
  • Instagram’s New Profile Pages and the Emerging Image Economy

    Instagram introduced Web-based profile pages this week. While the rollout is currently limited to select users and brands, others will see their profile pages in the coming weeks. At first glance, this doesn’t seem like anything significant just yet

  • How to Increase PPC and SEO Conversion With Email Nurture

    The realm of small-business online marketing doesn’t have the kinds of proven consumer behavior that brick-and-mortar retail businesses do. Norms are still forming. But here’s what is known: 73 percent of inbound leads are not sales-ready, and marketers place too much emphasis on generating leads while losing sight of the real goal. They overlook the […]

  • 5 Tools to Measure Your Pinterest Campaigns

    Pinterest has emerged as a very popular source of referral traffic

  • Groupon Posts a Net Loss in Q3 2012, Lays off 80 Employees

    Groupon reported a net loss of $3 million, or zero cents per share, in the third quarter. While this marked an improvement from its net loss of $54.2 million in the same quarter last year, shares of GRPN plummeted in after-hours trading, as the company was expected to post revenue of $590 million, or 3 […]

  • How Marketers Can Generate Leads With YouTube: 8 Things to Keep in Mind

    Justin Bieber, Psy and, yes, even Rebecca Black have tasted varying forms of success on YouTube, the

  • How to Use Foursquare to Market Your Business

    Foursquare is the “ideal platform to bridge the gap between your offline and online audience in an affordable and scalable way.” While there are alternatives, Foursquare sits atop the mountain of location-based social apps, boasting 20 million users. It offers a way for businesses to build their customer base with new prospects while rewarding loyal […]

  • How Marketers Can Use and Benefit From Twitter Cards

    Question: Do you know what Twitter Cards are? Twitter is well-known by now, of course, but Twitter Cards aren’t. Twitter Cards are what meta tags are for Google and what Open Graph tags are for Facebook. Twitter says Twitter Cards enable marketers to “attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content.” All it […]

  • How to Track Calls From Mobile Ads: Five Tools to Consider

    Click-through rates aren’t always an accurate indicator of conversions or purchase intent for mobile ads

  • Search Retargeting FAQ: Search Data, Scalability, Keywords, Etc.

    Since search retargeting first hit the scene, the questions from the market have become a lot more complex, partly because imitators are confusing buyers. To clarify what search retargeting is all about, Dan Hamman of Chango, a search retargeting firm, addresses seven of the most commonly asked questions about search retargeting. For instance: Where do […]

  • Social Commerce Among the Key Storylines for the 2012 Online Holiday Shopping Season

    November’s arrival means the online holiday shopping season is upon us. According to comScore, this holiday season looks to be a positive one with strong year-over-year growth rates. For this year, comScore has identified four key trends: social commerce, smartphones, showrooming and sit-back shopping. These trends mean winners will include established online retail brands like […]