(Direct Newsline)—Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell’s administration plans to develop a do-not-e-mail list similar to the telemarketing do-not call list.
This comes in response to numerous complaints about online search engines that list not only names, addresses and telephone numbers but also people’s ages, places of work and other personal data.
“Anyone who goes to WhitePages.com or 411.com will find personal information published that many people may want protected,” Rell said, in a statement. “With a few clicks of the keyboard, anyone can find the age and gender of a person, where they live, where they work, birthdates and other identifying information.”
The centerpiece of her proposals will likely be an opt-out registry that would establish a centralized, one-time process for state residents to remove some or all of their private information from Internet search sites, credit card solicitations, direct mail lists and other records.