Credit card and insurance acquisition mail volumes last year grew substantially over 2005 numbers, thanks largely to increased campaigns, according to Mintel Comperemedia.
Specifically, more than 9.2 billion acquisition direct mail pieces were sent to American consumers in 2006. Chase was the top mailer for the year, sending out more than 1.7 billion acquisition mail pieces, although this number was 4% below 2005 levels. Rounding out the top five for 2006 were Capital One Bank, American Express, Citibank, and Bank of America. Capital One posted at 13% gain over 2005 in their direct mail activity–, the biggest gain of the top five.
Just barely missing the top five, both HSBC and increasing their direct mail acquisition activity between 2005 and 2006 by 25% and 29%, respectively.
Insurance acquisition mailings also grew during that period, said Mintel.
More than 6.8 billion pieces were distributed to consumers in five key areas: auto, health, life, property & casualty, and travel. Health insurance mail reported a 21% rise, while travel insurance solicitations declined sharply by 41%.