Hardee’s is out with a new Thickburger campaign that targets hungry young guys; it dangles a sweepstakes chance to win one of six Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
The QSR launched the new Thickburger campaign with a definite attitude: the campaign is called “Eat Thick. Ride Wide.” Hardee’s biggest promotion this year, the program offers a scratch-off game piece with every purchase of a Hardee’s Thickburger in 1,500 restaurants nationwide.
Half of the game piece, called “For Here” reveals an instant-win food prize redeemable for free Thickburgers, hand-scooped ice cream shakes or malts and crispy curls. The other game piece half reveals a motorcycle license plate code that can be entered online at a Hardee’s microsite ThickandWide.com for a chance to win a one of six Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide motorcycles; the 125 first-prize winners get an Eat Thick Ride Wide leather jacket. Lesser prizes include branded vests and biker sunglasses.
About 9 million games pieces will be available as part of the sweepstakes, said Dan Curran, president Drive Agency, the St. Louis agency shop handling the campaign.
Online, Hardee’s is out with an interactive Web game that incorporates six different bikers and ramp jumps. Players can manipulate the speed and ramp height to see which biker can jump the most Thickburgers in the game and send the game via social networking and community sites, including MySpace and YouTube.
“The ‘Eat Thick. Ride Wide.’ promotion is the perfect fit for our core young hungry-guy consumer,” Hardee’s VP-Marketing Steve Lemley said in a statement. “These guys love big burgers and big bikes, and they also enjoy entertaining and engaging online games.”
Hardee’s is dropping more than 12 million FSIs to promote the sweepstakes and the game. In addition, Hardee’s will display Harley-Davidson motorcycles at its restaurants to drive customers in store, Curran said. Street teams will also hand out flyers promoting the campaign, he said.
The sweepstakes runs through Jan. 31. Drive Agency, St. Louis, handles the promotion; ePrize, Pleasant Ridge, MI, handles the Web site, interactive game and sweeps. Online materials, in-store signage, FSIs and P-O-P support.
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