Service Inc. to manage its more than 70,000-name membership list. Buyers of continuing education-related products are identified here as well. Members receive the Annals of Internal Medicine journal. The unit of sale ranges from $100 to $400.

SELECTIONS: Age, ethnicity, gender, medical school attended, present employment, professional activity, primary/secondary specialty, year of graduation, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Medical Marketing Service Inc., 800-633-5478

Massage Magazine

Pacific Lists now manages Massage magazine’s list of more than 22,000 subscribers. The average reader is a 45-year-old woman. Approximately 86% are in a professional practice and about 90% are homeowners.


PRICE: $240/M

CONTACT: Pacific Lists Inc., Carolyn Fremgen at 415-945-7604


PainVanish Statement Stuffer Program

HCI Direct Inc. offers a statement stuffer program that targets women who bought PainVanish cream. Some 615,000 statements are expected to be mailed this year. Inserts will be included in statements sent to customers who received two or more shipments but have yet to pay for the initial one. Up to three inserts per statement will be accepted. Inserts can be no larger than 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. The maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $60/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., Marie Buzzeo at 203-532-2541


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Time Life Books

Time Life recently reintroduced a direct mail-sold list of continuity book buyers which had been off the market. The file names 111,408 customers from the last 12 months and 173,084 from the past 24 months.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, dollar amount of sale, gender, single purchase, multibuyers, paid, product, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262 Product Buyers

This file from Beauty Products Group LLC identifies 17,002 buyers of cosmetics and dietary supplements; 96% are women. The sources are direct mail (75% of the file) and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Gender, monetary, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Small Business Loan Seekers

Consumers who requested information at are listed. Some 25,000 names from the past month and 76,241 from the last three months are on the file. Site users search for lists of lenders that provide Small Business Administration loans.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone numbers, SIC code,state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (monthly hot line)

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030


Symphonix LLC has a list of those who bought Epiclear acne products this year. These 52,729 women (68% of the file) and men spent an average of $40 per purchase. Sources include DRTV and radio, Sunday newspaper supplements and FSIs. Telephone numbers are available.


PRICE: $105/M (postal file); $250 (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-825-4625

Cell Phone Numbers

More than 14.3 million names are on the file. Segments identify individuals with both cell phones and landlines or cell phones and Internet phones. Data was gathered through Web site co-registration and verified by phone.

SELECTIONS: Lifestyle, recency, age, gender, music preference, monthly hot line, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: Media Source Solutions Inc., 954-788-0213

Bauer Publishing Mail Order Buyers

This file names 546,974 who made purchases by mail. Most are women, average age 39, with household income of nearly $51,000. Direct mail, retail and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, presence/number of children, child’s gender, lifestyle, recency, donors, interest, source, ethnicity, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Young Shopper Network

A majority of the more than 2.5 million names listed here are between 18 and 26 years old. Sources include direct mail, space ads, catalogs and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hot line, telephone numbers, ethnicity, income, age, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Connection Inc., 864-962-0761

Castalian Music COD Product Buyers

Those who ordered music and videos on a cash-on-delivery basis are named here. Nearly 150,000 buyers from the last 12 months are listed. Direct response TV is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, age, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Farmers’ Almanac

There are approximately 4,200 names of Farmers’ Almanac buyers from 2005 and 2,900 from 2006 on this file. Seventy-one percent of those listed have a garden.


PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1062

McGraw-Hill Business Leaders Global Management DB

Names of 189,539 subscribers to various McGraw-Hill magazines and newsletters are gathered on this database. Some 14% are women.

SELECTIONS: Country, region,gender, home/business address

PRICE: $295/M

CONTACT: Mokrynskidirect, 201-487-8181

Underground Infrastructure Management Magazine

A list of nearly 20,000 subscribers to this magazine, which covers the maintenance and operation of water and sewer systems as well as pertinent regulatory issues.

SELECTIONS: Title, industry, official, activities, gender,telephone numbers

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

Entrepreneurs Applying for SBA Loans

Some 9,352 buyers and 52,481 inquirers from the last three months are named here. Buyers spent $30 a month for access to a members-only Web site which offers software downloads and other information. Inquirers requested a CD that provides details about grants and additional sources of capital.


PRICE: $95/M (buyers and inquirers)

CONTACT: American Name Services, 801-235-8061

Back to Basics Toys/Z-24 Catalog Buyers

The Back to Basics Toys file has been enhanced with data from the Z-24 database. More than 150,000 buyers’ names from the last 12 months are available. Z-24 buyer data is shared by more than 700 catalogers. The unit of sale for these last-24-month customers was $75 and direct mail was the source.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age (exact or range), presence of children, number of purchases, cumulative Z-24 dollar amount of purchase, household income

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Catalyst Direct Marketing, 973-831-4222

Pacific Lira Sweeps

Approximately 47,000 Italian consumers are named on the Pacific Lira Sweeps list. They responded to sweepstakes and other direct mail offers.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, gender

PRICE: $175/M

CONTACT: J.R. Direct Response International Inc., 604-940-0277

Legacy Media’s Buyers and Inquirers

Legacy Media Inc. is offering files naming 360,000 buyers and 1.4 million inquirers. Within the last year these consumers spent an average of $50 at such Web sites as and Inquirers signed up to receive offers. Most of those listed are 26 to 55 years old. Sources include direct mail, Internet searches, online ads and affiliate Web sites.


PRICE: $160/M (buyers); $110/M (inquirers)

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

Animation World Network

This e-mail list from AWN Inc. reaches nearly 100,000 visual effects artists and animators, graphic artists and similar professionals. Animation World Network is a Web-based publishing group. More than 72% of those listed are directly involved in producing animation. Sources include online registrations and subscriptions to such e-mail newsletters as Animation Flash, AWN Spotlight and the VFX Newswire. Orders will be approved only for advertisers offering products and services related to the interests of this niche audience, according to the list manager.


PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: Direct Effect Media Services Inc., 760-943-9103

Golden Seniors Hotline Buyers

Consumers 50 years old and up who buy products by mail on a monthly basis are identified here. More than 2.4 million names from the last 90 days and nearly 550,000 from the last 30 days are listed. The file is updated monthly. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Credit card/money order, purchase amount (ranges), gender, Prizm clusters, adult’s/child’s age, income, length of residence,ethnicity, religion, Experian enhancements, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M (last-90-day names); $120/M (last-30-day names)

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

African American Golfer’s Digest

Some 6,000 postal and 12,000 e-mail addresses are on this list. Subscribers include golf enthusiasts and those who aspire to play golf. Most are 35 to 60 years old with annual household income of $45,000 or better. Women’s names account for about 15% of the file.


PRICE: $105/M (postal file); $125/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1012

Art Business News

Pfingsten Publishing LLC has an e-mail list identifying 15,865 subscribers to Art Business News, a magazine for the gallery and interior design markets.


PRICE: $235/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

CoolSavings Ailments

Individuals who responded to Internet questionnaires are named on this master file. More than 3.6 million registered at, where demographic, shopping preference and category interest data is collected. The Web site offers men (18% of the file) and women category-specific newsletters.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, credit cards, ethnicity, income, number of children, occupation, education, lifestyle, mail order buyers, ailment, adult’s/child’s age, birth date, donors, ownership, books, sports, music, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Trendsations Multichannel Continuing Education

Some 5.4 million postal and e-mail addresses are offered. These individuals, typically in their 30s, requested information on a Web site. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Degree, age, area of interest, gender, household income, monthly hot line, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M (postal or e-mail files)

CONTACT: List Bargains, 203-746-6640

Daily Bankruptcy Files

Bankruptcy records received from 94 federal courts were gathered and run through the National Change of Address database to create a list called Daily Bankruptcy Files With Instant NCOA. These 13.4 million records include more than 1 million bankruptcy filings from the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: MSA, radius, one per household, case number output, filing date, discharged/dismissed/closed date, assets, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Derma Wand Skin-Care System

This is a list of 4,185 consumers who paid $120 for a skin-care product in the third quarter. Most agreed to make four installment payments. Telephone numbers are available. Direct response TV is the source.


PRICE: $105/M (postal file)

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-825-4625


Students Conserving America

The Student Conservation Association has selected Names in the News Inc. to manage a file that’s been renamed Students Conserving America. It identifies 18,919 donors to the SCA, an organization for high school and college students who do volunteer environmental work. The average direct mail contribution was $70. No telemarketing is allowed.


PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Names in the News Inc., 510-302-4640

Birthday Express

Celebration Express Inc. picked Adrea Rubin Management Inc. to oversee three files. The largest, Birthday Express Buyers, names 895,599 who bought party favors, decorations and similar products, typically for children’s parties. Another, Storybook Heirlooms Buyers, identifies 69,418 individuals who purchased apparel, gifts and accessories for young girls. And the 30,000 who ordered personalized scrolls are listed on Great Days Scroll Buyers. All three lists cover transactions made during the last 12 months. Direct mail, package inserts and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, child’s age/gender, last/cumulative purchase, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M to $110/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3783

Special Education Teachers in America

The National Association of Special Education Teachers has reappointed Bethesda List Center Inc. to manage its file. NASET identifies 234,054 women and 44,918 men who work in the special-ed field. The list includes members and prospective members.

SELECTIONS: School type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-968-1721

Virginia Born & Bred

Millard Group Inc. was tapped as list manager by mail order cataloger and Web marketer Virginia Born & Bred Inc. Nearly 18,000 last-12-month and more than 26,000 last-24-month buyers are listed. Names from the past six months also are available. The average order for gourmet foods and other specialty products from Virginia was $124.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount of sale, gender, multibuyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Special Olympics

ALC Data Management now oversees this list naming 1.4 million donors from the last 24 months. The average direct mail contribution was $30. Telemarketing is not allowed and sweepstakes offers cannot be approved.

SELECTIONS: $10-plus/$20-plus donors, age, ethnicity, gender, presence of children, religion, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5227


Angels on Earth Bind-in

Guideposts has a bind-in program for Angels on Earth magazine. Some 2.7 million two-sided inserts will be bound in copies throughout the year. Seventy-five percent of the pieces will target women. Only two inserts per magazine will be accepted. Dimensions must be roughly 5-1/4 by 7-1/4 inches.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4631

Silkies Enriche PIPs

HCI Direct Inc. is offering three package insert programs that target buyers of skin moisturizer. The biggest PIP, Silkies Enriche New Starts, is projected to reach 965,000 women next year. The Silkies Enriche step-up and multibuyer programs will go out to 870,000 and 300,000 women, respectively, each year. Up to 12 inserts per package will be accepted. Inserts must be between 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches and weigh no more than a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $55/M to $60/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2541


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Collectible America

The names of 17,000 buyers and 10,000 inquirers from the last 12 months are on this catalog’s list. The unit of sale ranged from $180 to $230. The sources are catalog and direct mail (95%) and space advertising.

PRICE: $100/M (last-12-month buyers); $75/M (last-12-month inquirers)
CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1021

Wealth Manager

Highline Media’s e-mail list of subscribers to Wealth Manager magazine offers some 32,000 e-mail addresses. The publication targets company presidents, owners, directors, certified public accountants, lawyers and other senior financial planning executives.

SELECTIONS: Job function, assets, business/industry type, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $300/M
CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Frank Cawood & Associates Cookbook Buyers

More than 9,500 customers from the last 24 months are listed. The cookbook targets those 50 years old and up. Direct mail and space ads are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $105/M
CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2400

Texas Technology

New media firm e.Republic Inc. is offering a list of 25,076 subscribers to Texas Technology, a magazine published in association with the Texas Department of Information Resources. Its readers are technocrats who work in Texas state and local government.

SELECTIONS: Agency/department, government branch, job function/class, max per site, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $160/M
CONTACT: Chessie Lists Inc., 301-680-3633

Hoof Beats

The U.S. Trotting Association has released a list of 10,846 subscribers and 5,992 recent former subs to Hoof Beats, a magazine for harness-racing fans.

PRICE: $110/M (active subscribers); $90/M (former subs)
CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Hotline Express

Each month the names of some 200,000 consumers identified as new-to-file are pulled from a national database to create the Hotline Express list. Sixty and 90-day hotline files are available. Sources include direct mail, transaction data, surveys, new credit card activity files and public records.

SELECTIONS: Credit cardholders, demographic, gender, homeowners, presence of children by age, pet owners, new movers, mail order buyers, retail buyers, TV-generated buyers, online shoppers, catalog shoppers, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $75/M
CONTACT: Sound Beach Marketing Partners LLC, 203-698-0708

A list of over 100,000 e-mail addresses from is on the market. It identifies engineers and scientists who registered online to research average salaries paid in the profession.

SELECTIONS: Engineering discipline, job level, size of company, security clearance, industry
PRICE: $275/M
CONTACT: ePostDirect, 845-731-3828

SOHO Pulse

Approximately 3.7 million who work in home-based businesses are listed here. This file was assembled from telephone and professional directories, as well as municipal, county, state and other public records.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, bank and retail cardholders, dwelling type, frequent travelers, gender, homeowners and renters, income, investors, length of residence, mail order responsive buyers, marital status, presence of children, age, gender, Prizm codes, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $70/M
CONTACT: NCRI List Management, 201-541-9500

Medical Professionals Worldwide

Physicians and other healthcare professionals are identified on this 1.3 million-name list. They work in hospitals, clinics, universities and other settings. A segment with 990,790 telephone numbers is available, as well as others with fax numbers and e-mail addresses. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.

SELECTIONS: Job function, specialties, country, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $245/M (postal file); $345/M (telephone/fax numbers); $475/M (e-mail addresses)
CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-968-1712

Contacts in American Business

This 92 million-name postal database was built with data from Dun & Bradstreet, professional directories, Yellow Pages, seminar and conference rosters, association membership lists, and state/local public records.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type, gender, job title, telephone numbers, recency, SIC code, department, number of employees, multiple executives per company, sales volume ranges, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $85/M
CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1258

Investor Protection Association for America

Nearly 78,000 names are on this file. These investors reportedly follow legislation pertaining to taxes and investments. Most are men age 48 to 65. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $135/M
CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

NameWorks DM Master File

About 11.2 million consumers who made multiple direct mail purchases are listed. More than 50 selections are available. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age range and gender, demographic, ethnicity, homeowner, length of residence, lifestyle, marital status, presence/number of children, teenagers, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $75/M
CONTACT: NameWorks Online, 203-746-7389

Web-Bound Businesses

One of the newest files added to the Business 6.0 list group is Web-Bound Businesses. It identifies 873,000 firms with Web sites. It’s available for rental, database enhancements and licensing. Sources include new Web site registrations, Yellow Pages advertising, utilities and public notices.

SELECTIONS: Telephone numbers, contact name, fax numbers, ethnicity, SIC codes, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $75/M
CONTACT: Lighthouse List Co., 800-684-2180

Hotline Universe Opportunity Buyers

Some 1.8 million names are on this master file available for postal and telemarketing offers. Among those listed are self-help products buyers and those interested in money-making opportunities. The average unit of sale was $85. The sources are direct mail (85%) and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, credit card, dollar amount spent, age, income, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $90/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)
CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300


Disney Publishing Worldwide is offering a list of 125,000 subscribers to Wondertime magazine. Its readers are mothers with children up to age 6; 54% have two or more kids. Subs’ median annual income is $61,600. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business address, change of address, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $120/M
CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2777

National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Some 23,650 names are listed. Most members are physicians, medical directors and nurses.

SELECTIONS: Job title, work setting, subgroup, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $250/M
CONTACT: Infocus Marketing Inc., 800-708-5478

Kids ‘n Things Hotline Buyers

This is a list of consumers who recently bought children’s products. Segments with 319,868 last-30-day and 1.5 million last-90-day customers are available. The sources are multiple direct mail offers.

SELECTIONS: Gender, Prizm clusters, adult’s/child’s age, income, length of residence, ethnicity, religion, Experian enhancements, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $105/M (last-30-day names); $120/M (last-90-day names)
CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

ERISA Master File

Senior-level retirement fund administrators are named on the Employee Retirement Income Security Act master file. Segments are available for employee benefit plan administrators (with 384,003 names), human resources managers (331,762) and corporate financial managers (379,604), to name a few. Federal government records are the source.

