Chief Marketer Staff
Tecate Offers Rebate to Watch HBO Boxing Match
The Mexican brand Tecate is sponsoring an anticipated boxing match in Las Vegas next month on Cinco de Mayo with an integrated program that includes commemorative packaging and a rebate
Using Technology to Improve Incentive Programs
One of the few marketing categories that traditionally do well during a downturn is the incentive business
Boundless Network Acquires Venture Marketing
Boundless Network, a branded merchandise distributor, has acquired Venture Marketing, a 15-year-old promotional products distributor with offices in Virginia and Milwaukee, WI
ASI Names Hain as VP Member Services and Support
The Advertising Specialty Institute has promoted Victoria Hain to vice president of member services and support, a new position
P&I Postscripts
BEST WESTERN INTERNATIONAL: is hoping to spark more business with its loyalty members—and sign some new ones
MetaResponse Launches Mobile Davison
MetaResponse Group is launching a mobile marketing division, MobileMailbox
Social Media For The Holy Days
The impending Easter and Passover holidays serve as quiet reminders that (perhaps especially in troubled economic times) a little faith isn
Independent Do-Not-Call Complaint Database Debuts
A new Web site,, is collecting FCC do-not-call complaints. Details, along with The Skeptic’s Take, follow.
Positive Signs For E-Commerce In March: Coremetrics
Marketers who sell health and beauty items or jewelry online shouldn
Click Rates Lowest Yet: Epsilon
Average click-through rates dropped 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2008 from the third to 5.8%, the lowest ever recorded, according to a study released today by Epsilon