Chief Marketer Staff
Responsys Names John Berkley VP Of Product Marketing
Responsys has named John Berkley VP of product marketing and new business. Berkley will report to Scott Olrich, Responsys’ CMO.
Digital Agency Organic Promotes Two Senior Execs
Organic, Inc., a digital communications agency, has promoted Conor Brady from VP of creative to senior VP and chief creative officer. Separately Steve Kerho, who had been vice president, was named senior VP of analytics, media and marketing optimization
David Funsten Joins Fulcrum As VP Of Financial Services
David Funsten has joined the Fulcrum, a database marketing solutions provider, as VP of financial services.
Royal Caribbean Taps Betsy O’Rourke To Be Senior VP Of Marketing
Cruise line Royal Caribbean International has named Betsy O’Rourke senior VP of marketing. O’Rourke will be responsible for all aspects of the cruise line’s marketing program, including brand strategy and positioning, consumer and trade advertising, web and loyalty marketing, research, brand development and communications.
Summer Postal Rate Rollback May Make Big Mailers Big Winners
If a proposed test rollback of mail rates this summer goes through, listen for the sound of corks popping in Plano, TX. That’s because J.C Penney Co., which makes its headquarters there, was the biggest mailer during summer 2008, and stands to reap the largest benefit.
On Friday, word began circulating through the direct mail industry that The U.S. Postal Service was mulling temporary postage discounts for high-volume mailers
Direct Marketing Industry is in Major Jeopardy
The entire direct mail industry is stinko.
Listline e-Newsletter 4/13
This file names 106,813 professional installers, maintainers and caretakers of lawns, trees, shrubs and landscapes
Graphics West Names Joseph Kellenberger President
Joseph Kellenberger has been named president of Graphics West.
DMA Shuffles Organization Structure
The Direct Marketing Association has reconfigured parts of its reporting structure, and changed the responsibilities of several of its executives.