SELECTIONS: Job function/title, number of employees, pension fund size, years in business, franchise flag, sales volume, location headquarters/branch, public/private company, employer identification number, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $110/M to $115/M
CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7019

Parents and Expectant Parents

The iParenting Media network of Web sites offers a file of parents and expectant parents. Some 389,000 postal and 600,300 e-mail addresses are listed. Names are sourced from more than 40 Web sites.

SELECTIONS: Pregnant, baby, toddler, preschool, children, teenager, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $125/M (postal file); $250/M (e-mail file)
CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5110

Trailblazers Travelers With Credit Cards

More than 2.5 million names are listed here. Segments identifying domestic, foreign, cruise and senior travelers are available, among others. Sources include direct mail, online subscriptions and other purchase and survey data. Inquiries for telemarketing will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, credit status, gender, hotline, household income, lifestyle, presence of children, RV owners, teenagers, time-share, type of credit card, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $80/M
CONTACT: List Bargains, 203-746-6640

Buyers Survey Marketplace

This is a list of more than 16 million consumers who completed direct mail surveys. Hundreds of selections are offered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, categories, adult’s/child’s age, credit cardholders, children by age, dwelling type, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $75/M
CONTACT: NCRI List Management, 201-541-9500

The Cottage Shop

After being off the market for a number of years The Cottage Shop catalog’s list is available again. It names 15,000 buyers from the last 12 months. The unit of sale for porcelain boxes and collectibles was $150. Direct mail (95%) and space ads are the sources.

PRICE: $150/M
CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

FHM E-mail List

Emap Metro LLC is offering an e-mail file of subscribers to FHM, a men’s lifestyle and entertainment magazine. Some 65,384 e-mail addresses are listed. Subscribers’ median age is 27 and the median annual household income $67,674.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $150/M
CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

26 Red Master File

Nearly 600,000 names from the last 12 months are on the 26 Red postal/e-mail master file. Those listed are entrepreneurs and opportunity seekers who responded to several Internet offers. These men (72%) and women (28%) requested information on online stock trading and auctions, real estate investing and government grants. The file includes buyers of media products such as CDs and video tutorials. Others paid for memberships that gave them access to Web sites offering information on specific topics. Separate segments for buyers and inquirers are available. The average monthly unit of sale was $50.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $140/M (e-mail file)
CONTACT: American Name Services, 801-235-8061

Insurance Solutions

Several databases of insurance prospects were built from statistical models using information from direct mail surveys. Files for term life, senior supplemental, and family healthcare insurance prospects are available, with counts ranging from 2 million to 2.6 million. The models are driven mainly by age, income, geographic location and survey data.

PRICE: $90/M
CONTACT: Sound Beach Marketing Partners LLC, 203-698-0708


Grolier Canadian

Millard Group Inc. now manages the Grolier Canadian master files. The English list identifies 370,000 children’s book buyers; the corresponding French file names 70,000. Books were sold via school-based and continuity clubs.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount of sale, hotlines, adult’s gender, child’s age/gender, completers, paid, province
PRICE: $120/M
CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 619-595-4801


International Male PIP

Inserts are collated in envelopes and included with 310,000 annual package shipments. Eighty percent of customers are men, most age 40 to 55. The average apparel order is $100. Inserts must be 3-1/2 by 5 inches to 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. Maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $60/M
CONTACT: Singer Direct Inc., 201-421-1542

Mailbox Money Magazine Program

The Mailbox Money co-op advertising package has been discontinued and replaced by a new bound magazine. Nine mailings per year are scheduled. More than 4.6 million copies will be sent to Manhattan, NY and 2.2 million to Bergen County, NJ.

SELECTIONS: Manhattan, Bergen County
PRICE: $15/M (half page); $20/M (full page)
CONTACT: Stanton Direct Marketing Inc., 607-734-1665


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Stamats Business Media E-mail

Several e-mail lists have been released by Stamats Business Media. Buildings magazine has the largest count with 33,292 e-mail addresses, followed by Archi-Tech (14,605) and Interiors & Sources (10,904). Four separate regional files are offered for Meetings magazine, each with more than 8,000 e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Business type, job title/function, purchasing authority, annual sales volume, primary business, project type, attendees, facility, meeting sites, state/SCF/ZIP (depending on file)

PRICE: $350/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 847-492-1350

C-Level Executives From Wealth Manager

Highland Media has a file of more than 25,000 corporate execs who subscribe to Wealth Manager, a magazine targeting financial planners and investment advisers. These managers’ average annual household income is just under $176,400.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type, number of employees, recency, job title/function, assets, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Human Resource Maker/Business Life

Buyers and responders are identified on this approximately 250,000-name file of HR professionals. Segments are available for postal, e-mail, telemarketing and fax offers. No exchanges are allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, annual sales volume, business/industry type, company size, gender, job function/title, mail order buyers, number of employees, paid, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $170/M (base)

CONTACT: Teramedia Corp., 407-420-1108

Commercial Hay Growers

Just under 44,000 farmers are named; alfalfa growers are included. Public records and direct mail are the sources.


PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Credit Union Times

Wicks Business Information is offering a list of 8,548 subscribers to Credit Union Times. This weekly reaches professionals at credit unions as well as corporate executives, board members and managers.


PRICE: $140/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Surveys4Teens Inc. has released Surveys4Teens, a file of teenagers derived from its marketing research Web site It lists some 252,000 e-mail addresses of 13- to 17-year-olds who registered online to participate in e-mail polls.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5186

People on the Mend

This list from Dresden Direct Inc. identifies individuals who reportedly are having difficulties paying their bills. It consists of 93,434 one-month hotline names. Data is sourced from retail transactions.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3783

Great American Hanger Co.

The 11,072 customers named here spent about $160 for wood, metal and specialty hangers over the last 13 to 24 months. Seventy percent are women. Segments for last six- and seven- to 12-month buyers are available. The sources are paid search (90%) and direct mail (10%).

SELECTIONS: Gender, $50-plus/$100-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (last 13- to 24-month buyers)

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080


Crate and Barrel is offering the CB2 list of catalog and Web site customers. Segments include 65,000 last-12-month and 85,000 last-24-month buyers. The unit of sale was $120 for home furnishings and entertainment products.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, dollar amount spent (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Teracultural Spanish Respondents

This list gathers 315,498 postal and 522,703 e-mail addresses of Spanish-speaking consumers who replied to vacation contest offers. The sources are direct mail and a Web site.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, mail order/catalog/online buyers, gender, head of household, lifestyle, income, household income, marital status, presence/number of children, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $105/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing Inc., 631-306-5213

Be the Man Product Buyers

Ninety-five percent of those listed here


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Harvest Nutritional Products

This is a list of 5,139 consumers who bought dietary supplements in the second quarter. Customers’ average age was 35 and the typical sale $156. A telemarketing segment is available. The sources are direct mail (85%) and the Internet.


PRICE: $135/M (postal file); $175/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

InterACT Catalog Buyer Database

Some 8.3 million current buyers, as well as those identified as catalog shoppers, are listed here. The file incorporates catalog, publishing and Internet data appended with demographics from InfoUSA. Scoring data is included.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age range, ethnic, gender, homeowner, income, lifestyle, occupation, presence of children, R-Value scores, religion, SOHO, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

ELEM Youth in Distress in Israel

A file of 3,688 who contributed to ELEM, an Israeli organization that provides services for troubled, neglected and abused youth. Direct mail is the source. The list will not be released for non-monetary response offers.


PRICE: List exchanges only

CONTACT: Prospect Direct Inc., 414-271-3313

Horticulture and Landscaping Professionals Database

M2Media360 is offering the Horticulture and Landscaping Professionals database. It names subscribers to such titles as Arbor Age, Outdoor Power Equipment and Sports Turf. A total of 101,621 postal and 31,243 e-mail addresses are listed. Subscribers include owners, management executives and purchasing agents, as well as arborists, irrigation contractors and other


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This is a list of 155,956 Ampli-Ear hearing aid buyers. Three-quarters were age 60 or older and their average order was $25. Direct mail is the source. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing Inc., 631-293-8550

Mystical Sirens

Subscriber and mail order buyers’ names are combined on this file. The count is 86,000. Many readers of this quarterly adult magazine made subsequent purchases of DVDs, calendars and daily planners. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6331

World Wildlife Fund Enhanced

This enhanced master file identifies 514,020 members and donors from the last 12 months. The average contribution was $22. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, credit card, dollar amount, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, length of residence, income, marital status, presence of children, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: True North List Marketing, 203-459-4348

Pennwell’s Fire Database

Combines names of subscribers to Fire Engineering and Fire EMS magazines with fire book buyers. A total of 218,728 postal and 58,852 e-mail addresses can be rented.

SELECTIONS: Title/rank, department, population served, products, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M (postal file); $425/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

School Finder Inquirers

Identifies 4.5 million consumers who researched schools online. Those listed reported personal information and their criteria for selecting schools.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, ethnicity, income, telephone numbers, age, presence of children, credit card buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Connection Inc., 954-941-7118

American Media Inc.

A master file naming subscribers to such tabloids and celebrity publications as The National Enquirer, The Star, Weekly World News, and Globe; all pubs are selectable. More than 1.2 million names are listed. An average subscriber is a 49-year-old earning $62,000 a year. The main source (47%) is direct to publisher.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, source, paid, adult’s/child’s age, income, lifestyle, pet owner, credit cardholders, occupation, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services, 201-865-5800

Nightingale Conant Business Product Buyers

A list segment of 23,267 business product buyers has been spun off Nightingale Conant’s main file. Customers bought audio CDs or MP3s on professional and business development, negotiation techniques and other business topics.

SELECTIONS: Gender, home/business, product, paid, year, hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800 Newsletter Lists Inc. has 11 newsletter lists which identify more than 1.7 million subscribers. These files reach the beauty, diabetic and fitness markets, as well as others in the consumer sector. Among the sources are the Internet, space ads and direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Westgate Resorts

Time-share operator Westgate Resorts is offering several master files, including a 114,958-name postal list of vacation-package buyers. E-mail addresses and telephone numbers are available. The sources are television, space advertising, direct mail and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, income, presence of children, occupation, credit card, gender, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: CPC Associates Inc.,215-734-1220

Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition

Lists 168,626 subscribers to the weekday and weekend editions of The Wall Street Journal. The file includes subscribers’ weekday and weekend addresses. The main source (92%) is direct to publisher.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, gender, income, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $170/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5233

WebMD Medical Professionals

Some 459,000 postal and 444,000 e-mail addresses are on this master file. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Specialty, telephone numbers, number of employees, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Free College Scholarship Registrants

Ice Water Media recently launched five databases including Free College Scholarship Registrants, which names more than 1 million. Those on the file registered at Other lists identify travelers, freebie seekers and singles looking for dates online.

SELECTIONS: Date of birth, telephone numbers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: MKTG Services, 215-867-4093


Approximately 98,500 who invested a minimum of $5,000 during the last six months are identified. Those listed responded to direct mail targeting accredited investors. Individuals were qualified by a licensed stockbroker as having a $1 million-plus net worth and annual income of $150,000 or more.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, age, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Listdata Management Services Inc., 845-357-1881

BuyerShare Multichannel Buyers

A multichannel buyers file has been added to the BuyerShare list group. Nearly 600,000 from the last three months are named, along with recency and monetary data. The average unit of sale was $60. This file is derived from a cooperative database and direct mail data.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount spent (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M (base)

CONTACT: Sound Beach Marketing Partners LLC, 203-698-0708

Society of American Florists

More than 9,750 active paid members are listed; the majority are owners or managers of floral retail shops. Growers and wholesalers are included. Membership dues ranged from $261 to $1,077.

SELECTIONS: Member type, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: Infocus Marketing Inc., 800-708-5468

Millionaire Conservative Donors

Several political and donor lists have been assembled from public records and direct mail data. One such file (Complete Millionaire Conservative Donors) contains 13,941 names, including those of 1,341 multimillionaires.

SELECTIONS: Telephone numbers, adult’s/child’s age, income, party affiliation, date of birth, ethnicity, dwelling type, homeowner, home value, length of residence, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (millionaire donors)

CONTACT: Complete Mailing Lists, 914-771-6640


The approximately 1.4 million identified here made multiple direct mail and retail purchases with credit cards. Eighty-five percent are homeowners. The median age is 46 and average annual income $85,000. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age range, teenagers, ethnicity, income, lifestyle, mail order buyers, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: NameWorks Online, 203-746-7389

American Diabetic

Online surveys are the source for this 762,052-name file of diabetics. Household members who reported the type of diabetes those in their family have, and the methods used to control blood sugar levels, are listed as well.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, control method, medication type, donors, ethnicity, gender, hobbies, homeowner, household income, insurance policy number, mail order buyers, marital status, other ailments, telephone numbers, prescription plan subscriber, presence of children, smokers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $190/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Craftmatic Adjustable Bed Responders in Australia

Names some 66,000 customers from New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia. Reciprocal list pricing is available. Sources include direct mail and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Gender, telephone numbers, state, postal code, city

PRICE: $200/M

CONTACT: Acton International Ltd., 402-742-2826

Restaurant Report Postal

Chefs, owners and managers of independent restaurants predominate on this file. About 5,100 who subscribed to the report are listed. The Internet is the source. A corresponding e-mail file has been available for some time.

SELECTIONS: Contact name, one per site, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: IdeaList Co., 203-754-5478

Medical Professionals By Specialty in the Far East

There are 157,702 postal and 9,044 e-mail addresses on this list; telephone and fax numbers can be had as well. This list is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.

SELECTIONS: Job function, income, business/industry, size of company, geographic, gender

PRICE: $245/M (postal file); $345/M (telemarketing/fax file); $475/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-986-1455

Focus on Political Affiliations

This is a list of 58,068 Republicans, 57,839 Democrats, 778,491 Conservatives and 322,543 Liberals. The median age is 37 and median annual income $46,000. Sources include mail order and other transaction data.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, news/financial subscribers, homeowners, ethnicity, last six- and 12-month mail order buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 201-489-2525

More than 808,014 direct mail and online buyers of computer hardware and software are listed (530,025 from the last 12 months). Separate enhanced and Canadian master files are available.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business/home address, computers, computer accessories and parts, imaging, memory, networking products, entertainment, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (base)

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing Inc., 631-306-5249

Winston Health Report Buyers

A list of about 3,700 who paid $40 for 18 health reports. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

Association for Laboratory Automation

The group’s 7,512 U.S. members are listed. Memberships cost $120 per year. Other segments identify 1,505 international members and 3,000 2006 conference attendees.


PRICE: $225/M (U.S. members)

CONTACT: True North List Marketing, 203-459-4348

Sports and Exotic Car

Hemmings Motor News is offering a list of 19,739 subscribers to Sports and Exotic Car magazine. The file primarily names men interested in imported collectible cars.

SELECTIONS: New to file, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700


United Marketing Solutions Co-op

Leon Henry Inc.’s LH Management Division recently assumed management of a cooperative mail program for United Marketing Solutions Inc. More than 17.4 million pieces go out annually. Targets include households in 17 states, most along the East Coast. Eighty-five percent of recipients are homeowners. Inserts must range from 3-1/2 by 5 inches to 3-5/8 by 8-1/2 inches. The maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $19.50/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456

UCG List Portfolio

United Communications Group picked Lake Group Media Inc. to oversee five existing lists and launch another 15. Among the files under new management are National Federal Procurement Government Contractors, National ZIP Code Directory, and iSeries 400 Experts subscribers. Counts range from 18,848 to 298,521.


