Data & Analytics
Google Delays Phase-Out of Third-Party Cookies Until 2023
Google announced it would delay cookie deprecation for another two years.
Customers Acquired via Facebook Ads Are Slightly More Valuable Than Those Acquired via Google Ads
According to a study from RJMetrics, flash-sale businesses vastly outperform traditional online retailers when it comes to growing customer lifetime value in a customer’s first year. The study also highlights the finding that over the long haul, customers acquired via Facebook advertising are…
Google Owned Two-Thirds of the Search Market in May 2012
According to comScore, Google expanded its U.S. search kingdom to claim 2 out of every 3 search queries in May.
In May, Google Sites owned 66.7 percent of the U.S. explicit core search…
The New Google Slaps – Now with A Dose of Cuteness
There’s an old joke. It goes, what’s black and white and read all over? When you hear the joke, though, it sounds like, what is black and white and red all over? You aren’t expected the play on words, and that’s why when you first…
Facebook Shares More Important Than Backlinks for Google Search Results
Searchmetrics studied 10,000 top keywords; 300,000 websites; and millions of links, shares and tweets. The company compared potential ranking factors and found that social media signals are strongly correlated with good rankings in Google’s index.