Foreign DM Trade Missions Set

In its efforts to make foreign countries hospitable to American direct marketers, International Direct Marketing Consultants Inc. of Dallas has announced its trade mission schedule for 2000.

>From March 12 through 17, the organization will host its 10th annual trade >mission to Europe. The U.S. delegation will travel to Germany, the United >Kingdom and France. The American telemarketing and e-commerce executives >will be special guests at the London International Direct Marketing Fair, >and at a mini-seminar hosted by British Telecom at the BT Tower. In >Germany, Fortress Europe Inc. and the German postal service will be hosts. >The French segment is coordinated with the French Direct Marketing Lab in >Lille.

>From June 4 through 9, a group of executives – catalogers, financial >service companies, publishers, telemarketers, e-commerce companies and >vendor/service suppliers – will take part in IDMC’s trade mission to South >America. The delegation will meet with government officials, postmasters >general and direct marketers in Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; >and Sao Paulo, Brazil. In each country, they will attend presentations on >direct mail, Internet marketing, telemarketing, mailing lists, databases, >media, direct response television, shipping, tariffs, taxes, credit cards >and financial services, among other topics.

Presentations will slated South American market-entry strategies, and introductions will be tailor-made for delegates and potential partners. The delegation will also tour catalog, direct marketing and teleservices firms in each country.

Aug. 13 to 19 is slotted for the second U.S. trade mission to Asia, with executives traveling to Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. The event is arranged with the U.S. Embassy and local consulates, as well as the direct marketing association in each country. The executives will be special guests at the kickoff event for DM Singapore 2000, reportedly the largest direct marketing conference in the Pacific Rim.

“These three countries and the entire Pacific Rim offer too much opportunity for U.S. direct marketers to ignore,” says Bill McNutt, trade mission director. “There are more than 35 million consumers just in the English-speaking nations of the region.”