Marketers on Fire: First Entertainment Credit Union CMO Amondo Redmond
First Entertainment Credit Union CMO Amondo Redmond discusses an NBA sponsorship, pivoting during the COVID era and providing programs for the LA community.
Hootsuite Report: More than Half of Internet Users Concerned About Online Privacy
Useful insights for social media marketers from a July Hootsuite and We Are Social report.
Tips for Marketing Communications Surrounding Reopening Businesses During COVID-19
Be direct, build trust, provide details: tips for crafting a communications plan for reopening your business
Demand Gen
Brands Doing Good During the Coronavirus Epidemic
Companies approaching this time of crisis through the lens of corporate social responsibility.
Extortion, Eviction—Another Wrecking Ball of a Week for Papa John’s Founder
John Schnatter is in the midst of a raging PR crisis as partners head
for the hills and the company’s stock takes a hit. -
Freelance Creative Talent Pool Grows Stronger: Survey
As the need for content and digital creative has ramped up over the last few years, the need for top freelance creative talent has as well.
Unilever Replaces Some Agency Tasks with Startups
Unilever has set up co-working spaces in Singapore and Ireland where Unilever marketers and up to 50 startups work together on live briefs.
5 Ways Marketing Can Support Sales
How can marketing create more content that supports c-suite engagement and boosts sales? Here’s five tips.
Radio Station Behind “Hold your Wee for a Wii” Promotion Shuts Down
This lesson provides a sober reminder of how important it is to not ask people to do stupid things for promotions.
Driving Better Teleprospecting Results
Teleprospecting results are on the rise, particularly for high tech infrastructure solutions. The biggest gains are realized by recognizing growth opportunities and then shaping your teleprospecting approach to get more qualified leads into your sales pipeline.