The Mouse Goes Mobile: Disney Embraces PDA Marketing
Disney may be a small world after all, but it takes big people to access it, especially via mobile devices.
Paper, Mobile and E-mail Marketing Synch Up
A new service from Mobile i-Mail seeks to remove guesswork from the timing of multichannel, multi-effort campaigns.
Sports Authority Pitches Check-in Rewards via Loopt Star App
Retailer Sports Authority has opted to test running promotions in the geo-social network Loopt Star that will give iPhone users discounts for checking in either at SA stores or
Retailers, Mall Group Sign on to “Walk In, Win Points” Mobile App
Four major retail brand names and the largest U.S. mall property group have agreed to become the first clients of a new location-based shopping app that gives smartphone users points for just walking through the door
BD Network Acquires We Love Mobile
BD Network, a U.K.-based advertising agency, has acquired We Love Mobile, a mobile creative agency.
Going Mobile with Loyalty Rewards
So you want to connect with a consumer or maybe reward him for making a purchase or sharing the good word about your product or service. A mobile rewards platform may be just what you need.
Brooks Takes Running Shoe Launch Mobile with 2-D Contest
Sports gear maker Brooks is introducing the latest in its line of running shoes with a 2-D barcode campaign that can enter customers to win a mobile sweepstakes
Mobile, Minutes-As-Currency Key To African Markets
The so-called BRIC developing countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China – may find a new region in their midst, if GlobalFluency has any say. The marketing firm has inked an agreement with africapractice, a strategic communications firm, under which africapractice will provide GlobalFluency’s partner organization The CMO Council with entry into 15 African nations.
Stakool to Purchase LinQpay
Stakool Inc., a mobile payment services company, will acquire LinQpay, a similar company.
Mobile Marketing: Today’s New Frontier
In spite of all that has been written about the benefits of mobile marketing, we are still explorers in this new frontier. And no different than in the past, it brings challenges and opportunities that are being discovered every day.