PRICE: $100/M to $225/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2449

Taylor Gifts Blow-in and PIP

SMD Media Services Inc. will now handle Taylor Gifts’ catalog blow-in and package insert programs. Blow-ins for the nearly 30 million catalogs mailed each year can be no larger than 6 by 6 inches. Inserts for the 358,000 packages shipped annually can be as large as 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. The maximum weight for both is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $35/M (blow-in); $60/M (PIP)

CONTACT: SMD Media Services Inc., 845-526-2209


Travel products direct marketer Magellan’s appointed Belardi/Ostroy ALC LLC to manage its customer file. More than 150,000 who made a purchase over the last 13 to 24 months are listed; other segments are available as well. The average order was $85.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, dollar amount spent (ranges), apparel, multibuyers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M (last 13- to 24-month buyers)

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy ALC LLC, 212-381-1719

Stylin Concepts Catalog

ALC Data Management now oversees Stylin Concepts Corp.’s list of more than 250,000 catalog buyers. The average unit of sale for truck parts and accessories was $185. About a fifth of these buyers were women.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5238


Autumn Ridge Nursery

Autumn Ridge Nursery is offering a catalog ride-along program. About 460,000 catalogs are mailed in spring and fall. The audience includes those who e-mailed, faxed or phoned to request catalogs. Inserts can be up to 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches and weigh as much as a quarter ounce. A corresponding package insert program began earlier this year.

PRICE: $45/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Hollywood Previews

The Hollywood Previews program enables printed inserts to ride along with the more than 18.2 million magazines published yearly on CD-ROM. Discs will be distributed in Sunday editions of the Dallas Morning News, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News and (Long Island, NY) Newsday. The program already is available in Dallas and reportedly will be offered in the other markets in October. The CDs are said to feature movie trailers, music and video games. Up to 20 inserts can be shipped with each CD. Inserts must be between 3-1/2 by 5 inches and 5 by 6 inches, and weigh no more than a quarter ounce.


PRICE: $30/M

CONTACT: Media Horizons Management, 203-604-1784


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LiveCareer Healthcare Professionals

Some 74,863 students planning their post-secondary education major are identified. More than 150 program interests are selectable. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Date of birth, gender, program interest, education, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M (base)

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7035

Kingpin Intelligence

Nearly 25,000 names are on Kingpin Intelligence U.K. Technology Professionals, a postal/e-mail list of information technology personnel in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Sources include telemarketing and other marketing research.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, key technology, platforms, database used, job function, purchase recommendations, country

PRICE: $325/M (postal file); $525/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Macworld iPod/MP3 Subscribers

Mac Publishing LLC is offering a file of 39,290 Macworld magazine subscribers who own Apple iPod products or MP3 players. Seventy-eight percent of those listed are men. Subscribers’ average household income is $99,400. The sources are direct mail and direct to publisher.

SELECTIONS: Business address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $195/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Red, White and Bloom

This list of gardeners includes more than 4.4 million individuals who visit botanical gardens and gardening shows. Among the sources are direct mail, space ads, telemarketing, magazine subscriptions and retail transactions.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, ethnicity, income, age, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Connection Inc., 954-941-7118

OK Magazine

Northern and Shell North America Ltd. recently made OK magazine’s 215,000-name list available. Most subscribers to this celebrity title are women, median age 33, with annual household income of $64,000.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, home/business address, recency/hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

All You Magazine

Time Consumer Marketing Inc. has a list of more than 230,000 active subscribers to All You, a monthly lifestyle magazine for women. Subs’ median age is 43 and their median household income $45,480 a year. The sources are direct to publisher (51%) and agents (49%).

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, change of address, renewals, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Belardi/Ostroy ALC LLC, 212-381-1726

Win My PlayStation Drawing Entrants

More than 3.1 million names collected during the last 12 months are on this file. Those listed completed an online form to enter a drawing for a portable game machine.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Acton Direct, 215-342-2006

CoolSavings Postal Address Master File

Approximately 6.8 million who registered at the Web site are identified here. Eighty-two percent are women. The site offers personalized product and service incentives.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, credit cards, ethnicity, income, number of children, occupation, education, lifestyle, mail order buyers, adult’s/child’s age, date of birth, donors, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2426

Governing Magazine E-mail

Congressional Quarterly Inc. is offering a file of subscribers to Governing magazine. Some 5,143 e-mail addresses are available. State and local government officials are included in this controlled (95%) and paid (5%) circulation list.

SELECTIONS: Level of position/government, goods and services purchased, government position, population of area, job function, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $320/M (base)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Invitation to Apply for Credit Card Prospects

Twelve million names, including 6 million from the last 12 months, are listed. These consumers reportedly indicated they were interested in receiving credit and other financial offers. Direct mail and statistical models are the sources for this new file in the WealthMaster list group.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, telephone numbers, income, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (base)

CONTACT: Lighthouse List Co., 800-684-2180

Success Guaranteed Buyers

This is a list of 36,611 who are looking for opportunities to make money. Women’s names account for 65% of the file. Telemarketing is allowed. Postal and telemarketing segments are available.


PRICE: $100/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1342

Fundraising Success

North American Publishing Co. provides 11,038 postal and 5,400 e-mail addresses on Fundraising Success magazine’s file.

SELECTIONS: One per site, gender, primary mission/purpose, location, total annual revenue, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M (postal addresses); $250/M (e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Edith Roman Associates Inc., 845-731-2684

American Donors Who Support Government Reform

This is a file of more than 373,000 who responded to direct mail appeals in support of campaign finance reform, balanced budgets and setting ethical standards for the White House. The average contribution was $25.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, occupation, presence of children, credit card, donation amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: CPC Associates Inc., 215-734-1220

Boomer Nation

The National Household Database now includes a baby boomer segment. More than 58.4 million names are on the NHD Boomer Nation master file. Sources include direct mail, voter registration records and the Internet.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, income, age, dwelling type, telephone numbers, lifestyle, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: McCarthy Media Group Inc., 608-837-4343

Internet-Savvy Credit Card Users

A list of consumers who paid for online purchases with a bank credit card. Some 234,000 names are available from the last three months, and monthly and weekly hotlines are offered. The file is assembled from Web site domain registrations.

SELECTIONS: Multiple Web sites, telephone numbers, broadband users, domain renewal date, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (quarterly hotline)

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030

ERISA Master File

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) master file names 470,000 senior retirement fund administrators, among them human resources, corporate and private financial managers. Public records are the source.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, telephone numbers, SIC code, job function/title, number of employees, pension fund size, years in business, franchise flag, sales volume, location/headquarters/branch, public/private company, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M (base)

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7019

Veterans Advantage

The 212,316 veterans listed here paid $60 for the Veterans Advantage card. Cardholders get discounts on business and financial services, travel and entertainment, items for home and office, gifts, and health and wellness products.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Taunton Press

The names of 413,683 active subscribers to various Taunton Press magazines are gathered on this master file. Subs to Fine Cooking, Fine Gardening and Woodworking, among other titles, are listed. Subscribers’ average annual household income is $105,532.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business address, gender, paid, renewals, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Webwise Home Security Prospects

This list names some 800,000 consumers who either bought or inquired about installing a home security system. Most are married homeowners earning an average of $65,000 a year. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Age range, credit card buyers, ethnicity, gender, homeowners, income, length of residence, lifestyle, mail order buyers, monthly hotline, telephone numbers, presence of children, teenagers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: List Connection Inc., 954-941-7118


MarketMaster Consumer Master File

Method2Media LLC chose Estee Marketing Group Inc. to manage this 41 million-name list. Data comes from online registrations at, and Those listed provided information about purchasing preferences. Demographic and geographic data is overlaid, providing numerous selections.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age and gender, corrective lenses, credit card buyers, cat/dog owners, golf, homeowners, mail order buyers, music, travel, income, presence of children, families, seniors, Puerto Rican residents, ethnicity, religion, mail order buyer categories, lifestyle enhancements, camping/hiking, cat owners, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

High-Tech Industrial Procurement Managers

VertMarkets Inc. tapped to oversee lists of industrial and commercial procurement managers in 68 markets. The U.S. file contains 76,601 names and the international file, which includes Canadian names, has 59,545. These postal lists cover 12 major sectors such as communications, electronics, energy and life sciences. Data is derived from e-mail newsletter subscription registrations.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, one per site, recency, e-letter interest, telephone numbers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT:, 800-296-0888

Cancer Care

Mokrynskidirect is the new list manager for Cancer Care Inc., a nonprofit that provides services for healthcare workers, cancer patients and their loved ones. Some 8,450 donors from the last 12 months are identified. The average contribution was $12. Quarterly hotline names are available only for commercial mailers. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, $10-plus/$15-plus donors, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (last-12-month donors)

CONTACT: Mokrynskidirect, 201-487-8181

Haband Co. PIP

List Process Management Inc. was chosen to relaunch Haband Co.’s package insert program. Some 5.2 million shipments go out each year to customers who spend about $50 for apparel orders. Up to eight inserts will be accepted per package. Inserts must be between 3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches and 5-1/2 by 8 inches. Inquiries will be considered for inserts heavier than .25 ounce. This program had been off the market for two years, according to the list manager.


PRICE: $60/M

CONTACT: List Process Management Inc., 941-927-8259

Schwaab Business Product Buyers

Schwaab Inc. has chosen Direct Media Inc. to handle its business product buyers file. About 275,000 catalog customers’ names are available, including 27,857 from the first quarter. The average purchase was $55 for pre-inked stamps, badges, business cards and similar products.

SELECTIONS: Business address, gender, individual name, one per company, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2418


Hanover Brands Statement Program

Hanover Brands Inc. is offering a credit card statement program. Approximately 480,000 statements are mailed annually to those who have made purchases from the Company Store Kids, International Male and Undergear catalogs, among several others. Inserts must be between 3 by 6 inches and 3-3/4 by 6-1/2 inches. The maximum weight is .10 ounce.

PRICE: $55/M

CONTACT: Singer Direct Inc., 201-421-1542


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Chief Financial Officers

This 32,840-name file is derived from multiple sources, including government registrations, trade and business groups, manufacturing and business directories, chambers of commerce, the Small Business Administration and business publications.

SELECTIONS: Gender, max per site, SIC codes, number of employees, sales volume, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: Chessie Lists Inc., 301-680-3633

Reinvention Nation

A list of more than 2.3 million consumers who exercise, attend seminars and buy self-improvement tapes. The unit of sale ranged as high as $125. Sources include direct response TV, catalogs, space advertising and magazine subscriptions.

SELECTIONS: Age, credit card buyers, demographic, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, income, length of residence, lifestyle, mail order buyers, monthly hotline, occupation, telephone numbers, teenagers, self-improvement books and tapes, videos and DVDs, magazine subscribers, book buyers, weight-loss group members, Christian self-help groups, financial planning, new phone connections, new credit cardholders, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Media Source Solutions Inc., 954-788-0213

Cable TV Children’s Product Buyers

Some 218,147 individuals who responded to infomercials are identified. They made purchases of $25 to more than $150. There are about 9,000 names on the monthly hotline.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: List Experts Inc., 727-669-2500

Christian Music Planet

The EMF Broadcasting radio ministry is offering a file of 21,000 subscribers to Christian Music Planet magazine. Approximately 10,000 active and 11,000 former subs are listed; 75% are women.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Direct Partner Solutions Inc., 678-762-9869

PerformanceLink Files

Seventeen separate lists, including a master file with 33.7 million names, are available from the just-launched PerformanceLink cooperative database. Information for this database comes from more than 80 direct marketers, including many who don’t participate in other co-ops. Among the participants are The American Prospect, J.C. Whitney, John Wiley/Jossey-Bass, Smart Money, the Society for Manufacturing Engineers and The Wall Street Journal. The data has been merged and tagged for duplication and multibuyer incidence at American List Counsel’s service bureau DataCentrix, which built the database. Selection by source is not permitted.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age, business/home address, ethnicity, gender, job function/title, marital status, multibuyer, multichannel buyer, number of employees, price point ranges, product, sales volume, women business owners, years in business, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M (master file)

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2562

Anatomy Worldwide

This is a file of professionals who specialize in animals or plants. Some 66,670 postal addresses, 18,864 telephone/fax numbers and 2,949 e-mail addresses are listed. Data is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.

SELECTIONS: Work type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $245/M (postal addresses); $345/M (telephone/fax numbers); $475/M (e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-986-1455

VNU Meeting Planners

Approximately 230,000 postal and 107,764 e-mail addresses can be found on the VNU Meeting Planners database. It includes names of subscribers to such publications as Successful Meetings and Meeting News, along with executives who subscribe to other VNU publications and indicated they were involved in planning meetings or sales presentations.

SELECTIONS: Industry, job function, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $140/M (postal addresses); $300/M (e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Edith Roman Associates Inc., 845-731-2752

Cheryl & Co. Z-24 Enhanced

Demographic data from Experian and CircBase subscriber information are included in this enhanced file. Some 152,132 who bought cookies, other baked goods and gifts over the last 12 months are listed. The average unit of sale was $90. Sixty-four product category selects are offered.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, presence of children, product categories, demographics, Z-24 enhanced, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Vita-Fit Vitamin Buyers

This file names more than 100,000 who bought a 30-day supply of vitamins; many made subsequent purchases. The unit of sale was $10. Most of those listed live in California, Arizona, Nevada and Washington state. Direct response television and the Internet are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6324

Investors Alley

Names of subscribers to The Market Cap newsletter


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Eating Well

This list names those subscribers to Eating Well magazine who requested a corresponding e-mail newsletter. Some 24,834 newsletter subs are identified; 88% are women.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

CBD Catalog Buyers Z-24 Enhanced

Christian Book Distributors’ Z-24 enhanced list features 882,625 catalog customers from the last 12 months. The file includes Experian’s demographic and CircBase subscriber data.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, presence of children, child’s age ranges, catalog purchase behavior, magazine interests, Z-24 enhanced, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

About Seasonal/Holiday Crafters and Crafts

Most of the 652,987 listed here are women with annual income between $50,000 and $70,000. The majority are married and have children under age 17. Online surveys are the source.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, psychographics, additional interests, spending habits, adult’s/child’s age, household income, credit cards, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800

Lotus Notes/Domino Users Worldwide

Some 78,049 postal addresses can be found on this file identifying users of these software programs. The list is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.

SELECTIONS: Work type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $300/M (postal addresses); $345/M (telephone/fax numbers); $475/M (e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-986-1455

Complete Pharmaceutical and Biotech Execs

This file has the names of 30,350 executives and 7,639 companies. The data was compiled from directories.

SELECTIONS: Job function, executives by company type, sales volume, number of employees, year founded, telephone/fax numbers, county/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (executives); $70/M (companies)

CONTACT: Complete Medical Lists LLC, 603-823-8042

Jobsite Files

Trades Publishing Inc. offers four lists comprised of various subscribers to Jobsite magazine. The largest, with 16,646 names, is Jobsite HVACR. Others identify people concerned with flooring, framing, drywall, painting and wall covering.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type, sales volume, number of employees, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M (base)

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

America’s Ultra Rich

Nearly 3.2 million names are on this file assembled from real estate data, census information, directories, mail order transactions and other lifestyle data.

SELECTIONS: Aircraft owners, quarterly hotline, occupation, marital status, gender, age, presence of children, donors, ethnicity, mail order buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: List Experts Inc., 727-669-2500

Room Service Home

This catalog’s file includes 13,775 buyers from the last 12 months, plus segments from the last six and 24 months. Sources are the Room Service Home catalog (70%) and Web site (30%).


PRICE: $120/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: D-J Associates, 203-431-8777


Advanstar Communications is offering the 11,587-name subscriber list for LocumLife, a magazine for physicians. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are available for portions of the file.

SELECTIONS: Job title, telephone numbers, current practice setting, current status, length of practice, specialty, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M (postal addresses)

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 847-492-1350

Church Law, Tax Product Buyers

Names of 13,400 customers from the last 12 months are on this file from Christianity Today International. The church administrators and pastors listed here bought CDs, tax guides and legal handbooks for human resources use. The average sale was $36. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.


PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Bush Company Inc., 949-752-4210

Health Benefits Direct

Health Benefits Direct Corp.’s database features postal addresses for more than 1 million insurance buyers and inquirers, plus 966,697 e-mail addresses. The source is online registration at various Web sites.

SELECTIONS: Age range, marital status, telephone numbers, income range, demographic, weight range, smoker, health conditions, ailments, self employed, domain, hotlines, presence of children, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (postal addresses); $175/M (e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Mountain Madness

Two million winter recreational enthusiasts are identified. The file names 1.4 million skiers, 985,000 snowboarders and 365,000 snowmobile riders. Sources include direct mail surveys and public records.

