Avocados from Mexico Campaigns to Join Kids for Breakfast

Avocados From Mexico’s brand market development director Stephanie Bazan talked with BrandChannel.com about its back-to-school campaign, the Avocado Breakfast Club, to push avocado sales during different parts of the day, like breakfast.

Avocados from MexicoThe brand partnered with Sesame Workshop and Elmo for brightly colored in-store displays, coupons, contests and other promotions to remind shoppers that avocados can be a healthy addition to kids’ breakfast meals before they head off to school.

Bazan talks about the strategy behind the breakfast push, in-store innovations to move avocados beyond the produce section and tying in with the Partnership for a Healthier America founded by Michelle Obama. She also talks about expanding a successful in-school program for Avocados from Mexico at primarily Hispanic-dominate schools to help educate kids about nutritious and healthy eating habits. Read the article.

Watch one of the MiniChefs make avocado and strawberry toast for breakfast.

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