Text Links Tips

Text links are loved by some and hated by others, but regardless of what your personal stance on the issue is text links are tools that should be, at the very least, understood.

An important (but not the only) factor in determining how high your site shows up on search engine results pages is link popularity. This is the idea that the more sites that are linking to yours, the more relevant and important your site is. If you don’t know how many sites are linking to yours all you have to do is head over to any search engine and type in “link:http://www.yoursite.com” (inserting your site’s actual url, of course). You will then see a page that shows a list of sites that link to yours. It should be noted that Google will never show you all of the sites that link to yours, though the exact reason for this is unknown. Most people assume that it is just an enigma that is related to their top secret ranking algorithm.

If you are considering looking into text links to help your site’s ranking be sure to only purchase links from sites that are related to your topic and that have at least a Google PageRank of 4. A site with a PageRank of 7 or 8 is especially attractive. But do not let the PageRank blind you. Buying a text link from a site with PR 8 but focused on a topic completely unrelated to yours will not help you much.

There are one-way links, and then there are reciprocal links. As the names suggest, a reciprocal link is when two sites link to each other, while a one-way link is when one sites links to another without having a link directed back to their site. One-way links help your site’s ranking more than a reciprocal link, which makes them more valuable.

Before you begin purchasing text links, there are four points to keep in mind:

1. Be sure to include your keywords in your anchor text when you supply your text link to another site. The anchor text is the actual text that a user will see in your clickable link. Change up your key phrases so that you will not get on the bad side of the search engines.
2. Always be consistent with your url, meaning that you should always include the “www.” in all your incoming links since “yoursite.com” and “www.yoursite.com” will be seen as two different sites by search engines.
3. Don’t be overzealous when it comes to buying links early on. If a search engine sees that hundreds of sites are linking to yours in your first week they will most likely catch it and be suspicious. Be patient and buy links slowly.
4. Be wary of link farms. Being linked to (pun intended) or associated with these spamdexing sites will not go over well with search engines. Also try to get links from various IP addresses and not just one or two. Search engines will favor your links if they come from different IP addresses.

Now that the basics have been covered, here is a short list of places where you can purchase text links.

LinkHaul (http://www.linkhaul.com)
TextLinkBrokers (http://textlinkbrokers.com)
LinkAdage (http://www.linkadage.com)
BackLinks (http://www.backlinks.com)
Text-Link-Ads (http://www.text-link-ads.com)

Buying text links is not the only way to build up your site’s link popularity, but it is a tool that is readily available for your use.


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