Channel | Engagement

Kellogg's While You Sleep

Kellogg’s Shifts Marketing to Dark of Night

|  by Andrew Adam Newman (NYT)

Kellogg's "While You Sleep" campaign is a real shift for the brand to late day marketing in an effort to get consumers to eat more cereal.

Three Ways Big Data Will Change Marketing Offers in 2015

|  by Jonathan Moran

At the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show sensor analytics, geo-location, and web and social data capture were all big trends—and the volume of data will just grow exponentially as a result.

Social Marketing

A Lesson in Social Marketing from Hollywood

|  by Todd Spangler (Variety)

Hollywood needs strong social marketing skills just as much as any marketer. It has movies to sell. Take away a few tips for your own marketing tool kit.

Anheuser-Busch Plans to Wow Super Bowl Fans Again

|  by (Associated Press)

Anheuser-Busch made a memorable impact with its "Puppy Love" Super Bowl ad last year. Next month, a sequel and other spots are expected to wow the audience.

Chief Marketer Videos

by Chief Marketer Staff

In our latest Marketers on Fire LinkedIn Live, Anywhere Real Estate CMO Esther-Mireya Tejeda discusses consumer targeting strategies, the evolution of the CMO role and advice for aspiring C-suite marketers.