SELECTIONS: Lifestyle, telephone numbers, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Catamount Group, 203-778-4110


Wood and Wood Products

Direct Media Inc. now manages this 41,000-name subscriber file from Vance Publishing. Wood and Wood Products is read by management and operations personnel in the woodworking industry. The publisherformerly handled this file in house.

SELECTIONS: Business type, job title, number of employees, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2418


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Shoppers Benefits Club USA

Nearly 100,000 multibuyers are named on these postal and telemarketing lists. Customers bought beauty, fitness and household products, and joined the club to receive discounts. They paid $150 for an annual membership or $20 a month. Sources include infomercials, direct mail and telemarketing upsells.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal list); $150/M (telemarketing list)

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1200

LiveCareer Ltd.

This postal file identifies 1 million career-aptitude test takers. Some 153 interest categories can be selected and e-mail addresses are available. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Program interests, basic interest scores, general occupational themes, specialty clusters/groups, job categories, educational interests, date of birth, gender, completers, registrants, enhancements, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7035

The 41,541 listed here subscribed to various trade magazines online. The construction, automotive and landscaping businesses and law enforcement are some of the subjects covered.

SELECTIONS: Magazine categories, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Information Refinery Inc., 800-529-9020

Peak Medical Benefit Policy Buyers

Nearly 330,000 consumers’ names can be found on this list. These individuals spent between $300 and $500 for a medical benefits package. The sources are direct mail and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Listdata Management Services Inc., 845-357-1881

Market Wise Gadget and Merchandise Buyers U.K.

A list of electronics and gift buyers in the United Kingdom. Nearly 50,000 names are available from the last six months. Direct mail and online transactions are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Recency, gender, geographic

PRICE: Approximately $173/M

CONTACT: J.R. Direct Response International Inc., Tracy Gibson at 604-940-0277

Mental Floss

This four-year-old educational magazine’s file of 41,866 paid subscribers is on the market. The average income of those listed is $66,478. An additional 702 Canadian subs’ names are available. The source is direct to publisher.


PRICE: $110/M (U.S. subscribers); $150 (entire Canadian file)

CONTACT: Atlantic List Co. Inc., 703-528-7482


Vance Publishing

Direct Media Inc. was tapped to manage Vance Publishing Corp.’s magazine subscriber files. Altogether about 300,000 names are listed. Titles available include Accessory Merchandising, Closets, Custom Wood Business, and Residential Lighting.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, gender, telephone numbers, sales volume state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M to $125/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2418

Science News

Kroll Direct Marketing Inc. is the new manager of Science News magazine’s subscriber list. Among the 120,980 identified are lawyers, teachers, scientists, executives and other science enthusiasts.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, business address, gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 216-371-1667

PrivacyGuard by Affinion PIP

Media Horizons Management now handles this package insert program. Inserts will be included in kits mailed annually to 360,000 new members of the PrivacyGuard program. One insert per package will be accepted. Inserts can be no larger than 5-1/4 by 8 inches. Maximum weight is .20 ounce.

PRICE: $55/M

CONTACT: Media Horizons Management, 203-604-1793

Automobile Quarterly

Chilcutt Direct Marketing is managing Automobile Quarterly magazine’s 6,472-name subscriber file. A similar number of former subs are identified as well. Nearly all those listed are men. About 64% own a classic or collectible car.


PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Chilcutt Direct Marketing, 405-478-7245

Projects@Work Project Managers

Rickard List Marketing is overseeing the Projects@Work online magazine file. Some 48,925 postal and 19,302 e-mail addresses are listed. Individuals named here registered at [email protected] and are responsible for project management, including information technology efforts.

SELECTIONS: Job function/title, products/services, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $250/M (postal list); $300/M (e-mail list)

CONTACT: Rickard List Marketing, 631-249-8710

Select Information Exchange

MetaResponse Group was picked to manage Select Information Exchange’s e-mail lists for SIE and the Stockmarket newsletter. A total of 151,438 stockbrokers’ e-mail addresses are on file. The newsletter list contains e-mail addresses of 103,491 subscribers. The sources are direct mail (40%), space advertising (40%) and the Internet (20%).

SELECTIONS: License/company type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644


Blair Home Blow-in

Blair Corp. is offering a blow-in program for the Blair Home catalog. More than 6.3 million catalogs are expected to be mailed in the second half of the year. Only one insert per catalog will be accepted. Insert sizes can range from 3-1/2 by 5 inches to 5 by 6 inches, and should weigh no more than .25 ounce.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: List Process Management Inc., 941-927-8259


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Bauer Publishing

More than 200,000 active subscribers are named on Bauer Publishing’s enhanced entertainment master file. All of Bauer’s entertainment magazine subs were combined and deduped to build this list. Readers of Touch Weekly, Life and Style, ABC Soaps in Depth, and CBS Soaps in Depth are identified. Sources include insert media, the Internet and direct-to-publisher mailings.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, renewals, adult’s/child’s age and gender, presence/number of children, income, lifestyle, mail order buyers, donors, religion/ethnicity, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

Puerto Rican Consumers

Some 279,339 names have been assembled on the Opted-in Puerto Rico Consumer e-mail and postal master file. The sources include a Web site network, online and offline surveys, product warranty registrations and public records, including census data. Volume discounts are offered.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, donors, credit card buyers, demographic, dwelling type, finance, gender, homeowner, income, interests and hobbies, length of residence, lifestyle, mail order buyers, marital status, number of children, occupation, telephone numbers, regional, social class

PRICE: $240/M (10,000 to 25,000 e-mail addresses)

CONTACT: Morgan Direct Inc., 336-851-5463

Automotive Repair Correspondence Course Buyers

Nearly 90,000 adults who took these courses are listed. They paid $100 for instruction on automotive and diesel technology, collision repair and refinishing, and other topics. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: All-n-One List Marketing Inc., 703-717-5621

Main Street Wifestyles

This 3.5 million-name list identifies mostly married women with children. It’s been enhanced with new mover, new telephone connection, new birth and newly issued credit card data. Sources include direct mail, infomercials, space advertising and telemarketing.

SELECTIONS: Dwelling type, length of residence, household income, hotline, gender, lifestyle, marital status, telephone numbers, presence of children, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Media Source Solutions Inc., 954-788-0213

Datarich Double-Verified-in-Category Magazine Subs

The names of several types of magazine subscribers can be found among the files in this group. For example, the Chop, Slice and Dice Cooking Magazine Readers list contains 1.7 million names. Others identify subscribers to magazines for pet owners, gardeners, collectors, travelers and fitness buffs. The sources are direct mail, including mail order buyers and surveys. Demographic data is overlaid.

SELECTIONS: Age (ranges/exact), income, length of residence, credit card, monthly new movers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $77/M

CONTACT: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., 646-487-3785

GOPAC Donors

The Republican Party political action committee GOPAC has a list of 33,633 donors. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources for these contributions ($30 on average). No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Donation amount, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: TMA List Brokerage & Management, 703-547-4951


New England Business Service Inc. offers a file of 42,582 business owners and management executives who made purchases from the VeriPack catalog. Products sold include polybags, shipping supplies and gift bags. The average unit of sale was $200.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, SIC code, contact name, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-268-1025

Preval Health Products Canadian

Some 9,000 buyers are named on the Preval Health Products Canadian list. The average unit of sale was $45 (U.S.), primarily for skin care products. Direct response radio and space ads are the sources. Telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Gender, FSA, province

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Country Marketing Ltd., 315-895-7737



Mokrynskidirect now manages Cancer Care Inc.’s donor file. Some 30,238 are listed from the past 36 months. The names of last six-, 12- and 24-month contributors are selectable. Last-three-month names are available to commercial mailers only. The average gift was $12. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, $5-plus/$10-plus/$15-plus donors, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M (last-36-month donors)

CONTACT: Mokrynskidirect, 201-487-8181

Harris Seeds

Names and Addresses Inc. is Harris Seeds’ new list manager. Some 23,461 buyers’ names from the last 12 months are on the file. The average sale was $40 for seeds and other gardening supplies. Men placed about two-thirds of the orders. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, $25-plus/$50-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 847-850-1021

Brides to Be

Walter Karl Inc. now manages the more than 2 million-name Brides to Be master file, listing women who requested bridal catalogs. Among the 18 participating catalogers were Anne’s Wedding Invitations and Accessories, Creations by Elaine, Seasons of Love, and Wedding Country. Space advertising is the source. This file was deduped and enhanced with demographic and lifestyle data from Donnelley Marketing.

SELECTIONS: Wedding date, catalog title, hotlines, e-mail, telephone numbers, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7035

Bra Smyth Blow-in

Bra Smyth of California Inc. chose I-Media to manage its blow-in program. One insert will be accepted in each of the 4 million catalogs mailed annually. Inserts must be between 3-1/2 inches by 5 inches and 6 inches by 6 inches. Inquiries for inserts weighing more than .2 ounce will be considered.

PRICE: $40/M

CONTACT: I-Media, 212-367-4059

ICOM Travel Files

ICOM Information & Communications Inc. appointed Catamount Group to manage a portfolio of travel-related lists derived from the TargetSource database. ICOM’s Travel and Vacation master file contains 8.9 million names. Sixteen other files are offered, including lists of families who travel, foreign travelers, frequent travelers and travelers who like wine. The sources are direct mail surveys that consumers returned to receive coupons.

SELECTIONS: Business travel, Canadian travel, casino vacations, cruise ships, family vacations, foreign travel, frequent flier, RV travelers, time share, pleasure travel, U.S. travel, adult’s/child’s age and gender, income, marital status, credit card, collectibles, electronics, crafts, home and garden, investments, mail order buyers, music, health and fitness, pets, books and reading, sports, social concern/donors, state/SCF/ZIP


CONTACT: Catamount Group, 203-778-4110

American Diabetes Association

ALC Data Management now oversees three files for the American Diabetes Association. Some 1.2 million names are on the organization’s donor list; 550,000 on the residential program file; and 37,580 buyers on the Gift of Hope catalog file, which also includes 5,676 names from the last 12 months. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Donation amount (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M (donors); $75/M (buyers)

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2707

Electronic Sweepstakes Corp. named Teramedia Corp. to manage’s lists. More than 1.5 million postal addresses, 948,567 e-mail addresses and 801,644 telemarketing entries are available. Consumers opted in to this file at the Web site for a chance to win prizes.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, demographic, lifestyle, age, credit card buyers, gender, head of household, household income, mail order buyers, marital status, number of children, online buyers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $125/M (e-mail file); $150/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Teramedia Corp., 561-477-7562


USA Datanet Billing Statement Program

Four inserts will be accepted for inclusion with all 200,000 monthly statements mailed by USA Datanet, a communications company that provides Internet telephone and other online services to consumers and businesses. Most customers are in the Northeast. Inserts can be as large as 3-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches and weigh up to .15 ounce.


PRICE: $45/M

CONTACT: Stanton Direct Marketing Inc., 607-734-1665


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Disney Movie Club

Some 501,345 customers from the last 12 months are named on this enhanced master file. These continuity club members bought videos and DVDs; the unit of sale ranged from $15 to $25. Family names and addresses are provided, but not children’s names. Direct mail and space ads are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, credit card, household income, dollar amount of purchase, DVD or video, adult’s age, date of birth, donor, grandparents, interest categories, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: True North List Marketing, 203-459-4348

Action Pursuit Group

Subscribers’ names from 10 magazines are gathered on Action Pursuit Group’s master file. The count of 88,078 includes subs to Action Pursuit Games, Drag Racing magazine, Romantic Homes, StreetTrucks magazine, Victorian Homes and other publications. The list has been enhanced with additional data to offer 23 interest category selects.

SELECTIONS: Interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

30-Day E-mail Hotline of Active Consumers

Avrick Direct Inc. is offering an opt-in e-mail file. Each month about 1 million e-mail addresses are generated. Recent movers, new credit cardholders and consumers with new telephone service are listed.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, gender, homeowner, marital status, presence of children, pet owner, Internet buyers, new movers, new credit cardholders, last-30-day mail order buyers

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: XactMail Network, 212-655-5231

Oblates Missions Donor Master File

Numerous segments are available from this list. These include 35,313 who contributed $5 or more during the last 12 months; another identifies 82,003 who gave $10 or more in the past 24 months. Direct mail is the source. (This file is not to be confused with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate list.)

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M to $105/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4634

Hearst Z-24 Enhanced Subscribers

Hearst’s women’s magazine subscriber lists have been enhanced with information from the Z-24 database. Hearst Harper’s Bazaar Z-24 enhanced subs file, for example, consists of 190,760 names from the last 12 months. Similarly enhanced files are available for Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping and Redbook magazines.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, income, product, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2434

African American in the USA

Approximately 8 million names are listed here. These consumers responded to an offer targeting African Americans or else live in a predominantly African American census block. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, recency, household income, families with children, seniors, new movers and homeowners, age, donors, buyers, credit cards, length of residence, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: List Bargains, 203-746-6640

Home and Garden Master File

More than 3.7 million consumers who bought home d


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Quad Off-Road

Time4Media is offering the 9,295-name subscriber list for Quad Off-Road, a magazine launched in July. The publication targets the all-terrain vehicle market. Ninety-three percent of those on the file are men, median age 27, whose annual household income is $56,600. The source is direct to publisher.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Bulls and Bears Financial Pros

Nearly 362,000 are identified on the Bulls and Bears Financial Professionals at Home Address file. Stockbrokers, financial planners, investment advisers, insurance agents and corporate executives are listed. Postal, telemarketing and e-mail segments can be rented. Among the sources are public records and directories. A mailer-level opt-out link is available.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, annual sales volume, business/industry type, size of company, demographic, ethnicity, home value, income, industry license, job function/title, marital status, mortgage value, non-company e-mail address, presence of children, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file)

CONTACT: V12 Group LLC, 732-842-1001

CPC Self-Employed Entrepreneurs

This is a list of more than 2.5 million names. Demographic data, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are appended to the file, which is sourced from direct mail surveys.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, income, age, home value, ethnic or religious group, presence of credit card, mail order buyer, presence of children, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: CPC Associates, 215-734-1389

Data Permission Givers

Consumers who chose to report their postal address online are on this 2.3 million-name list. The data provided was verified against postal and telephone records. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, homeowner, income, monthly hotline, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155

Musician’s Friend Offstage

This new catalog’s list is on the market. Some 65,032 buyers from the last three months and 15,075 from the past month are identified. They spent $20 or more on gifts and general merchandise. A typical customer is 30 years old and has an annual household income of $75,000.


PRICE: $110/M (last-three-month buyers)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Professionals Lists

With 511,457 names, Professionals in Healing Arts is the largest in this group of three related lists. The others (Prosperous Professionals and Established Hispanic Professionals) identify 197,702 and 178,159, respectively. Public records are the source.

SELECTIONS: Construction, financial, health, insurance, real estate, doctor/non-doctor, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4638


This list of 136,722 accountants was assembled from public records. Information was self-reported to local, state and federal agencies and verified through the Yellow Pages. Sources include tax/corporate filings and business licenses. The states with the most names are California and Florida.

SELECTIONS: Gender, max per site, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Chessie Lists Inc., 301-680-3633

Bruce Berman’s Master’s Degreein Making Millions

This file identifies Canadians who bought Bruce Berman’s software, a business tutorial which includes some of the forms and documents necessary to start a business. More than 6,600 third quarter customers are listed. The unit of sale ranged from $100 to $325. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, FSA, province

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6300

American Curves

Canusa Group recently released a list of 11,112 subscribers to American Curves, a men’s entertainment magazine featuring female models. Ninety-five percent of subscribers are men, average age 30, who earn about $37,000 a year. No telemarketing is allowed. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M (base)

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1342

All American Golf Course

Golf and Travel List is offering the 17,000-name All American Golf Course list. It’s available for outright purchase rather than rental and includes 3,300 e-mail addresses. The Internet is the sole source.

