
Chief Marketer Staff

  • Instant Gratification

    WOULDN’T IT BE nice if charities that help disaster victims could get donations right after TV viewers had their hearts tugged by footage of the devastation

  • Amex Accused of Bias Against Hasidic Jews

    A NEW YORK jeweler has sued American Express Travel Related Services, claiming Amex is excluding from its catalogs items from vendors owned by Hasidic

  • Start Your Engines

    SEARCH ENGINES are still the favorite way for consumers to find products on the Web. More than ever, it’s important to be savvy about how search engines

  • In-house Ed at IBM

    PERHAPS NOTHING symbolized the IBM of the past more than its fabled salesmen in the gray flannel suits. But since 1994 the old-line computer company has

  • Quarterdeck President Hessler Resigns

    CURT HESSLER HAS resigned as president, CEO and director of Quarterdeck Corp., a computer helpware direct marketer/retailer in Marina del Rey, CA. The

  • Have You Hugged Your Printer Today?

    IN THIS AGE of camera-ready art, or direct-to-plate printing, it’s easy for a print house to accept a passive role in a card deck’s preparation. However,

  • 100 years of Promotion

    If some 21st century Durkheim wanted insight on how Americans lived in this century, he could do worse than visit the Pillsbury archives, Bake-Off division.

  • Rudolf Gains More Friends

    NEW YORK Four Christmas themed videos will team with M&M/Mars this holiday season for an offer that includes instant wins, a sweepstakes, and $1 off any

  • Awards, Pro and Con

    IN OUR OPINION awards programs should present the best work that’s been done, not provoke the question, “Is that the best an awards program can do?”Case

  • Don’t Quote Me-PLEASE

    IT’S ALWAYS NICE to be quoted in a prestigious newspaper like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe or the