
Postal Regulations

  • Wait and See: Mailers react to USPS fiscal crisis

    There is no question that the U.S. Postal Service is facing financial trouble. In early September, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe characterized its “restrictive business model” as being in a state of “crisis.” Remedies for this crisis could include anything from rate increases to curtailed delivery days to reductions in labor forces.

  • Amazon’s Tax Avoidance Effort Asks Much But Gives Little

    There’s cheekiness aplenty on both sides of a California effort to collect taxes on online sales. Earlier this summer, the Golden State passed a law requiring online marketers with a physical presence in the state to collect these taxes. Wags might …

  • Hurricane Damages Postal Facilities, Operations

    The destruction wrought by hurricane Irene has caused postal facilities from the Carolinas up to Massachusetts to temporarily suspend operations while officials assess the degree of damage. Some direct mailers have shown an ability to survive …

  • Donahoe Warns of Further Mail Delivery Cuts

    Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe cranked up the rhetoric about the survivability of the U.S. Postal Service when he said mail delivery may eventually have to cut down to three days a week. Earlier this month, Donahoe reportedly warned that mail …