SELECTIONS: Course name, URL, telephone/fax numbers, green fees, fee type, tee times, total holes, architects, year founded, guest policy, season, pro’s name, manager’s name, superintendent’s name, PGA tees, rating information, country, state/SCF/ZIP (included with purchase)

PRICE: $70/M (purchase)

CONTACT: Crowley Marketing Inc., 781-545-9537


Judicial Watch

Conrad Direct was selected to manage a list of 102,885 who contributed to the politically conservative organization Judicial Watch Inc. in the last 24 months.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $135/M

CONTACT: Conrad Direct, 201-567-3200

RealSource Data Corp. appointed Specialists Marketing Services Inc. to manage’s list, which identifies more than 2.3 million registered members of this Internet-based social networking service. Members supplied information about their lifestyle and music interests to converse online with others who have similar interests. The average individual named is 45 years old and earns $65,000 a year.

SELECTIONS: Age, bank/credit card, donors, gender, income, lifestyle, multibuyers, hotlines, occupation, presence of children, shopping interest, residency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., 201-865-5800

Vendome Group LLCReal Estate Newsletter Subs

Vendome Group LLC recently named Lake Group Media Inc. to manage its subscriber file. Some 18,345 actives are listed; book buyers, former subs and prospects are named as well. Vendome publishes how-to newsletters for property managers. Subscribers spent an average of $250 for newsletters, manuals and books.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $160/M (subscribers)

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2449

Auto Body ToolMart

Choice Media is the new manager of this catalog’s blow-in program. More than 1.8 million catalogs are mailed annually. One insert per book will be accepted. Inserts must be between 5 by 3 inches and 5-1/2 by 5 inches and weigh no more than .20 ounce.

PRICE: $30/M

CONTACT: Choice Media, Diane Caruso at 603-672-3338

OneOnOne Computer Training

Mosaic Media Inc. chose Worldata to manage a group of lists for OneOnOne Computer Training. The master file names 51,645 newsletter subscribers; a Canadian segment 3,525; and an e-mail master file 38,698 e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Gender, recency, business address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M (postal); $140/M (Canadian); $225/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200


USA Datanet

USA Datanet offers a billing statement insert program. Some 200,000 statements are mailed monthly to telephone and Internet service customers. Up to four inserts are accepted per statement. Inserts must be no larger than 3-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches and weigh no more than .15 ounce.

SELECTIONS: Internet, state/ZIP

PRICE: $45/M

CONTACT: Stanton Direct Marketing Inc., 617-734-1665

Miracle of Aloe PIP

The Miracle of Aloe package insert program reaches buyers who spent approximately $45 for aloe-based products. Between 3,000 and 7,000 packages are shipped per month. Some 60% of customers are women age 55 or older. Inserts must be no larger than 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches; maximum weight is a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $60/M

CONTACT: ACI Reelpoint Direct, 781-213-9149

Events Catalog Blow-in

PaperDirect Inc. has launched the Events Catalog blow-in program. One insert per catalog will be accepted for the 1.6 million books mailed annually. Inserts may weigh up to a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., 914-285-3456


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More than 66,300 e-mail subscribers are named on’s file. A maximum of two e-mail transmissions per month is allowed for each name listed.


PRICE: $300/M

CONTACT: XactMail, 212-655-5186

iDirect Network

This 456,000-name file from iMarket Concepts LLC identifies opportunity seekers who provided postal/e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. They responded to Internet surveys and received follow-up telemarketing calls.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, demographics, lifestyle, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file); $50/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6332

Accelerated Profits Report

The Mount Vernon Options Club is offering a list of 1,300 subscribers to Accelerated Profits Report, its newsletter for investors. The unit of sale was $50. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.


PRICE: $200/M

CONTACT: NameBank International, 410-783-8460

International Profiled List Consumer

Approximately 353,000 magazine subscribers are named on this master file. Counts are available for magazine categories and geographic regions. The largest segment (103,000 names) is Western Europe. Direct mail is the primary source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, interest, country

PRICE: $275/M

CONTACT: Country Marketing Ltd., 315-895-7737

Government for the People Determined Democrats

More than 267,850 donors from the last 12 months are listed here. These individuals contributed $50 to $100 to Democratic Party candidates or political causes. Among the sources are voter registrations and Internet surveys.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly donors, health, political, child’s welfare, religion, humanitarian, environmental, ethnicity, veterans, gender, income, age, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M

CONTACT: List Experts Inc., 727-669-2500

BuyerSource USA Aisle by Aisle

Names of consumers with known traits


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ProFlowers Z-24

Experian demographic and CircBase subscriber data overlays were used to create ProFlowers Z-24, a list identifying nearly 1.7 million catalog and Internet buyers from the last 12 months. Fifty-six product category selects are offered, including furniture, hunting, sweets and tools.

SELECTIONS: Product category, adult’s/child’s age, dollar amount of sale, income, recency, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Walter Karl Inc., 845-732-7035

Star Bright Opportunity Business Buyers

Consumers who bought distributor-ships, vacation certificates or grocery coupon certificates are listed. The third quarter count is 4,613. These individuals searched on keywords such as


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Go Shopping Mall Online Buyers

This list names 328,672 customers who registered at They made online purchases ranging from $20 to $3,000. Counts are available for buyers of apparel and accessories, electronics and entertainment, food and wine, health and beauty, home and garden, jewelry and watches, software and hardware, and toys and games. All paid with credit cards.

SELECTIONS: Product type, dollar amount spent, credit card type, gender, telephone numbers, monthly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Listdata Management Services Inc., 845-357-1881

StressStop Master File

A total of 16,249 business-to-business catalog buyers are listed. The unit of sale ran from $300 to $900 for stress-management products such as videos, workbooks, training kits and stress-testing cards. The sources are direct mail (80%) and the Internet (20%).

SELECTIONS: Multibuyers, last-12-month buyers, job title, work setting, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $130/M

CONTACT: PCS Mailing List Co., 800-532-5478

Major Companies of North America

More than 370,000 senior executives (mostly administrators) are identified on Major Companies of North America. This file can be licensed for a year. The sources are direct mail questionnaires and telemarketing interviews.

SELECTIONS: Job function, number of employees, sales volume, public/private Fortune rank, gender, telephone numbers, industry, one per site, SIC codes, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $155/M (base)

CONTACT: 1 Stop Data Ltd., 44(0) 208-786-9111

Consumer-Reported Credit Status

Some 88,500 who visited Web sites and provided information over the last 12 months are identified here. Postal and e-mail addresses are available. These individuals were seeking to refinance their home mortgage, get a home equity loan or inquire about help with debt consolidation.

SELECTIONS: Credit score, desired loan amount/type, mortgage balance, property value, type of property, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (postal file); $140/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: American Name Services, 801-235-8061

Business Power Source

This file names about 1.7 million new businesses that registered for an Internet domain address. Overall, more than 12.1 million businesses are listed.

SELECTIONS: Carrier route, URL, number of copiers/faxes/phone lines, Internet service provider, e-mail service provider, contact name, cottage industry, number of employees (exact or range), telephone/fax numbers, franchise, headquarters/branch, import/export, job function, minority classification/owned, sales volume (exact or range), SIC code, small business, year started, women owned, monthly change of address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $50/M

CONTACT: MKTG Services, 215-867-4096

There are nearly 130,000 horse owners and riders on this file. All are at postal addresses. About 87% own horses — 70% own more than one; better than 50% have three or more. Sixty percent earn $40,000 or higher annually.


PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

Travel Web site operator Mile Point Inc. has a list of 186,000 e-mail addresses. The file identifies 181,045 U.S. members of a travel rewards program, in addition to 4,519 Canadian members. The site offers cruise and resort club memberships and magazine subscriptions.


PRICE: $250/M (base)

CONTACT: 24/7 Canada Inc., 416-966-2542

Exclusive Seminar Buyers

This master file identifies those interested in money-making opportunities, investing, and self-improvement programs. There are 177,182 names from the last 18 months listed. Products sold include books and manuals. Women made a third of the purchases. Direct mail is the source. The base price includes geographic selects.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc. 845-230-6327

Secrets of the Mind Book Buyers

Direct response buyers of self-help books are named on Secrets of the Mind Book Buyers. In addition to “Secrets of the Mind,” titles sold include “Mind Mining” and “Unlocking Your Inner Secrets.” Some 6,664 customers from the first and second quarters are on the list.


PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-825-4652

Gifts for You

A list of 6,214 buyers from the last three months has been released by Gifts for You LLC. These people spent an average of $25 for personalized gifts. The average customer is a 45-year-old woman. FSIs are the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, $10-plus/$30-plus buyers, check/credit card buyers, dollar amount of sale, recency, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Names and Addresses Inc., 815-354-7272

Former Magazine Subscribers

This list group identifies former subscribers to five different magazines. Files are available for Scotland Magazine, In Britain, English Home, Realm, and France magazines. These subs expired between 2002 and 2004. Counts range from 7,721 to 34,245 and can be broken down by year. Subscribers typically are travelers from the United States.


PRICE: $85/M to $95/M

CONTACT: Evergreen Marketing, 864-638-9129

Austrian, French Prize Files

These European lists name those who responded to prize offers. Cash and Prize Buyers Austria identifies 1,603 hotline buyers from the third quarter. They submitted forms and paid up to 20 British pounds sterling for prizes such as jewelry, electronics and vouchers for purchase discounts. The separate Prize Seekers France file includes 2,747 buyers from the third quarter. They paid up to 10 British pounds sterling to enter a range of contests. Direct mail is the source for both files.

SELECTIONS: Hotline, gender

PRICE: $210/M

CONTACT: J.R. Direct Response International Inc., 604-940-0277

Lead Pile

More than 1.8 million names from the last 12 months are available on this file from lead-generation Web site Many list segments are available, such as Payday Leads, Mortgage Leads, Debt Consolidation, and Credit Repair and Education.

SELECTIONS: Income, homeowners, age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155


The Video Collection

Direct Media Inc. now manages The Video Collection catalog’s list. A total of 114,443 buyers from the last 24 months are named. The average unit of sale was $100.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount spent (ranges), gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2445

Drawing Board Active Business Buyers

Professions Ltd. tapped MeritDirect to oversee its 27,698-name business catalog product buyers list segment. These entries will be combined with the Drawing Board Active Business Buyers list identifying 70,578 and already managed by MeritDirect. Those on this file purchased business forms, stationery and other office supplies. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Gender, max per company, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-268-1025

DirectSelect Ethnic Lists

Estee Marketing Group Inc. now oversees three DirectSelect lists. The largest, DirectSelect Hispanic Families at Home Addresses, has nearly 8.5 million names from the last 12 months. The corresponding Spanish Speaking Families and African-American Families files have 4.1 million and 9.1 million names, respectively. The individuals listed responded to direct mail offers, questionnaires, or completed warranty or change-of-address cards. The files previously were managed in house.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, child’s age range, adult’s/child’s gender, dog/cat owner, occupation, homeowner type, donors, mail order buyers, magazine subscribers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M to $95/M

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

Nu Nubian

VentureDirect Worldwide will manage the customer file for Nu Nubian, a catalog targeting African-American women. Some 330,000 2005 buyers are listed. The average unit of sale was $120 for textiles, masks, art books and similar products.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5153 Investor Inc. chose MetaResponse Group Inc. to oversee the Investor master file. Some 111,462 names are listed, including 69,264 investors who registered at in the last 12 months.

SELECTIONS: Quarterly hotline, home office/business address, gender, investment interests, state/SCF

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Jems Communications

Jems Communications named DM2 to manage the subscriber lists of FireRescue Magazine, with 31,749 names; Wildland Firefighter, with 6,155; and its flagship publication Jems — the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, with 28,448.

SELECTIONS: Business type, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M to $130/M

CONTACT: DM2, 800-323-4958


AXL Magazine Blow-in

InterMedia Publishing LLC is offering a blow-in program for AXL Magazine that reaches bodybuilders and those interested in sports nutrition. Roughly 2 million copies are mailed or hand-distributed annually. Up to four inserts will be accepted per copy. Inserts must range between 3 inches by 5 inches and 6 inches by 7-1/2 inches, and weigh no more than a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc. 914-285-3456

Gavilan’s PIP

This package insert program will reach general merchandise buyers; Gavilan’s sends out some 200,000 shipments annually. Products sold include housewares, music, books, cosmetics and items for pets and gardening. Women make up three-quarters of the audience. Up to eight inserts will be placed in each package, no larger than 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches, weighing no more than a quarter ounce.

PRICE: $49/M

CONTACT: List Process Management Inc., 941-927-8259


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Garden Ideas and Outdoor Living

Meredith Corp. has released the 14,000-name subscriber list for Garden Ideas and Outdoor Living magazine. This title had been sold primarily on newsstands, but Meredith recently began offering subscriptions by direct mail. No telemarketing is allowed.


PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 609-580-2539

Oil and Gas Financial Journal

PennWell Corp.’s file names 23,341 controlled-circulation subscribers to Oil and Gas Financial Journal. More than 6,000 e-mail addresses are provided.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, sales volume, SIC codes, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $165/M (postal file); $425/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700 Inc. has released Premium Investors. The 41,818 listed here pay $20 a month for investment assistance, which augments the free services offered online. Sources are online registrations, financial trade show rosters and direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Home office/business address, gender, state/SCF

PRICE: $195/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

American Triathlete

Three-quarters of the 8.7 million individuals identified on the American Triathlete file are women. The sources are direct mail lifestyle surveys and questionnaires.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, specific sports, telephone numbers, age, cell phone owners/users, credit card, donor, education, gender, homeowners, mail order buyers, marital status, natural foods, occupation, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

This file names 464,230 consumer electronics buyers and others who registered online for product rebates. Some 414,500 of those listed are from the United States.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, product categories, gender, multibuyers, home/business address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: J.F. Glaser Inc., 630-469-2075

Equine Affaire

Equestrian exposition and trade show producer Equine Affaire has introduced three lists. The largest among them


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Plein Air Magazine

Streamline Publishing Inc. has issued a list of 13,856 subscribers to Plein Air, a magazine for fine art collectors and artists. Sixty-four percent of those listed reportedly have bought art in the past year. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Nonprofit Professionals E-mail DB

Some 135,212 executives at nonprofit organizations who requested newsletter subscriptions via the Internet are named on the Nonprofit Professionals e-mail database.


PRICE: $200/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-2492

Surprised by Truth

Names of 16,836 who attended conferences and parish-sponsored seminars on the Catholic faith are listed here. Many purchased books, tapes and DVDs. The file was generated on-site at various parish events.

SELECTIONS: Clergy, multibuyers/attendees, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Trinity Direct LLC, 973-283-3600

Networked Health Programs

The 427,359 members on this file qualify for discounts at doctor’s offices and national retail chains that sell medications. The average age of those listed is 38 and their typical yearly income is $45,000.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, income, renter/homeowner, gender, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Offers in the Mail, 877-624-5478

AMM Group Files

Internet marketing firm Aggressive Marketing & Management Group Inc. has issued postal and telemarketing files generated from a network of lead-generation Web sites. Sixteen million names are listed. Segments identifying leads for weight loss, wedding planning, home improvement, tattooing and astrology offers are available, to name a few.

SELECTIONS: Gender, income range, age, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M (postal files); $150/M (telemarketing files)

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155

Investors Daily

Online survey data has been collected for Investors Daily, a list with 761,525 names. This prospecting file was developed to help target offers for financial products and services. It includes segments for identifying individuals who plan to move, marry, have a baby, purchase a home, apply for mortgage, start a business or start college within the next six months. All demographic and lifestyle data on the list was self-reported. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, investment strategy requesters, investment types, adult’s/child’s age, household income, gender, presence of children, marital status, education, occupation, ethnicity, homeowner, home value, credit card user, donor, mail order buyer, magazine subscriber, hobbies and interests, books and magazines, intender categories, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Ailments and Health Issues

More than 2.8 million individuals with various medical conditions are named on the Ailments and Health Issues prospecting file from Next Dimension. The source is a telephone survey.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, age, ethnicity, gender, homeowners, income, length of residence, marital status, telephone numbers, presence of children, high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, indigestion, diabetes, cardiac condition, thyroid disorders, arthritis, psychiatric disorders, menopause, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5153

African American College Graduates

Records from various colleges make up the African American College Graduates master file. Nearly 2.5 million names are available with additional overlaid data.

