Which Technologies will Change the way we Understand Target Audiences in 2017?

As we know, understanding target audiences can make or break your campaign. If your message isn’t relevant and engaging—or horrors—offensive to your audience all your hard work is all for naught.

target audiencesHowever, gaining a solid understanding of your target is no easy task. There are myriad tools to mine and segment the data, the focus groups and surveys. And, it seems, each day there is a new technology or method to smooth the process in a more effective and efficient way.

To help us with this task, here are 7 ways to figure out target audiences as 2017 approaches. For example, there will be major enhancements in technology platforms from giants like Google and Facebook to target users through more refined filters. Also on the horizon are more sophisticated forms of measurement and more insights into how people live, their passions and what they want from brands. Read the article …

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