Unilever Searches for ‘Green’ Kids in Contest

Unilever’s is out with a national contest tied to its All Small & Mighty concentrated laundry detergent that gets kids thinking green while getting a chance to win $50,000 for their school and other prizes.

The “Go Green & Small with ‘All’” contest is part of an overall promotion that challenges elementary school students to become environmentally conscious. It includes an eco-education program that teaches kids that you don’t have to be big or do big things to help the environment.

A Web site at http://www.gogreenwithall.com encourages kids and parents to track their efforts to protect the environment. The site also includes a section for kids to share their eco-stories and photos, games and lesson plans for teachers.

The online contest through Nov. 26 is searching for the greenest elementary school in the country. To enter, a school submits its eco-report card to show how students’ families practice environmentally friendly behavior at home.

The school that sends in the largest percentage of eco-reports and the most passionate eco-stories will win the grand prize. The prize package includes a $50,000 grant toward green improvements at the school, a green iPod shuffle with an environmentally friendly solar charger for each student and a year’s supply of All detergent.

Nine finalist schools will each win $5,000, and be featured on the http://www.gogreenwithall.com Web site.

Entrants also have a chance to be featured on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and win a one-year supply of All Small & Mighty. Unilever is a sponsor of the talk show.

Online marketing supports the contest, which Don Jagoda Associates administers. Weber Shandwick handles PR for Unilever.