SELECTIONS: Type of credit card, number of credit cards, telephone numbers, age, income, ethnicity, religion, Spanish language, homeowners, home value, donors, mail order buyers, product, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030

Special Education Teachers

The National Association of Teachers of Special Education has released a file of 201,487 teachers, including members and prospects. The association is concerned with issues such as education regulation, learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, hearing impairment and autism.

SELECTIONS: School type, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: Bethesda List Center Inc., 301-986-1455

New England Antiques Journal

Turley Publications Inc. list of 12,777 subscribers to New England Antiques Journal is now available. The journal focuses on the regional New England antiques market, but also covers related national and international topics. Direct mail is the source.


PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Mail Marketing Inc., 201-750-3222

H-57 Diet

This is a file of 58,625 consumers who ordered a weight-loss product. Eighty-seven percent are women. The unit of sale ranged from $40 to $160. Continuity buyers are listed. Direct response radio and TV are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: SanMar Associates Inc., 201-262-7340

Professional Series Portfolio

The Professionals Series Portfolio is a newly formed cooperative database managed by Datagence Inc. Three of eight planned lists have been released. More than 21 million contacts, many with telephone numbers, are available. Additional files of other professionals are due shortly. The largest list to date is Presidents, Principals and C-Level Professionals, with more than 7.5 million names. There are 6.2 million on the Female Professionals and 5.2 million on the Healthcare Professionals files.

SELECTIONS: Annual sales, size of company, SIC code, telephone numbers, job title, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Datagence Inc., 515-270-8740

The Week Magazine Enhanced

Dennis Publishing Ltd. is offering an enhanced list of 502,526 subscribers to newsmagazine The Week. It includes such consumer demographic data from Acxiom as age, income, purchase and lifestyle behavior.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s/child’s age ranges, presence of children, adult’s/child’s gender, number of children, income ranges, lifestyle, mail order buyers, donors, religion, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

Global Online Consumer SOHO Intelligence

The names of more than 2.1 million shoppers from around the world who registered at Web sites are on this list. Among those listed are entrepreneurs with small businesses and individuals with private Web sites.

SELECTIONS: Telephone/fax numbers, monthly hotline, gender, country

PRICE: $175/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3809

Stock Alert Trading Systems

Names of investors who paid $99 for Intelligent Stock Trading software are on this list. Some 54,121 buyers from the last 12 months are identified, plus 1,956 Canadians. Direct mail and the Internet are the sources.


PRICE: $150/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Firstmark K-12 Teachers/College Faculty

MKTG Services’ database is the source for the Firstmark K-12 Teachers and Administrators and Firstmark College and University Faculty lists, naming 2.6 million and 900,000, respectively. Home addresses and telephone numbers are available.

SELECTIONS: Grade/subject taught, chair or teacher, two- or four-year college, graduate level, public/private, ethnic college, enrollment, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $70/M (K-12 teachers); $100/M (college faculty)

CONTACT: Firstmark Inc., 603-726-4800

Disney Kids

More than 3.3 million children’s products buyers are named on this list, a combination of buyers and subscribers to Disney books and publications. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s age, children’s age ranges, adult’s/child’s gender, homeowners, income, household income, lifestyle, recency, credit card, mail order buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 845-278-1342


Some 2.5 million people who went online for information about resorts or time shares are on the Vacationers file. Those listed made purchases or redeemed certificates. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Income range, monthly hotline, presence of children, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155


Cyber Marketing Group Inc. offers a file called TelEmail, which names 3.5 million consumers who applied for a credit card in response to online marketing promotions.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, lifestyle, income, age, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M

CONTACT: Media Source Solutions Inc., 954-788-0213

Gardening the Organic Way

Online survey data has been assembled to create Gardening the Organic Way, a list of 278,814 who reportedly are concerned about the environment. No telemarketing is allowed.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, mail order buyers, magazine subscribers, donors, age, gender, household income, hobbies and interests, marital status, credit card user, ethnicity, occupation, education, religion, presence of children, homeowners, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: ListSolutions, 732-729-0500

Amalgamated Hispanics

This file offers 648,725 names. Most of the data is derived from the Internet. The average individual listed is 38 years old and earns $50,000 a year.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, income, renter/homeowner, product, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Offers in the Mail, 877-624-5478

Ascend Media

Ascend Media is offering lists from its medical, dental and allied healthcare divisions. Files for nine medical journals, four dental journals and 17 healthcare publications are available, including those for American Journal of Managed Care, Contemporary Oral Hygiene, Physical Therapy, and Sleep Review. Counts range from 2,493 (for Contemporary Dental Assisting) to 39,516 (for Pharmacy Times).

SELECTIONS: Job title, industry, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

MV Intelligentsia

A list of academic, culturally and politically minded individuals has been added to the Modus Vivendi database of various lifestyle files. MV Intelligentsia has 19 million names. Counts for subcategories such as community and civic activities, current affairs and the two main political parties are available. Sources include direct mail, Internet surveys and statistical models.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, telephone numbers, age, income, gender, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $60/M (base)

CONTACT: Lighthouse List Co., 800-684-2180


Individuals Who Need to Establish Credit

Listdata Management Services Inc. has assumed management of several lists on behalf of R.J. Persson Enterprises Inc. One file, Individuals Who Need to Establish Credit, has nearly 1.2 million names, including those of 367,481 women. These people reportedly don’t have enough money to invest in a franchise or start a home-based business that interests them. One of the sources is space advertising.

SELECTIONS: Adult’s/child’s age, adult age range, education, homeowners, home value, income, marital status, telephone numbers, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $80/M (base)

CONTACT: Listdata Management Services Inc., 845-357-188

ALC Data Management is managing several postal and e-mail files for LLC. This firm provides online information to businesses about corporate and public pension plans and other benefit programs covered under the federal Employment Retirement Security Act. The appointment includes the postal and e-mail master files, with 187,750 and 178,921 names, respectively. Smaller files identifying financial planning consultants, banking and actuarial professionals, among others, are available.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, job title, gender, business/industry type, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $150/M to $175/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5223

Brainbench was chosen to manage the list portfolio of Brainbench, an employment testing, assessment and certification services firm. The largest file, Brainbench International Job Skills Certification Seekers, has more than 1 million e-mail addresses. These individuals registered at for access to online skills tests and consented to receiving e-mail from third parties. The U.S. e-mail file contains 740,905 names. A Canadian segment offers 42,029 e-mail addresses. Individuals on these files paid an average of $50 in test-taking fees.

SELECTIONS: Industry, age range, test category, specific test, country, province, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $275/M (U.S. file); $300/M (international files)

CONTACT:, 203-268-8560

ConsumerBase Hispanic Consumers

ConsumerBase LLC appointed Estee Marketing Group Inc. to manage two lists of Hispanic and Spanish-speaking consumers. The Hispanic file consists of more than 9.3 million buyers and prospects from the last 12 months. These individuals recently purchased or inquired about cell phones, insurance, home mortgages, equity loans or refinanced their home. Separate segments with only buyers are available. The second list focuses on a similar audience of 1.2 million Spanish-speaking buyers and prospects from the last 12 months and includes more than 1 million e-mail addresses.

SELECTIONS: Age, presence of children, child’s age/gender, Catholic, donors, electronics, homeowners, income, books, religion, travel, lifestyle, demographics

PRICE: $80/M to $100/M (postal files); $125/M (e-mail file)

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080

Save the Children Canadian Donors

Cornerstone Group of Cos. now manages this file of 17,469 who contributed from $10 to $150 (typically between $30 and $40). More than half of those listed live in Ontario. Direct mail is the sole source. This file previously was managed in-house and had been available only for exchanges.

SELECTIONS: English, French, gift value, gender, FSA, province

PRICE: $150/M (Canadian)

CONTACT: Cornerstone Group of Cos., 416-932-9555

Statmats Business Media

Statmats Communications Inc. chose MeritDirect to manage the postal lists for its Statmats Business Media and Meetings Media divisions. The appointment covers six files, including the controlled-circulation lists of Buildings, Archi-Tech, Meetings East, Meetings South and Meetings West magazines, as well as the National Referral Roster directory file, which identifies residential and commercial real estate firms. Counts range from 22,008 to 72,009. Among those named are building/facilities managers and meeting and conference planners. Statmats previously managed this data in house.

SELECTIONS: Job function, max per company/site, project type, business/industry, state/SCF/ZIP (depending on file)

PRICE: $110/M to $130/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 847-492-1350

Ronco’s Kitchen Product Buyers

Fasano and Associates was tapped to manage this file of infomercial respondents. Although the 600,000 buyers listed were offered an installment payment plan, about 70% paid in full for their purchases. Postal and telemarketing records are available. The average unit of sale was $150.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M (postal file); $150/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030

San Diego Home Garden Lifestyles

NRL Direct has been appointed manager of San Diego Home Garden Lifestyles magazine’s 27,000-name subscribers file. About 80% of those listed are women. The average individual listed is a homeowner (94%) with an annual household income of nearly $212,700.


PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: NRL Direct, 201-568-0707


Rodale Spanish Book Programs

Rodale Inc. has begun Spanish book invoice and book statement programs. Some 145,200 book invoices are mailed annually. The inserts for collating in envelopes must be between 3 inches by 5-1/2 inches and 3-1/2 inches by 7-1/4 inches. The statement program targets one-shot buyers of Spanish-language books. An estimated 528,000 billing statements go out each year. Inserts for this program must be between 2 inches by 3 inches and 3-7/8 inches by 8-7/8 inches. Both programs accept up to two inserts per mailing piece.

PRICE: $66/M (invoice program); $61/M (statement program)

CONTACT: AM/Direct division, Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262


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Senior Internet Surfers and Retirees

Data from surveys conducted on multiple Web sites and statistical models were used to build the Senior Internet Surfers and Retirees file. A total of 590,187 Internet users and 412,152 retirees are named. The median age of those listed is 60; typical annual income is $39,000. Fifty-five percent are women.

SELECTIONS: Gender, three- and six-month recency, age, income, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: McCarthy Media Group Inc., 608-837-4343

Emmis Publishing

Several enhanced lists are being offered, including those organized by ethnic and religious data, life phases and specific interests. Emmis Publishing’s lifelines, lifetrends and lifephases files each offer 442,249 active subscribers. Emmis publishes such regional titles as Atlanta, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Texas Monthly magazines.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, interest, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3770

Prize Game Players U.K.

United Kingdom citizens who’ve responded to telemarketing offers of prizes and cash incentives are named on this file. The count is 617,430. The average unit of sale was $20.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age range, income, telephone numbers, town, county, postal code

PRICE: $170/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., 845-230-6332

Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats

Seltzer’s Smokehouse Meats’ customer list offers the names of 11,396 buyers and catalog requesters from the last 12 months. The book specializes in various kinds of bologna.

SELECTIONS: Buyers only, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4634

Pride Source Media Group

Approximately 60,000 names are available from Pride Source Media Group, a publisher of various titles targeting gays and lesbians in Michigan. Direct mail is the source. Inquiries for telemarketing will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Age, gender, monthly/quarterly hotlines, income, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Interactive Marketing Solutions, 845-624-1155

Simply Ravishing Beauty Products

Some 529,612 buyers of health and beauty products are identified on this Internet-generated file. Sales ranged from $30 to $300, but the average order was $70. About 65% of customers are women.

SELECTIONS: Age, credit card buyers, demographic, homeowner, income, telephone numbers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Offers in the Mail, 877-624-5478

Unbanked Hispanics

Nearly 775,000 names of Hispanics who don’t have bank accounts or credit cards are on the Unbanked Hispanics file. The sources are direct mail and online surveys, census data and other overlaid data, including surnames, last names and demographics.

SELECTIONS: Presence of children, gender, age, income, length of residence, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $55/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 603-635-1842

An international e-mail list of 31,960 project managers and related officials is available from, an online information technology community. These individuals registered at the site and chose to receive e-mail from third parties. The file is comprised of project mangers (75%), IT managers (17%) and project team managers (8%).

SELECTIONS: Content interest, industry, country, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $400/M

CONTACT: L.I.S.T. Inc., 516-358-5478


Public records, directories, trade association rosters and other sources were used to create the BusinessReach Executive and BusinessReach Top Corporate Executives databases, with 24.3 million and 315,916 names, respectively. The second file identifies CEOs, chairmen, presidents, owners, sales directors, general managers and human resources directors. About 77% of the individuals named on these files are men.

SELECTIONS: Number of employees, sales volume, type of company, contact name, Hispanic, job title, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Professional Deck Builder Magazine

Dempsey Management Services is offering the controlled-circulation list for Professional Deck Builder Magazine. The names of 24,652 active subscribers, as well as 2,274 Canadians, are on this business-to-business file. Between 85% and 90% of those identified here are men, but gender cannot be selected. No telemarketing is allowed.


PRICE: $105/M (U.S. subscribers); $300 (entire Canadian file)

CONTACT: Estee Marketing Group Inc., 914-235-7080


A group of enhanced Reliable Home Office and OfficeMax databases have been introduced. Among them are enhanced consumer and business-to-business lists and master files such as the Reliable/OfficeMax Ethnic and Religious (E-Tech) master file. Counts range from 503,400 to more than 2.1 million. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.

SELECTIONS: Dollar amount spent (ranges), hotlines, age, gender, income, lifestyle, product, number of employees, home/business type, small office/home office, SIC code, ethnic, religious, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5283

Teacher’s School Supply

A master file with 26,879 buyers is now available from Teacher’s School Supply. The names of school administrators, teachers, ministers, day-care center owners and parents are listed. This business-to-business file was generated by direct mail.

SELECTIONS: Platinum multibuyers, recency, state/SCF

PRICE: $100/M (base)

CONTACT: MGI Lists, 800-899-4420


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Shade Tree Files

Catalog customers who bought products and accessories for motorcycles, water sports and all-terrain vehicles are included on separate files from Shade Tree Powersports. The largest, Shade Tree motorcycle buyers, identifies 23,237 from the last 12 months. The water sports and ATV files have 7,736 and 11,382 last-12-month names, respectively. Names of customers from the last six and 24 months and inquirers are available.


PRICE: $95/M (last-12-month buyers); $75/M (last-12-month inquirers)

CONTACT: Chilcutt Direct Marketing, 405-478-7245

Avid Collectors

More than 5.8 million names are on the Avid Collectors file, which identifies hobbyists and those who invest in dolls, figurines, ornaments, plates and die-cast models. The median age of these individuals is 41 and their median income is $45,000. Sources include direct mail, retail transactions, direct response TV and self-reported survey data.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, homeowners, children, art and antique buyers, gift buyers, book buyers, magazine subscribers, mail order buyer category, travelers, ethnicity, sports collectors, doll/figurine/plate collectors, NASCAR interest, bank cardholders, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: Focus USA, 201-489-2525

Modus Vivendi Publications

Ten million magazine subscribers organized by specific interests are identified on Modus Vivendi Publications’ list. The file has been enhanced with additional lifestyle data. Direct mail, Internet surveys and statistical models are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Age, income, credit card, telephone numbers, interests, hobbies, hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $60/M (base)

CONTACT: Lighthouse List Co., 800-684-2180

Intimate Promise by Roaman’s

Women’s lingerie and apparel buyers are on this list naming 84,570 from the last six months. A typical catalog customer is 54 years old with an annual household income of $53,000. The average unit of sale was $50.

SELECTIONS: Dollar purchase ranges, hotlines, cash/credit buyers, multibuyers, single-product buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M (last-six-month buyers)

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3769

This list of builders and general contractors who registered at contains 13,702 e-mail addresses. Those named here use a national database of construction projects for business leads.


PRICE: $225/M

CONTACT: Information Refinery, 201-529-2600 Cooks/Hunters/Crafts

Publishers Clearing House has lists naming cooks, hunters, and crafts and home d


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Priests of the Sacred Heart

The names of 328,724 Spanish-speaking donors to direct mail mission appeals are available on the Priests of the Sacred Heart list. The average amount given was $10. Information on this file will only be released to fundraising organizations that can provide a reciprocal list rental agreement. No telemarketing is allowed.


