


    Home Delivery/USA Of course it’s important to know your customer, but for Packard Bell, it became crucial to get to know its retail salespeople – and

  • Account-Specific Spotlight: Detroit

    Motor City markets are big on coupons, but short on some of the services that are standard in other cities. Detroit is the No. 1 market for stores offering

  • Convenience is Work

    Aside from obvious issues of size and selection, what distinguishes the convenience store channel from its supermarket, mass merchandise, and drug store

  • Malling Betty

    General Mills begins construction this month Betty Crocker Kitchen, a retail bakery outlet in the Mall of America. The store will open in mid-October,

  • Account-Specific Spotlight: Phoenix

    Phoenix grocers are big on free samples, but light on frequent-shopper deals. Only 11 percent of stores here have frequent-shopper programs. Fully 94

  • Chain Link

    Shopping Habits Do Prepared Home Meal purchasers leave the supermarket with a couple of carts crammed to the rims with goodies? Not so, says New York

  • Resetting the Shelf

    With Albertson’s and American Stores merged, can Kroger and Safeway be far behind? Apparently, they can be.Though rumors boomeranged about a merger between

  • Account-Specific Spotlight: Atlanta

    There’s been a second march on Atlanta, and the victors this time are Publix and Wal-Mart. The two chains have captured a combined 25 share in the last

  • Account-Specific Spotlight: Washington D.C.

    These are the salad days for our nation’s capitol. Washington has the highest percentage of supermarket salad bars in the country, nearly 60 percent.More

  • Chugging Along

    Jim Page doesn’t think much about the breakfast table these days. Page is the ringleader for Dean Food Co.’s $13 million rollout of Milk Chug, resealable