
  • Infographic: ‘How Businesses Are Making Friends on Facebook’

    Ambassador, a social marketing platform giving companies tools to reward customers for referrals, has generated an infographic detailing how businesses are capitalizing on Facebook. The social network offers a place where businesses can know their audience and tailor their messages accordingly. The infographic follows a user named “Ed” and his journey to becoming a brand […]

  • Village Voice Media and Yelp Reach Agreement: Yelp Will No Longer Use ‘Best of’

    As part of an agreement between Village Voice Media (VVM) and Yelp, Yelp will no longer say “Best of [city name].” Instead, Yelp will go back to this format: “Best of Yelp: [city name].” This comes less than a month after VVM filed a complaint against Yelp regarding the “Best of” phrase in various cities. […]

  • Google Offers Advice for Building Websites to Serve Smartphone and Tablet Users

    Though Google says it doesn’t have “specific recommendations for building search engine friendly tablet-optimized websites, there are some tips for building websites that serve smartphone and tablet users well.” For starters, Google says to consider how smartphone and tablet users expect. With larger screens, tablets can offer users browsing experiences that can be as rich […]

  • Groupon and the Race to Change to Save Its Business

    Groupon and its daily-deals cohorts set out to change the way small businesses advertised. Now they’re the ones seeking to change in the face of mounting evidence that its business model doesn’t quite work. Groupon and LivingSocial, both fresh off of bad financial reports, are trying to diversify their business and venture off into the […]

  • FedEx Launches Ship to Friends App on Facebook

    FedEx is embracing social commerce a little bit more with its Ship to Friends Facebook app. The app enables U.S.-based users to prepare and pay for a FedEx shipment within leaving Facebook’s site. When the app is launched, users just have to click the “Start shipping” button. This will show the user a request for […]

  • Facebook Users Are Spending 30 Fewer Minutes on the Site Than They Did 6 Months Ago

    According to the most recent numbers from Nielsen, visitors to Facebook’s website spent 6:40:32 (hh:mm:ss) on the site in September. Back in March, visitors spent 7:09:23 on the social network. This probably isn’t a very troubling sign though, since the decline is probably attributable to the emergence of mobile usage. According to Facebook, it has […]

  • Online Coupons and Deals Aren’t as Big This Year for Holiday Shoppers

    If Groupon is counting on the holiday season to give its struggling business a boost, it’d better think again. According to a new study from Ipsos Public Affairs and, daily deals are significantly less popular this year than they were last year. The study found that 71 percent of respondents say they shop online, […]

  • Four New Twitter Updates You Might Have Missed

    By Paul Taylor, founder and CEO of Webmarketing123

    Social media moves fast! It seems like we’re only able to make it a few months before our newsfeeds are once again filled with complaints about Facebook’s latest design overhaul. Twitter has been no exception to the rule. In just a few months, the platform boasts a brand-new look and a handful of new features and advertising options. To make things a bit easier, we’ve compiled the platform’s most recent updates into one digestible post.

  • Local-Commerce Profile: Q&A With NimbleCommerce

    This continues our series of profiles of local-commerce companies. The purpose of these Q&A profiles is to give merchants, marketers and others in the industry a look at what some deal platforms out there are doing. These profiles are also meant to offer different perspectives on the future of the local-commerce industry. This week we’re […]

  • Groupon’s Woes Continue, Shares Dip Under $3, Russian Investor Cuts Stake

    “Groupon Inc. is showing the risks of a young company shifting its business model — pivoting, to use techdom’s 2012 buzz word — and investors don’t like it.” As of around 11:15 a.m. EDT on Friday, GRPN is trading at $2.78, down 29.2 percent for the day and down 86.1 percent from its $20 IPO […]