PRICE: $85/M (base)

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing Inc., 631-293-8550

KQED Public Radio

KQED Inc. is offering a file of KQED Public Radio’s members and contributors. This Northern California station has 33,000 active members and 15,000 who responded to direct mailings. A typical donation was $40. Contributions came from on-air pledge drives (50%), direct mail (40%) and space advertising (10%). Most of those listed live in the San Francisco Bay area.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M (active members); $90/M (direct mail members)

CONTACT: MKTG Services, 215-968-5020

Bauer Publishing Mature Subscribers

The Bauer Publishing Mature Subscribers master file identifies 256,368 who read women’s and soap opera magazines. All those listed are age 50 and older. The combined deduped master file includes subscribers to First for Women, Woman’s World, In Touch Weekly, Soap Opera Update, ABC Soaps in Depth and CBS Soaps in Depth.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, renewals, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406

Redmond Channel Partner

101 Communications’ Redmond Channel Partner magazine list is available for rent. The publication targets information technology professionals who use Microsoft products. The postal segment names 29,795 subscribers. Some 17,142 e-mail addresses are available as well.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, job title, number of employees, budget

PRICE: $245/M (postal): $300/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Worldata, 561-393-8200

Drinks International

Quest Magazines and Events has a list of 14,252 subscribers to Drinks International, a beverage industry trade magazine published in the United Kingdom. Segments with e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers can be rented. The main file includes 477 U.S. subs. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, job category/seniority, region, country

PRICE: $325/M (postal); $375/M (telemarketing/fax); $425/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., 609-275-2900

Libitrol Male Enhancement

Some 5,641 sexual potency product buyers are named on the Libitrol Male Enhancement list. The sources are direct response radio and space advertising, which generated inbound telephone orders. The average unit of sale was $37.


PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Impulse Media, 203-825-4652

Industria Avicola

Watt Publishing Co. has released its list of subscribers to Industria Avicola, a Spanish-language poultry industry trade magazine. The file names 9,031 subs from more than 20 countries, including the United States. The largest counts are for Peru, Colombia and Argentina.

SELECTIONS: Type of business, buying authority, flock size, job function, one per location, specialty, country, province, state/SCF

PRICE: $250/M

CONTACT: DM2, 800-323-4958

Youthful Effects

The Youthful Effects list names 1.5 million buyers of Alena brand weight-loss and skin care products. They responded to direct response TV and radio, direct mail or Internet promotions. The average unit of sale was $50.

SELECTIONS: Monthly and two-week hotlines, product

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Catamount Group, 203-778-4110

Auto Shoppers

More than 3.3 million people who said they plan to buy or lease a new or used car are named on the Auto Shoppers postal file. Similar lists with more than 1.7 million telephone numbers and 809,271 e-mail addresses are available. The sources are online surveys, direct response e-mail marketing and Web sites.

SELECTIONS: Purchase/lease timetable, makes and models, vehicle type, demographics, interests, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $120/M (postal); $140/M (telemarketing); $145/M (e-mail)

CONTACT: Vente Inc., 877-899-1490

Galapagos Islands Cruise Enthusiasts

Travel prospects are identified on the Galapagos Islands Cruise Enthusiasts list, consisting of 23,877 postal and 53,555 e-mail addresses. These individuals completed detailed profiles at the and Web sites which indicated their travel plans for the next 12 months. More than half said they planned to take a cruise before the end of the year.

SELECTIONS: Behavior, hotline, income, gender, presence of children, state/SCF

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Thomas Townsend & Kent, 312-650-7776

Private Club Living

Names of 250,000 subscribers to a residential golf communities newsletter have been made available by publisher Private Club Living Inc., a company that prospects for potential home buyers. Those listed reportedly are looking to purchase home sites or existing houses adjacent to golf courses. Seventy-two percent are men, average age 49, with annual household income around $306,000. The Internet is the source.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $90/M

CONTACT: List Services Corp., Jeri Martin at 203-791-4162

James Direct Health Buyers

Nearly 20,000 are identified on this file from James Direct Inc. These men (40%) and women (60%) bought books during the first quarter on health topics for $18 each. Seventy percent of the names are from direct mail, the rest from space advertising.


PRICE: $110/M

CONTACT: Macromark Inc., Star Rell at 845-230-6331 Registered IT/Developer Pros

This file from Fawcette Technical Publications offers 22,471 IT buyers’ e-mail addresses. FTPOnline provides Webcasts, discussion groups, downloadable code, interviews, white papers, special reports and newsletters on .NET development, architecture, Java and Windows IT.

SELECTIONS: Job title, number of employees, annual revenue, operating systems/application servers used, primary business, products specified, programming language

PRICE: $400/M

CONTACT: Rubin Response Services Inc., 847-619-9800


GIE Media B-2-B Subscribers

Statlistics was tapped by GIE Media Inc. to manage six magazine subscriber files. Counts range from 3,934 for Interior Landscape Business to 74,028 for Lawn and Landscape. The appointment also includes Commercial Dealer, Golf Course News, Pest Control Technology, and Recycling Today. E-mail addresses are available. The publisher previously managed its lists in house.


PRICE: $100/M to $125M ($550 for the entire Interior Landscape file)

CONTACT: Statlistics, 203-778-8700

Body & Soul

Millard Group Inc. has been appointed manager of Body & Soul’s list by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc., the new owner of this health-related magazine. Some 265,000 active subscribers are named, and 87% are women.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Randall’s Equipment Data Associates DB

Randall Publishing Co. chose MeritDirect to manage its Equipment Data Associates database. A master file of 1.1 million buyers is available, plus seven other lists that identify buyers by type. The latter files provide names of those who’ve bought construction, lift truck, agricultural, logging and woodworking equipment. Data is derived from state government filings for credit to purchase new or used equipment.

SELECTIONS: Business/industry, gender, hotline, number of employees, sales volume, telephone numbers, SIC code, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $125/M

CONTACT: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Donors

Direct Media Inc. was named list manager by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The hospital has a file of more than 1 million donors, including 347,284 from the last 12 months. A separate list with 187,355 Jewish donors is available as well. The average contribution was $20. Direct mail is the source.

SELECTIONS: Donation amount ranges, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $75/M

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3760

Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing Newsletter

RMI Direct Marketing Inc. is the new manager of Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing newsletter subscribers file. A total of 217,000 actives are available, plus 35,000 former subs from the last 12 months. The median age of those listed is 53 and their average household income is $97,890 a year.

SELECTIONS: Gender, paid, source, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., 203-825-4638

The Week Magazine

Dennis Publishing Ltd. hired Lake Group Media Inc. to oversee The Week magazine’s subscriber file. Nearly 300,000 actives are listed. The typical reader listed is 45 years old and has annual household income of $150,000.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, change of address, source, gender, paid, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $115/M

CONTACT: Lake Group Media Inc., 914-925-2406


MKTG Services is managing a file that names buyers of Ampli-Ear hearing aids. More than 225,000 customers from the last 12 months are listed. Three-quarters of those identified are age 60 or older. The average unit of sale was $25 and 70% of customers paid with a credit card. The source for the list is space advertising.


PRICE: $85/M

CONTACT: MKTG Services, 215-968-5020

SBC Hispanic New Mover Ride-along

Response Media Products Inc. now oversees this ride-along program. The audience receives SBC Yellow Pages directories within one week of a new telephone line installation. Paper inserts must be between 2 inches by 3-1/2 inches and 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches, and weigh no more than 1 ounce. Specifications vary for product samples, freestanding inserts, catalogs, brochures, magnets and ad specialty items.

PRICE: $80/M

CONTACT: Response Media Products Inc., 770-936-6256


WGBH Collection Catalog Blow-in

Boston’s public TV station WGBH runs a blow-in program for the WGBH Collection catalog. About 1.5 million copies are mailed annually. The typical order was $100. Average annual household income for the target audience is $85,000. One insert per catalog will be accepted, between 3-1/2 by 5 inches and 6 by 6 inches.

PRICE: $35/M

CONTACT: Mokrynskidirect, 201-487-8181

E-Club Advantage Ride-alongs

Elephant Wireless’ E-Club Advantage ride-alongs target homeowners who use satellite products and services. These 1.2 million individuals bought satellite dishes, activation devices and related insurance via direct mail over the last six months. The average unit of sale was $71. Inserts must be no larger than 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches and can weigh up to .25 ounce.

PRICE: $65/M

CONTACT: ALC Data Management, 914-524-5225


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Performance Plus

The 16 enhanced Performance Plus lists identify consumers who recently received a new bank or retail credit card and made their first transaction. Each file was overlaid with different types of data. Statistical models and predictive behavioral scores are available. The consumer master file includes more than 12.7 million records. Among the individual files are those naming affluent households, African Americans, Catholics, seniors and young families.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, adult’s age, adult’s/child’s gender, child’s age range, presence of children, credit card type, ethnicity, income, interests, language preference, mail order buyers, donors, marital status, monthly hotline, Nielsen county, religion, change of address, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $65/M to $95/M (base)

CONTACT: Direct Media Inc., 203-532-3831

Talk to You Later

Some 1.5 million users of instant- and text-message technologies are named on the Talk to You Later master file; most are 16 to 20 years old. Those listed bought electronics and other overstock products over the Internet, by direct mail or through the retail channel. The file includes numerous music interest selections.

SELECTIONS: Monthly hotline, music interest, newly issued credit, product types, online magazine subscribers/ buyers, home video, retail buyers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Media Source Solutions Inc., 561-241-3003

MetaBase B-to-B

MetaResponse Group Inc. is offering a new MetaBase business-to-business list group consisting of a master file and nine smaller files. They’ll complement the MetaBase consumer lists. The MetaBase business master file has 26 million records retrieved from the Internet, direct mail, telephone surveys and public corporate records. This is an audience of business executives with a history of buying by direct mail and online, purchasing subscriptions and making inquires for products and services. Notable among the smaller files are Corporate Cashflow from MetaBase, which names 151,270 chief financial officers; and Executive Suite from MetaBase, with 4.6 million names of top management executives. Other lists identify human resources managers and directors, information technology professionals and marketing executives.

SELECTIONS (MASTER FILE): SIC code, monthly hotline, job function, size of company, gender, sales volume, number of employees, ethnicity, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $85/M to $90/M

CONTACT: MetaResponse Group Inc., 954-360-0644

Penn Herb

Penn Herb Co. Ltd.’s list of herb, vitamin and health remedy buyers offers the names of 14,837 last-12-month and 25,824 last-24-month catalog and Internet buyers who spent an average of $54 per order. A segment with 19,667 catalog requesters from the last 12 months is available. Sixty-five percent of those listed are women.


PRICE: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)

CONTACT: Rubin Response Management Inc., 847-619-9800 Lists

Publishers Clearing House recently introduced several files derived from the Web site. Among them are lists of gardeners, golfers, families with children, pet owners, donors, and a health and wellness file. The counts range from 115,984 to 866,538. The sources are Internet-driven surveys and subscriptions.

SELECTIONS: Gender, home address, ailments, child’s age range, cat/dog owners, hotlines, type of donor, state/SCF/ZIP (depending on list)

PRICE: $91/M

CONTACT: 21st Century Marketing, 631-293-8550

Colorado Outdoor Sports

This list identifies 58,110 members and guests of Colorado Outdoor Sports, a hunting, fishing and camping club. Seventy-eight percent of these individuals are men. The club, an affiliate of the American Wildlife Association, leases land in Colorado and adjacent states for exclusive use of its members. Most members are between 45 and 54 years old and earn $50,000 to $75,000 a year.

SELECTIONS: Gender, age, income, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $95/M

CONTACT: Midwest Direct Marketing Inc., 913-686-2220


Consumers who researched, planned or purchased vacations online are identified on this file. Between 126,000 and 137,000 who made transactions in February, March and April 2005 are listed. Telephone numbers are available.


PRICE: $90/M (postal records); $200/M (telemarketing file)

CONTACT: Net60 LLC, 201-833-9003

Culture for Kids

Educational cataloger Master Communications Inc. has released Culture for Kids, a list of those who have purchased children’s educational products. Some 6,000 buyers and inquirers are identified from the last 12 months, plus 7,500 from the last 24 months. Products sold include bilingual books, videos and audio cassettes in more than 30 languages. The unit of sale is $250.


PRICE: $110/M (last-12-month buyers/inquirers)

CONTACT: Fasano and Associates, 818-728-9030

In the Army Now

A direct mail-generated list of 782,176 military personnel at base addresses. This file covers all branches of military service, including the U.S. Coast Guard.

SELECTIONS: Gender, occupation, branch of service, base name, age, pay grade/rank, active duty/discharge date, home state, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $195/M

CONTACT: Davis Direct Worldwide, 206-275-2532

Advance Magazine Group Bridal DB

Names of 141,352 subscribers to Bride’s, Modern Bride and Elegant Bride magazines can be found on Advance Magazine Group’s bridal database. The file has been overlaid with demographic and lifestyle data from InfoBase, along with ethnic and religious data from E-Tech. It’s not available for sweepstakes, survey, contest or telemarketing offers.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, age, ethnic, gender, home value, income, lifestyle, new movers, new-to-file, paid, presence of children, religion, renewals, source, title, political party, state/SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $105/M

CONTACT: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262

Information Products Co.

Those who operate small or home offices and bought personalized address labels are listed on Information Products Co. Buyers at Business Address. A total of 115,248 customers from the last seven months are named. An average purchaser was 51 years old and earned $75,000 a year. The unit of sale was $6.50. The sources are freestanding and package inserts.

SELECTIONS: Hotlines, gender, state/ SCF/ZIP

PRICE: $100/M

CONTACT: Response Media Products Inc., 770-936-6248

Day Runner Consumer Buyers

MeadWestvaco Corp. has a consumer file identifying some 277,678 Day Runner division customers. Those on the list spent an average of $50 for diaries, time-keeping journals, calendars, organizers and cases for holding electronic devices, among other products. Product category selections will soon be introduced, according to the list manager. Sources are the Internet (70%) and direct mail (30%). The list owner requires reciprocity.


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New Lists

Natural Healing Encyclopedia

This file identifies more than 120,000 paid buyers of The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, published by Boardroom Inc. The encyclopedia contains an A-to-Z listing of common and chronic illnesses and their proven natural treatments. It sells for $29.95 plus shipping and handling. The typical buyer is 50 years old.

Cost: $105/M

Selections: Inquire

Contact: Boardroom Inc., Greenwich, CT, 203-625-5221

Lifestand Buyers

This is a file naming 8,100 buyers of Independence Providers Inc.’s wheelchair equipment for handicapped individuals. Most are occupational or physical therapists or other professionals who work at hospitals, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation centers or medical equipment distributors. They spent between $5,000 and $22,000.

Cost: $85/M

Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: ACI/Reelpoint Direct Inc., Salem, MA, 978-744-5255

PDR Pharmacy DB

This file identifies 132,843 subscribers to Drug Topics or Hospital Pharmacist Report magazines, as well as buyers of Drug Topics’ Red Book. The three products are published by Medical Economics Co.

Cost: $135/M

Selections: One per company, product, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., Barrington, IL, 847-304-4030

Construction Market Data

This company provides print and online information, products and services to construction industry professionals. The list features some 56,000 CMD customers and prospects, all manufacturers and distributors in the construction industry. The file is updated monthly and can be selected by customers’ or prospects’ business type (such as chemicals and allied products, lumber and wood products, primary metal industries and textile mill products) and job function.

Cost: $120/M

Selections: Type of firm, size of organization, job function, sales volume, telephone number, Canadian names, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Cahners Business Lists, Des Plaines, IL, 800-323-4958

African-American PC Owners

This file identifies 318,370 last-12-month PC buyers. Those listed indicated that they own a PC through various offers; these direct response sources include credit companies, surveys and questionnaires.

Cost: $95/M

Selections: Telephone number, household income, exact age, children by age, gender, height/weight, length of residence, homeowner, job title, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: DataAdvantage List Services, Doylestown, PA, 610-489-6419

This online bookstore caters to college students. Lake Group Media Inc.’s opt-in e-mail list features approximately 73,000 online addresses. Users can read student reviews about various professors, peruse grade histories and buy discounted textbooks. Marketers can target an audience of college attendees who have recently made online purchases.

