Matthew Sherwood, a 31-year-old computer technician, received a surprise visit from tennis superstar Anna Kournikova, who declared his face the most “completely irresistible” from more than 1,200 entrants a Gillette Co.’s sweepstakes.
The Irresistible Face of Matthew Sherwood (l) meets Anna Kournikova |
Kournikova presented Sherwood with a complete electronics prize package, including a HDTV plasma display, surround-sound system, integrated DVD recorder and digital video camera. In addition, Sherwood, who lives in Richmond, VA, will fly to a photo shoot later this year for the chance to appear in an upcoming Gillette Complete Skincare television commercial.
Gillette created the contest, Search for the Completely Irresistible Face, to promote Gillette Complete Skincare, a new line of products designed specifically for men. The nationwide search began on May 5, 2004, with an open casting call hosted by Kournikova in New York’s Times Square. Men also entered the contest via and U.S. mail.
Porter Novelli, New York, handled.