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Why Tablets Are Big Business

One look at Apple's sales figures make the above point almost moot. Whoever guessed that they would sell millions upon millions was certainly better than us at guessing the demand. A quick search showed an article which estimated that Apple...

Cost per Thousand Butts? The Quest for Real-time Deal Optimization

Groupon and LivingSocial receive the type of press coverage that most businesses could only dream about. Literally not a day goes by where one if not both aren't in the news. Sometimes you get the feeling that the companies wouldn’t mind if some of...

Mobile Search Market: $901 Million in 2010

How big is the mobile search market? Well, according to Research and Markets, the market was $901 million big, equivalent to about 3 percent of total search revenues.

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

A Life So Fragile: Natural Disaster Japan

The news started trickling in last Friday just before 3pm EST. A magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck Japan leaving not only in its wake 50 plus aftershocks but a path of destruction, the result of a tsunami triggered from the earthquake. As the Huffington Post...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Money Can Buy Twitter Mentions but Not Positive Brand Sentiment

Money can buy a lot of things - even Twitter mentions - but it can't buy your brand positive brand sentiment, according to a recent study from Covario, a company that offers enterprise software solutions and search marketing services.

Bing-Powered Search Continues to Gain Ground, See Higher Success Rate Than Google

Bing-powered search continues to see happy days as it gained ground on Google in February and saw noticeably higher "success" rates than the biggest search engine in the land, according to Experian Hitwise. The company also revealed sites that saw spikes in traffic after the earthquake and tsunami in...