Cost: $125/M

Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Rye, NY, 914-925-2400

XP/IT Prospects

Using this opt-in e-mail file, marketers can reach more than 275,000 prospective buyers and users of Windows XP products. Mainly MIS directors, network administrators, Web masters and other IT professionals, they are reportedly looking for new products and technologies. A postal list also is available.

Cost: $200/M (e-mail list); $90/M (postal list)

Selections: None

Contact: Worldata/WebConnect, Boca Raton, FL, 561-393-8200

PC Perfect/Current Affairs

This 100% direct response-sourced list identifies 349,674 consumers who indicated an interest in current affairs and American history. The file is taken from PCPerfect, 21st AZ Marketing’s database merging hardware, software, publishing and multimedia lists.

Cost: $80/M

Selections: Last-three-month buyers, multibuyers, credit card, homeowner, size/length of residence, job title, marital status, adult’s age, children’s age range, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: 21st AZ Marketing, Farmingdale, NY, 631-293-8550


This list names 32,400 registrants at the site, which features the In Your Face Hoops online basketball magazine and related sports apparel. Subscribers opted in to receive e-newsletters twice a month from the company, and many purchased clothing as well. The site offers information on basketball draft picks, tournament schedules, game scores, leagues and news.

Cost: $250/M

Selections: Monthly hotline, last 30-, 60- and 90-day hotlines

Contact: Beach List Services Inc., Nashville, TN, 615-356-1100


Hanley-Wood LLC publishes building and construction magazines. Statlistics offers several lists from the company, including those naming 30,064 Aquatics International subscribers (facility managers, designers and maintenance personnel at municipal and commercial pools or water parks); 93,798 Builder magazine readers; and 44,180 Custom Home readers.

Cost: $110/M-$135/M (varies by list)

Selections: Job title, business category, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Statlistics Inc., Danbury, CT, 203-778-8700

World Media Marketing

This file features 926,727 individuals who purchased various health and beauty products through World Media infomercials in 2001. The company offers magnetic therapy items (the Magnetic Neck Care kit and Magna Therapy kit), home fitness equipment (including the Ab-Exerciser and the Magnetic Bun and Thigh Shaper), and several diet and beauty products. The average unit of sale runs from about $30 to $100.

Cost: $85/M

Selections: Monthly hotline, last-three-month buyers, credit card, phone number, age, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Walter Karl, Pearl River, NY, 845-620-0700

This opt-in Internet user list gives the postal addresses of 1 million people who visited the Web site. They requested information about moving services and plan to relocate to a new residence. These individuals can be targeted for offers and promotions from moving companies, welcome-wagon offers and multistate bank institutions. Also available are about 500,000 last-six-month responders and some 100,000 last-one-month names.

Cost: $150/M

Selections: Last one- and six-month responders, names of those moving in 30 to 60 days, 60 to 90 days, 90 to 120 days, 120-plus days

Contact: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., Scarsdale, NY, 914-723-3176

Ziff-Davis eWeek Execs

This opt-in e-mail list identifies some 67,000 subscribers to eWeek, an online and print magazine providing IT information to various firms. eWeek features new product reviews, e-commerce news and special reports, and commentary by technology experts. About half of all subscribers are CEOs, company owners or partners, or other professionals (lawyers, doctors, architects, etc.).

Cost: $300/M

Selections: Size of firm, job function/title, primary business, state/SCF

Contact: Direct Media Inc., Greenwich, CT, 203-532-1000

W.B. Saunders/Mosby

More than 695,887 buyers are on this file from PCS Mailing List Co. W.B. Saunders, founded in 1888, publishes health science books; Mosby produces medical reference books, videos, journals and electronic media. Both companies, now owned by Elsevier Science, have combined their files to produce the master list. Among these buyers are doctors, health professionals and medical institutions. The file is selectable by medical specialty, such as geriatrics, pediatrics, radiology and emergency care. The unit of sale is $75.

Cost: $115/M

Selections: Last 18- and 12-month hotline buyers, medical specialty, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: PCS Mailing List Co., Peabody, MA, 978-532-7100

Account Activity


VNU Business Publications USA has taken over the arts and entertainment magazine subscriber files formerly owned by BPI Communications. Edith Roman Associates Inc. now manages its new database. There are 355,736 names on the file, which includes readers of American Artist & Watercolor, Back Stage, Billboard and Hollywood Reporter magazines. These individuals have disposable income


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FAO Schwarz

This list features 691,503 individuals who bought items from the toy chain within the last 12 months. FAO Schwarz sells games, toys, collectibles and crafts. The company operates stores in 41 cities nationwide. Buyers’ average household income is $75,000. The typical order is $150.

Cost: $85/M

Selections: Last three- and six-month buyers, dollar amount of purchase, product, credit card/cash, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Edith Roman Associates Inc., Pearl River, NY, 845-620-9000

Moxie Girl

Teen/MXG, formerly MXG/Moxie Girl, is a Web portal featuring links to shopping sites for teenage girls. Using this file, marketers can reach 102,958 online buyers, mostly women, at their postal addresses.

Cost: $100/M

Selections: Age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, New York, 212-684-4800


There are 57,293 small to midsize business owners and purchasing agents on this e-mail list. They use BuyerZone, a business e-commerce site, to obtain competitive price quotes and information about various products, services and vendors.

Cost: $350/M

Selections: HTML setup

Contact: MetaResponse Group, Palm City, FL, 561-219-9422

Lawn Care

This file contains the names of 139,986 homeowners who purchased a program from Lawn Care, a Canadian firm. They chose options from basic lawn care to packages that include landscaping.

Cost: $110/M

Selections: Language (English or French), telephone number, gender, province

Contact: Watts List Management, Toronto, 416-252-7741

Homeless Homer

This pet adoption program works with pet care companies to support community animal shelters. The 75,000 people listed responded to a card placed in their adoption kits; for each returned card, a 50-cent donation is made to the shelter.

Cost: $85/M

Selections: Monthly hotline, telephone number, gender, age range, cat or dog owner, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Lifestyle Change Communications, Kennesaw, GA, 800-411-5771

MyPoints Postal Address DB

San Francisco-based MyPoints offers online DM/loyalty programs and has more than 16 million members. The company operates a Web site that allows subscribers to earn points toward rewards; to do so, they tour Web sites, read e-mail and shop online. This file identifies 195,000 subscribers at their postal addresses.

Cost: $100/M

Selections: Buyers, credit card users/type, number of purchases, interests, age/gender, income, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP

Contact: Millard Group Inc., Peterborough, NH, 603-924-9262


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Focus Direct Buys Creative List Solutions San Antonio, TX-based Focus Direct Inc. has acquired Creative List Solutions, Provo, UT.

The transaction delivers more than 40 new list and mail clients to Focus Direct. Creative List Solutions will be folded into Focus’ DataMark Services division in Salt Lake City, which provides mailing lists for the financial industry.

Worldata Takes on e\E-mail Files Worldata, Boca Raton, FL, has been awarded management of the MIS Source list, containing the e-mail addresses of 32,555 MIS directors.

The base rate is $200 per 1,000. Selects are available for job titles and operating systems.

Worldata has also assumed management of the Tech file, which includes e-mail addresses of 22,170 individuals who have accessed the Tech site and requested free trial subscriptions to technology publications. The base rate is $200 per 1,000.

Fasano Picks Up WB Studio Store Files Fasano and Associates, Los Angeles, will now oversee the two Warner Bros. Studio Store files.

The 135,200 last-12-month catalog buyers file identifies individuals who purchased adult and children’s apparel and accessories.

The 970,820-name last-12-month retail buyers list includes those who bought items at WB Studio Stores.

Abacus Promotes Howard to VP Connie Howard has been promoted to vice president, catalog client services, at Abacus Direct Corp. in Broomfield, CO.

Howard has been at Abacus since 1994, most recently as associate vice president of catalog client services.


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Cahners and Boucher Merge Databases Cahners Business Lists has combined its Computer Marketplace database with the 1.5-million-name DecisionMaker IT Marketplace database from Boucher Communications’ magazine group.

The merged file will be known as the IT Marketplace database.

The 190-list Cahners database includes subscribers to magazines such as Design News, ECN, Instrumentation & Automation News, EDN, Manufacturing Systems and others.

Boucher’s files include subscribers to ENT, Enterprise Systems Journal, HP Professional, Unisphere and Midrange Systems, as well as the Internetwork database.

“Combining the subscriber files from these two businesses has produced one of the list industry’s most powerful databases.

“[It will provide] a one-stop source for executives and decision-makers responsible for over 70% of all purchases made in the U.S. information technology market,” a Cahners’ rep said in a statement.

ALC New England Focuses on E-mail Lists The newly formed ALC New England, Stamford, CT, is set up to be a full-service list management and brokerage firm with special emphasis on e-mail technologies.

“ALC already manages 30% of all opt-in e-mail lists on the market and conducts 80% of the industry’s e-mail transactions, but the medium is still in its infancy,” said Todd Love, director of new business development at the ALC satellite office, in a statement.

Other ALC New England staffers include senior account executives Kelly Russo and Liege Payne, as well as account manager Amber Adamovic.

List Services Manages New Zealand Business File List Services Corp., Bethel, CT, has taken over management of the New Zealand business database, which identifies 53,353 executives at their business address.

The sources for this file are private and official records, as well as questionnaires. The cost is $230 per 1,000 names. Selects include job title, type of business, telephone and fax numbers and Standard Industrial Classification code.

* 44% of consumer catalogers and 43% of computer marketers reported an increase.

* 50% of publishers reported a decline.

* 33% of B-to-B catalogers noted an upswing, a drop from last summer’s 80%.

* 33% of financial marketers indicated higher results, an improvement over the third quarter, when none said results were up.

Source: Edith Roman Associates Inc.


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Kaplan Named Time-Life Alt Media List Manager The Kaplan Agency, Stamford, CT, has been chosen as exclusive list manager of Time-Life and Heartland Music’s alternative media efforts.

Programs include the Time-Life Books package insert, with an annual distribution of 3.3 million; a music package insert, which can go out to 5.7 million a year; and the Time-Life video package insert, with a circulation of 1.3 million annually. Individual cost is $60/M.

Strubco Becomes Metamorphics Media List broker Strubco Inc., New York, has changed its name to Metamorphics Media LLC. Mark de Solla Price is now an equal partner to founder Sean Strub, with both owning a 50% share in the company.

Price is president and CEO; Strub is now chairman and creative director.

Price had recently worked at a technology consulting firm, focusing on publishing and Internet commerce projects. Previously, he had run a fulfillment and database mailing bureau specializing in gay mailing lists.

The new name of the company was chosen to reflect the firm’s technological transformation. “We wanted not just to upgrade the technology, but to leapfrog [it] so we could be a leader in the industry. We are really reinventing from the ground up and becoming Web-focused,” Price told DIRECT.

The company has also relocated its offices to Manhattan’s Silicon Alley area, and has a new mailing address: 332 Bleecker St., Suite H89, New York, NY 10014-2980.

Strubco is a pioneer in list management and brokerage of gay, lesbian and HIV-related names.

Estee Manages Vroom File Estee List Services, New Rochelle, NY, is now the manager of the subscriber list to Vroom, “the official catalog of rock ‘n’ roll.”

Vroom is a glossy catalog selling licensed merchandise such as a hand-signed Al Hirschfeld lithograph of the Rolling Stones; original Rolling Stones tickets from their 1995 “Voodoo Lounge” tour; a soft, plush Jerry Garcia doll with a guitar made by Gund; and Spice Girls dolls. Merchandise ranges from $15 to $10,000.

The list identifies 25,000 last-three-month buyers, 35,000 last-six-month buyers and 53,000 last-12-month buyers. Selections include gender and state/SCF/ZIP. The average order is $70.

Vroom, a minimum of 36 pages each issue, mails every quarter.


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One Claim Dropped in D&B Lawsuit Though he is allowing the case to proceed, a federal judge has thrown out a claim in a lawsuit accusing Dun & Bradstreet of trying to supply lists directly to a broker’s client.

The suit, filed in August by Westlake Village, CA-based Direct Marketing Experts (DME), accuses Dun & Bradstreet of meddling in DME’s contractual relationship with client Labor Ready.

On Nov. 16, U.S. Judge Lourdes G. Baird dismissed a claim that Dun & Bradstreet had misappropriated trade secrets, finding that DME did not specify “how its ‘pricing and services’ or ‘methods of conducting business’ constitute trade secrets distinct from matters of general knowledge.”

However, Baird denied a motion by Dun & Bradstreet to dismiss the case, retaining several other claims. These include breach of contract, unjust enrichment and unfair competition.

DME CEO Spencer Schmerling acknowledges that his company failed to outline the alleged trade secrets, preferring not to make them part of public court documents.

Dun & Bradstreet argues that it had a long-standing business relationship with Labor Ready prior to DME’s involvement with that company.

List Services Offers New Mexican Files List Services Corp., Bethel, CT, has two new files: Mexican Top Executives, with 100,000 names, and Mexico’s Top Householder database, with 1.5 million names.

The files are owned by Cooperativa Comercializadora del Valle de Mexico, a cooperative product promotion firm. The lists were culled from sources such as business and consumer databases and promotional agencies. They were augmented by telemarketing, direct mail verification and house-to-house visits.

Gender and geographic selections are offered. Each list rents at a base cost of $185 per 1,000 names.

Additional information about these files is available from Chris Page at LSC (203-743-2600).


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Mumford Leaves Karl atherine Mumford, senior vice president list management, resigned her position at Walter Karl/InfoUSA, Greenwich, CT, last month. Fran Golub, vice president of list management for the JAMI division of InfoUSA, has been promoted to senior vice president director of list management and will oversee that function for both the JAMI and Walter Karl divisions. Golub is based at the firm’s Pearl River, NY, location.

Abacus Goes to Europe bacus Direct Corp., the cooperative database company, will offer European versions of its U.S. product in a joint venture with Dutch publisher VNU. The Abacus Direct Europe database, set for official launch this month in the United Kingdom, will contain catalog and retail transactional data, combined with demographic and lifestyle data. The latter will come from Claritas Group, VNU’s marketing services company. The next move, which is still two years away, will be into France and Germany, according to Abacus Direct founder Tony White. The new venture will be headed by Chris Norris of Claritas, who has been named managing director.

Page Joins List Services ist Services Corp., Bethel, CT, has named Chris Page international list manager, effective Oct. 5. His responsibilities include creating and developing an international list management portfolio. Page formerly served Acxiom/Direct Media for 13 years, most recently as vice president of the international list management division.


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Delia’s Buys Fulcrum Lists Delia’s Inc., New York, has acquired the trademarks and mailing lists from Fulcrum Direct Inc., a privately held catalog company currently in bankruptcy, for approximately $4.75 million. The primary assets include Zoe, Storybook Heirlooms, Playclothes, After the Stork and Just for Kids catalog titles. The purchase adds approximately 5 million names and 1.6 million customers to Delia’s database, close to doubling its size.

Mal Dunn Wins Advo File Mal Dunn Associates Inc., Croton Falls, NY, has been named to manage Advo Inc.’s file of 116 million U.S. resident addresses. The list contains no names and is organized in the sequence by which each postal carrier walks his or her route. The file had previously been managed in-house by Advo, a direct mail marketing services company, and will continue to be maintained there. For more information, call Mal Dunn Associates Inc. at 914-277-5558.

ALC NY Goes International ALC of New York Inc. has appointed Vanessa Mastandrea to head its new international list brokerage and management division. Most recently Mastandrea was with international list marketing services provider MultiNational Concepts, where she handled such clients as Bullock & Jones, J. Peterman, Saks, Barrie Pace, Garnet Hill, Biobottoms and Children’s Wear Digest.

JAMI and Walter Karl Merge List Management List brokerage and management firms JAMI Marketing Services Inc., Pearl River, NY, and Walter Karl, Greenwich, CT, have been renamed Walter Karl/InfoUSA. List management operations have been consolidated at the Pearl River location. Approximately 20 list management and support staffers from Greenwich have been transferred to Pearl River to merge with list management operations already in place. The firms were acquired earlier this year by InfoUSA, formerly American Business Information Inc., Omaha, NE.


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