Keep or toss? When a consumer opens a piece of mail or a package, your insert has but a few precious seconds to capture their attention or be relegated to the recycling bin. Consider the following key elements to get your insert piece noticed.
1. Offer: The offer should be featured on both the front and back of the piece for maximum visibility.
Two-tiered offers are more attractive to consumers. For example, 20% off + free shipping will outperform a free shipping only offer from a response perspective. However, split testing is the only way to determine how each offer performs at the ROI level.
Incorporating a purchase hurdle (ex: 20% off $50 or more + free shipping) is an effective way to attract a less promotional, more qualified buyer and achieve a higher LTV.
2. Visuals: Your insert piece should be brand-appropriate, featuring complementary colors and your company logo displayed prominently.
Include a clear photo of your product, relying on data whenever possible to determine what product images have driven the highest level of sales in other media channels, on your website or in your catalog.
If your offer includes a premium or free gift, be sure to include a photo of this as well to further entice consumers.
3. Copy: Once you have the consumer’s attention and interest, it’s imperative that your copy generates the intended response.
Body copy must effectively demonstrate why the consumer needs or, better yet, must have your product or service. Explain in simple, straightforward terms how it will benefit them or enrich their lives, and why they should purchase this product from you and not your competitors.
Focus on content that is quick and easy to absorb. Visual elements such as bullet points, bolded or highlighted copy, bursts, arrows and faux post-it notes can be used in moderation to call out top selling points and areas of differentiation from your competitors.
4. Call-to-Action: Provide a compelling reason for the consumer to make an immediate purchasing decision.
Commands such as, “Act Now!,” “Call Today!,” “Hurry!,” and “Don’t Delay!,” as well as the use of “Limited Time Offer!” and expiration dates work to drive impulse purchase behavior.
5. Reply Devices: Feature your 800 number, URL and promo code on both the front and back of the piece in font that is prominent and clearly legible. When targeting an older audience, an order form or BRC is recommended.
The order form should be simple and user-friendly with enough space provided for each element. Include boxes for credit card number and expiration date, and make sure your company name and return address are clearly indicated on the order form itself.
The best way to ensure that your form is easy to use and captures all the necessary information is to go through the motions of placing an order, yourself.
Keeping these best practices in mind when developing your next insert media creative will position your campaign for success.
Joyce Beggs is vice president, list brokerage & media at PlusMedia.