Chief Marketer Staff
Instant Gratification
WOULDN’T IT BE nice if charities that help disaster victims could get donations right after TV viewers had their hearts tugged by footage of the devastation
Amex Accused of Bias Against Hasidic Jews
A NEW YORK jeweler has sued American Express Travel Related Services, claiming Amex is excluding from its catalogs items from vendors owned by Hasidic
Start Your Engines
SEARCH ENGINES are still the favorite way for consumers to find products on the Web. More than ever, it’s important to be savvy about how search engines
In-house Ed at IBM
PERHAPS NOTHING symbolized the IBM of the past more than its fabled salesmen in the gray flannel suits. But since 1994 the old-line computer company has
Quarterdeck President Hessler Resigns
CURT HESSLER HAS resigned as president, CEO and director of Quarterdeck Corp., a computer helpware direct marketer/retailer in Marina del Rey, CA. The
Have You Hugged Your Printer Today?
IN THIS AGE of camera-ready art, or direct-to-plate printing, it’s easy for a print house to accept a passive role in a card deck’s preparation. However,
100 years of Promotion
If some 21st century Durkheim wanted insight on how Americans lived in this century, he could do worse than visit the Pillsbury archives, Bake-Off division.
Rudolf Gains More Friends
NEW YORK Four Christmas themed videos will team with M&M/Mars this holiday season for an offer that includes instant wins, a sweepstakes, and $1 off any
Awards, Pro and Con
IN OUR OPINION awards programs should present the best work that’s been done, not provoke the question, “Is that the best an awards program can do?”Case
Don’t Quote Me-PLEASE
IT’S ALWAYS NICE to be quoted in a prestigious newspaper like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe or the