New Lists
Using this master file, marketers can reach more than 1.2 million who signed up at the Web site. AccURL lists new domain name registrants (both consumer- and business-related) and newly activated Web sites. There are about 65,000 additions a month.
Cost: $100/M
Selections: E-mail addresses, new domain name registrants, Webmasters, newly activated Web sites, fax number, telephone number, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, 212-655-5175
Paradigm Direct
A list identifying 749,039 people who bought products from this high-tech communications company. Customers spent an average of $300 on cell phones and satellite TVs as well as Paradigm’s financial services.
Cost: $100/M
Selections: Monthly hotline, quarterly hotline, telephone numbers, monthly responders’ hotline, product category, credit card, date of birth, gender, state/SCF/ZIP/ZIP+4
Contact: List Services Corp., 203-743-2600
Runner’s World
This file names 53,486 Canadians who participated in events sponsored by Rodale Inc.’s Runner’s World magazine. The runners listed competed in various races from 5Ks to marathons. Their median age is 38, and they earn an average of $80,000 a year.
Cost: $105/M
Selections: Last one-, three-, six- and 12-month event participants, province, age, gender, income, interest
Contact: Millard Group Inc., 603-924-9262
Intertec’s Meeting Planner
There are 79,315 planners and coordinators of off-site seminars and meetings on this master file from Intertec Publishing. They subscribe to the company’s magazines, including Corporate Meetings & Incentives, Medical Meetings and Insurance Conference Planner.
Cost: $125/M
Selections: Gender, job function, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Statlistics Inc., 203-778-8700
This list features 44,776 e-mail subscribers to the online finance company for small and midsize firms. provides information about commercial and real estate finance, government loans, equipment leasing and venture capital. Postal addresses can be selected.
Cost: $250/M
Selections: Size of firm, annual sales volume, years in business, postal addresses, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., 847-619-9800
Edgar Morris Buyers
Edgar Morris sells skin care items for men and women of color. The 295,057 individuals listed here purchased various cosmetic products online, by direct mail and via infomercials.
Cost: $150/M
Selections: Telephone number, last-six-month buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Acton Direct, 402-470-5716
Broadband Week
Broadband Week magazine caters to executives, managers and technologists involved in creating broadband networks, applications and content. There are 55,969 subscribers on the file, which can be used to promote seminars, computer hardware and software, and cable communications services.
Cost: $135/M
Selections: Type of firm, job function, sales volume, recency, Canadian names, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Cahners Business Lists, 800-323-4958
Account Activity
Hershey’s Gift Catalog
This file identifying 89,928 last-12-month buyers from the catalog is under new management at D-J Associates Inc. Hershey’s offers a variety of chocolate gift items for business and personal use. The typical individual listed is between age 35 and 55 and earns $70,000 a year.
Cost: $90/M
Selections: Last six- and 24-month buyers, type of gift, $50-plus and $75-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: D-J Associates Inc., 203-431-8777
Fairfield Mint MOBs
Mokrynski & Associates Inc. is now managing this list naming 77,298 who made a purchase from Fairfield Mint’s Vintage Replica Collection catalog during the last 12 months. The company features die-cast automobile reproductions and accessories for a mostly male audience of collectors, car enthusiasts and gift buyers. The average order is $65.
Cost: $95/M
Selections: Last three-, six- and 24-month mail order buyers, $50-plus and $100-plus buyers, dollar amount of purchase, fundraising contributors, credit card, age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Mokrynski & Associates Inc., 201-487-8181
CMJ New Music Monthly
Mal Dunn Associates Inc. has been selected to manage the 62,536-name file of subscribers to this publication covering up-and-coming musicians and bands. Readers have purchased items from CMJ’s Web site.
Cost: $85/M
Selections: Gender, last-three-month hotline, expires, paid subscribers, state/SCF/ZIP
Contact: Mal Dunn Associates Inc., 914-277-5558