Why the “Most Interesting Man in the World” was Sent to Mars

Augustin Legrand
Dos Equis new “Most Interesting Man in the World” 41-year-old Augustin Legrand

It’s all about the fight for the younger consumers. And it’s why Dos Equis sent its popular—yet aging—“Most Interesting Man in the World” on a one-way mission to mars, banishing him from both the brand’s marketing and advertising and his fans.

Dos Equis made this surprising decision even though sales for the beer have soared since the campaign, featuring the now 77-year old debonair gentleman Jonathan Smith, began in 2007.

So a new, younger man has been unveiled as the “Most Interesting Man in the World,” French actor and 41-year-old Augustin Legrand.

Comments on social media reflected a range of emotions: dismay, confusion and plenty of humor. Read the article …

Watch the “Who is this New Guy” video:

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