Articles by Chief Marketer Staff

10 SEO Tips for Site Redesigns

|  by Alex Berg

Here are 10 simple SEO tips to follow to ensure your website stays on page one after you throw the switch on a new site redesign.

Marketers’ Most Wanted: Sports Fans

|  by Sherry Chiger

In the Most Wanted series, Chief Marketer looks at some of the top demographic segments marketers need to target in 2017. In this week’s spotlight, sports fans.

Ways Data and Martech Can Help Communications Leaders

|  by Dave Hawley

Today’s martech and data explosion holds the key for chief communications officers to gain the data-driven insights, projections and authority that their C-suite counterparts already enjoy.

Five Ways Agencies Can Prove Their Value

|  by Drew McLellan

To charge a premium rate for high-quality services, agencies must position themselves in a way that makes it obvious to clients why their services are so valuable.

Marketers Most Wanted: Millennials

|  by Sherry Chiger

In the Most Wanted series, Chief Marketer looks at some of the top demographic segments marketers need to target in 2017—up this week: millennials.

Why Marketers Should Put on Wearables

|  by Tony Tie

Millennials are 55% more likely than older Americans to own wearables, and marketers need to be ready to reach this audience on the go.

Marketers’ Most Wanted: Teachers

|  by Sherry Chiger

In the Most Wanted series, Chief Marketer looks at some of the top demographic segments marketers need to target in 2017. This week, we look at K-12 teachers.